He is Daddy Number 1. Not because he came first but because he pays more. He makes sure my fees is paid and my rent is covered. He also fucks good, at sixty he still got game. He's the ambassador KT hooked me up with, white and foreign. He has a thick accent that makes being with him feel less like a job. I clamber into his government issued land cruiser and settle in the lush seat. Now this is the life. Daddy Number 1 should definitely start a business for me.

"Here, buy yourself whatever," he hands me a fifty dollar note. My heart dances. Yes, money makes me come. I take it from him like it doesn't mean much. Rule number 1, they should never ever know how much you depend on them or they'll make your life hell just for the money. So I act like this piece of paper means nothing to me whwn in reality I just want to cry. After all he knows he's giving his money to Tanaka, he knows it's expensive to hit this.