Congratulations On Isekai!

I was Shizuka, an 18 year old otaku girl who fantasized about reincarnating in various worlds, especially Naruto. Where I would experiment like Orochimaru, steal Naruto's and Sasuke's chakra, awaken Rinnegan and shout 'Shinra Tensei', drop bombs and say 'art is an explosion!', collect all bijuus and become OP as Kaguya but No! The ROB has to just screw my plan!

Before my reincarnation, I was being chased by the Death God, Truck-sama itself when I was driving my mum's car. I had the license! The one we get when we are 15! You know that, right? Just it had a mistake that my name was not written on it.

Apparently, the Truck didn't have any driver, confirming my suspicions that it was Truck-sama. Please, if you Isekai me, atleast give me a Rinnegan!

Finally, Truck-sama finished his job and delivered me to ROB. He(is he HE?) said in an arrogant tone, "You wanted to go to Naruto world? I will reincarnate you there! Now bow to me mortal!"

I couldn't help but glare at him, this young master(mistress?) fool! His delivery system was brutal. I didn't want to get through the feeling of being crushed inside my car.

Apparently, my glare hurt his ego, so he shouted at the top of his lungs (does he have any?), "I will reincarnate you as Sakura! Forget about Shinra Tensei! I hope you die in the crossfire between Naruto and Sasuke's battle! Know your place mortal!"


"I am sorry! This mortal forgot her place! Please don't do it! What will be the meaning to go into Naruto if I can't flatten a village with my glare!?"

"You have angered this senior god! If you don't want me to turn you into Pakkun then don't bother me any further!"

No! even Izumo and Kotetsu will be better than turning into Kakashi's dog.

"I will accept being reincarnated as Sakura! I will even pray to you every day O great ROB-sama! I am very thankful to you for granting me this opportunity!"

"Hmph! You should have just understood that earlier. Now shoo!"

And then, I lost my consciousness.

When I opened my eyes, I could slightly see a man with dark pink and funny hairstyle holding me. When he said "Sakura", I couldn't take it anymore and cried till I fell asleep.

In my sleep, I dreamt of Naruto and Sasuke changing landscapes in their lover's quarrel, and I got caught up in the crossfire and died. Good bye superpowers. I really wanted to shout Shinra Tensei! I will never pray to you you shitty ROB!