
I am skipping some years, as I don't think my audience will be very curious about my baby days when all I did was eat, sleep and repeat. And mind you, girls don't poop.

I was currently 3 years old. About six months ago, I tried moving my chakra. You don't have to 'unlock' it like fanfictions said. I always felt it, along with chakra in nature. Maybe I am a genius sensor who can even sense Nature Chakra. Perks of reincarnation.

I could even feel the density. So I took in a miniscule amount of Nature Chakra and started mixing with my own. It was very tough to be honest but I succeeded. I call it crack cultivation.

I did all kinds of exercise and tell you what? Chakra is amazing! 3 year old me can run more than 15 year old me! I was totally not an overweight in my previous life! And I traveled long distances daily, even though on scooty.


I winced at the loud voice which disturbed me from telling you guys about my story. Mum shouts too loud for my taste.

"Don't wanna! They are snotty brats!"

I think I shouldn't have said that. She came out smiling cheerfully, with a frying pan in her hand.

"Hehe. I-I was just joking! I am a good girl! Bye bye!"

Mum is scary!

I ran fastly to the playground and sat down under a tree. I will just hide here for some time and try to stick leaves for chakra control. But I sensed Mum coming after me. I clicked my tongue and went towards a group of brats.

'You are a brat yourself.'

I shrugged at the voice. It's been 3 years since I was born. Last year, I heard the voice in my head. I went to my mindscape and found an adult version of mix of Sakura and previous me arranging a library. She told me that she was an excess Yin construct and will mix with me gradually as my chakra balances. Good riddance. I don't want to be a creepy girl with a voice in her head.

"What are you guys playing?"

The girls turn towards me and the leader immediately pointed her finger towards me.

"Haha! How does she have such large forehead!"

Hmph! It is normal size. I am the cutest girl in the world! And what's with their attitude of 'Insult at First Sight'?

"Eww, you girls smell like poop! Like I will play with you smelly brats!"

I retorted with a greeting that suited them.

The three idiots immediately surrounded me.

"We will teach you a lesson, Forehead girl!"




"Please stop! No!"

"We will not tease you!"


I beat up all of them. I am so awesome! I won 3 on 1 handicap without effort! Hahaha! Haha... Why am I so proud of myself after beating 3 years old brats?

"Um, are you alright?"

I turned around and saw a blonde haired girl with pupil-less eyes.


The word immediately left my mouth as soon as I saw her. Well, she was the second cutest girl, after me obviously.

"Hi, I am Ino Yamanaka! You were so cool there! Wanna be friends?"



From that day, whenever Mum will threaten me to play outside, I will go to Ino. She introduced me to Shikamaru and Chouji as well.


"What a drag." Typical Shikamaru.

"Want a chip?" You are the best Chouji!

"Hi Sakura!" My cutie Ino.


We winced at the loud shout. Apparently, our mums were friends since their academy time. My shop is near Ino's, and the Ino-Shika-Cho clans are just side by side. We have one thing in common, laid back pops and intense mums.

"I don't want to play that stupid game anymore!"

"It isn't so bad." Ino, all we have played in these three years is Ninja.

"I am with Sakura on this." Shika, we are comrades.

"You just want to laze around!"

"How about a spar?"

"No!" "Not a chance!" "Not again."

I got shot down again. These kids don't want to fight at all.

"I suggest we just watch clouds"



We winced again.

""""What a drag.""""


So like this, 6 years of my life has passed. I continued doing 100 push ups, sit ups, being spiderman in my room, lifting heavy things, trying to make thinner and thinner chakra threads to improve my already excellent chakra control and doing calligraphy, along with occasionally meeting up with my friends.

And now, it was time for enrolling in Academy.