Wave Mission-1

It's been a month in our Genin life. I asked Kakashi for teaching me sealing but he just lent me his books and keeps an eye on me when I learn myself. Sealing levels are beginner, intermediate, advanced and master. I have been abusing shadow clones (I make 5 at a time) and made it halfway through intermediate level, but my progress has been stagnant since there...

I exchanged Shadow Clones and Great Fireball Jutsu from Naruto and Sasuke in exchange of teaching them some Chakra control exercises. I also learnt Mystical palm after bothering Kakashi for quite some time. He introduced someone from hospital to me and I have been visiting frequently to learn more stuff. We get one C-rank and one D-rank jutsu from library on becoming Genin. I chose Earth style:Mud Wall and a D-rank genjutsu. I have gotten a bit good at sword.

Due to my severe Youthful training, Sasuke and Naruto has also upped their training. Both of them can do tree walking, Naruto's taijutsu is getting better day by day due to me challenging him on taijutsu battle with him using his endless shadow clones, Sasuke has picked up using sword and has come close to my level. Naruto just straight up rejected sealing.

Now it's time for our first C-rank mission. D-ranks aren't worth mentioning besides capturing Tora.

Hokage: "Let's see, babysitting, cleaning kennels,..."

Naruto: "No old man! Give us some real mission Dattebayo! I am not a child anymore!"

"Blah blah blah

Go to Wave mission blah blah

Will this shrimp protect me blah blah blah

I will kill you blah blah

don't kill client blah blah

Meet at village gate in an hour"

I went home to pick up all my weapons, food supplements and wore my new armour unnderneath my outfit. I will be facing Zabuza and Haku soon so I have to be ready. I have made a new seal for looting Zabuza's sword. If I can somehow find its secret then I will have a regenerable sword.

I also got several vials from hospital after getting recognised as genius in medical field. I will get Sasuke's and Haku's blood, so I can try to have Ice Style and maybe I can find something from Uchiha blood, I don't think I will be able to awaken Sharingan without becoming second Orochimaru, which I don't want to as living in the village will become hard.

After getting ready, I arrived at the village gate and began our journey.