Epilogue: Farewell to the Past

On a hillside near the Gateway to the Ark, which was shut down following the Dawn's return to Earth, Marines gathered for a memorial service for the fallen. But they were not alone this time; they were joined by Rear Admiral Jacob Keyes, recently-promoted Captain Miranda Keyes, Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson, Doctor Catherine Halsey, Arbiter Thel 'Vadam, and all seventy-five of the Parallel Spartans. Fleet Admiral Lord Terrence Hood stood at the more-or-less head of the gathering, all eyes upon him as he removed his cap and began to speak.

"For us," he said, "the storm has passed. The war is over. But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark, and did not return. For their decision required courage beyond measure..."

The whole of the Forward Unto Dawn wound up entering Earth's atmosphere at too high a speed, streaking over the African continent. Unable to reduce forward momentum in time, she crashed into the Indian Ocean.

"...sacrifice, and unshakable conviction that their fight, our fight, was elsewhere."

Fortunately for everyone onboard, the Dawn floated, at least for a time, and an engineering crew cut them free and brought them to shore. She sank not long after, but it didn't take too long before work began to raise her once more.

"As we start to rebuild," the Fleet Admiral continued, "this hillside will remain barren, a memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us, and they shall not be forgotten." He put his cap back on and saluted, the other military personnel present moving to do the same.

"Present arms!" Sergeant Stacker shouted, and the Marines with him lifted their battle rifles. Each fired off three shots - a twenty-one gun salute for all the fallen in the Human-Covenant War. The echoes reverberated over the plains long after the Marines lowered their weapons.

One by one, the group dispersed, though the Spartans remained behind with their "mother", circulating amongst themselves and waiting to be dismissed. But they inclined their heads to the Arbiter as he passed, a gesture he returned as he joined Lord Hood next to the monument. The Pelican wing was decorated with pictures and insignias of the fallen.

"I remember how this war started," Hood began, "What your kind did to mine. I can't forgive you. But… You have my thanks. For fighting with us in the end." He held out his hand, and the Arbiter shook it. After letting go, the human sighed quietly. "Hard to believe it's over."

The Arbiter hummed, then said, "Were it so easy. I agree with the Holy Ones' Commander in this - the war is over, but the fighting is far from finished."


The Arbiter returned to the Shadow of Intent, where Rtas was standing on the bridge, arms crossed as he stared at a holographic image of Earth. When he noticed the other Sangheili, he dropped his arms and said, subdued, "Things look different, without the Prophets' lies clouding my vision. I would like to see our own world - to know that it is safe."

"Fear not," the Arbiter said, resting a hand on Rtas' shoulder before padding on past him, "For we have made it so." He thumped his fist to his chest.

"By your word, Arbiter." The Shipmaster returned the gesture.

The Arbiter sank down in the command chair and told the bridge crew, "Take us home."

Minutes later, the Shadow of Intent left Earth orbit to rejoin the remains of the Separatist fleet in space, and they departed the Sol System for Sangheilos.


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