Sudden Death II

Coming inside to meet the horrific sight, Audrey just knew that there was no saving her mother, there was no first aid that could save her from the clutches of cancer.

Leo wasn't aware of her mother's cancer, so he wasn't aware of what Audrey was going through just carrying her mother's lifeless body on her arms. They were both shocked to meet the body, and Leo was confused when after some minutes, Audrey hadn't still called the police.

When Leo was about to do just that, the vibrant voice he heard a while ago was replaced by a croaked voice, Like that if a person who hasn't spoken in days, "don't! ", Audrey said looking all miserable with tears running uncontrollably from her eyes.

" She died of Lung cancer", Audrey added before Leo mouthed an o. Audrey had thought she had braced herself for what was to come next, the grief, the realization, the denial, the acceptance, she thought she had braced herself.

However just sitting there with her mother's corpse in her arms Audrey broke down, she didn't even care that Leo, someone who she wasn't all that familiar with was there with her as she mourned her mother, she just cried her heart out realizing that her pillars of support, her parents and the very first people to love her dearly had left the world too soon.

Although she didn't say it, Audrey was glad that Leo was there with her. Even if she couldn't describe what she felt at the moment, just sobbing in his arms as her mother's body was being taken care of, all she hoped was for him to understand that she needed the company at the moment.

It was still surreal to see her mother being packed by someone else, she had left her mother that morning thinking about the outstanding payments she needed to make regarding her mother's chemotherapy shots. Now it didn't even matter anymore because she was already dead now.

Prisca was especially mortified to hear about Audrey's mother's death, it was a big reminder to put more effort on the work she did, so her father would be saved from his stroke. Regardless, she offered to be with Audrey the whole time because she knew she needed the company.

Audrey was not the type that talked about her feelings to just anyone like it was a random topic, and Prisca was already used to that. For Prisca who got to know her over the space of months, it was heart-wrenching seeing Audrey's lifeless eyes go around the house recalling painful memories.

Prisca didn't know how long it was going to take, but she hoped Audrey would recover from both losses soon.

The funeral was miniature, as Audrey's mother had requested, with only people that were really important to the family and Audrey. Just sitting there during the procession, Audrey recalled the beautiful memories her once complete family made before her parents died.

Audrey couldn't even say much about her mother's death, it was hell for her, regardless she was going to make her parents proud of her, wherever they may be.