Setting dates

The duo talked about random things on the way to Audrey's house, it was funny how the random things made so much sense, making the car even livelier than the usual damp mood.

They finally got to Audrey's place where Prisca was standing outside wondering who owned the sleek car. She had come to throw out the trash when she saw the black car pull up in front of their house.

Audrey who was still smiling thinking of how smooth their conversation went asked, "so, this, driving me home and spending time together is to be expected every day of the week?", Audrey asked to be sure.

" Yes it is, at some point, paparazzi will start following me with their cameras, by then you should have been more accustomed to my presence!", Lucas answered.

"Well then, brace yourself because I can be very funny!", Audrey said taking her seatbelt off. "I'll like to see how true that is!", Lucas replied smiling widely. " Alright then, goodnight Lucas!", "good night Audrey!", Lucas said. 

Audrey alighted the car before Lucas's car zoomed off, her eyes followed the car, only looking away when he took a turn. Audrey smiled reminiscing the small talk they had in his car.

She turned to see Prisca looking at her with a smile, " ahhh, you startled me!!", Audrey shreiked, "just a colleague right?", Prisca recounted what she said the previous night.

" Yeah, he's a colleague!", Audrey stammered, "you liar, come on in, you owe me an explanation!", Prisca said dragging Audrey who smiled at how much Prisca loved gossip.

Prisca dragged Audrey inside the house where her mother was sitting, she locked the door behind her and sat down, dragging Audrey to sit beside her, a wide smile on her face, expectant of a very interesting gossip.

" Come on, I'm listening to you!", Prisca said as Audrey dropped her bag beside her, "what are you two talking about?", Lizzy asked raising her head from her phone, wondering what the two were talkng about .

" Audrey is seeing someone!", Prisca said, grasping her mother's attention, "no, no, I'm not seeing someone!", Audrey clarified. "Then who is he?", Prisca asked, Lizzy looking back and forth wondering what was happening.

Audrey who was looking for the perfect time to tell the ladies about the contract found it as the right time to tell the ladies about it. " That's the CEO of Walton Globals!", Audrey said, taking the mother and daughter by surprise.

"No freaking way!", Prisca said unable to fathom the news, " honey, are you sure you know who you're taking about?", Lizzy asked to be sure.

"Yeah, I'm sure, and the reason he's been dropping me off is because we signed a contract!", " Contract, what contract?", Prisca asked wanting more of the gist, "just calm down and let her talk!", Lizzy said trying to calm her daughter down.

Audrey continued, " so, the other night when the rain fell, he met me at random, so he offered me a contract. The contract says I have to be in a fake relationship with him for six months and I get paid for my services!".

It took Prisca and Lizzy sometime to comprehend the situation, "so you mean, you're in a fake relationship with your boss and you get paid for your services at the end of six months ", Prisca asked just to be sure. " That's the exact same thing she just said!", Lizzy exclaimed.

The ladies had an in-depth conversation that night, Prisca and Lizzy worried about Audrey, and Audrey telling them that it was just a simple transaction between both of them.

"So, on a scale of one to ten how hot is he?", Prisca suddenly asked Audrey as she was removing her heels ready to go freshen up. Audrey smiled at Prisca's question before replying, " he's a fifteen!", Audrey said, a dumbfounded Prisca taking her phone out.

"What are you doing?", Audrey asked wondering what Prisca was up to, " I have to confirm that!", Prisca said typing his name on the search engine. She was completely stunned because Lucas was a fifteen out of ten.

Lucas got home oblivious to the trap that was set for him by his mother, grand mother and sister. Martin was the first to get in the trap, however he was smart enough not to say anything more than he needed to.

The family was having dinner by the time he arrived. Lucas pulled his blazer, and his waist coat, he gave to one of the maids who was passing by. She didn't need to be told twice on where to put it, "thank you!", Lucas said removing the first two buttons on his shirt revealing his collar bones and some of the muscles.

He went around the table, kissing his grandmother's cheeks then giving her a hug, " good evening grandma!", Lucas said before he went over to his mother. He kissed her cheeks too and wrapped her in a hug, "evening mom!".

He kissed Amber on her head, Patting Martin and Criaig on the back before he sat down. " So, when will she come!?", Nalia suddenly asked Lucas. Lucas smiled because this time he want caught off-guard, he had gotten himself a girlfriend.

"I mean your girlfriend!", Nalia continued, " I know who you were talking about mom!", "Fine then, when would I see her then?", Nalia asked, a signal for Amber to get in the conversation.

" She's busy mom!", "a weekend visit would do then!", Amber suddenly said, making Lucas feeling cornered. " We have a date this weekend!", Lucas said before gulping water.

"Both days?", Nalia asked, " No, just Sunday!, Lucas answered falling deeper into their trap, "then why can't she come on Saturday?", Amber asked, " yeah, she could come over and have lunch, and she could stay till dinner!!", Amber said.

"No!", Lucas said, " come on, it's just lunch!", Nalia said, "I'm not her mom, just cause we are in a relationship doesn't mean I can decide for her!", Lucas said.

" Then tell her about it", his grandma suddenly chipped in, "yeah, do just that!", Amber said, Nalia looked at her son and played her signature move, teary eyes. " Fine, I'll tell her about it!", Lucas said, the ladies smiled, giving signals to meet later, as their plan worked halfway.

Martin and Craig exchanged knowing looks as they remained quiet during the exchange.