A day out with the Waltons

Audrey went inside the house downcast, she wasn't mad that Lucas had brought up the topic, how could he possibly know when he wasn't aware of her mother's death?

She sighed when she entered the house, dropping her head and closing her eyes. Prisca who was passing by noticed the downcast expression that Audrey brought into the house, a huge contrast to her normally smiling face every weekday since the President started dropping her home.

"What happened Audrey?", Prisca asked, dropping her glass of water and rushing towards Audrey. " it's nothing!", Audrey replied unsure of how she was feeling, "come on, you know you can tell me anything, so spill!", Prisca said as she wrapped Audrey in a big hug.

"Lucas dropped me home today…", Audrey said, " he drops you at home every day, so what's the big deal today?", Prisca asked expectantly of the gist. "We had dinner a few minutes ago, and then he asked me if I could see his family tomorrow. I agreed because I saw it as part of doing my work, however, I suddenly asked him what his mother was like…!", Audrey said, Prisca suddenly guessing the rest of the conversation.

Nonetheless, she allowed Audrey to finish speaking before she said anything, "and then he asked about my mom, and I told him she was dead. It's painful prisca, I thought I had come to terms prisca, it turns out that I'm not!", Audrey said wrapping her arms around Prisca for another hug.

" It's okay Audrey, it's okay. I can't relate to what you're saying but I know things are only going to get better. Think about it, wouldn't she want you to move on?!", Prisca asked. It took some time for Audrey to reason everything Prisca said before she replied, "she would!", Audrey answered.

" Alright then, you have to move on Audrey, for yourself!", Prisca said, Audrey pulled from the hug and sat down comfortably, still looking at Prisca. She watched as Prisca's facial expression turned from serious to playful, it lightened her mood a little when she knew Prisca was about to mess with her.

"So…", Prisca drawled, " what are you wearing tomorrow?", Prisca asked. A smile formed on Audrey's face before she replied, "I have no idea!", Audrey replied, " you need my help?", Prisca asked Audrey like a child asking for candy. "Yes, I need your help!!", " then what are we waiting for!?", Prisca asked before she dashed into Audrey's bedroom.

"He's picking you up at what time?", Prisca asked, " ohh around two for lunch and I have to stay till dinner!", Audrey answered from the bathroom. "We'll be at the shop by then so I can't help you with your makeup, good luck on that one!", Prisca remarked knowing fully well that Audrey was clueless on how to do proper makeup.

" Ohh come on, fine then I won't use makeup!", "I support that, you have a beautiful face my dear!", Prisca agreed as Audrey left the bathroom.

They settled on a floral print bodycon dress with short sleeves, a pair of sandals, and a shoulder bag to go with the outfit. The ladies when to sleep soon after as Prisca and Lizzy would be going to the shop the next day. Of course, Audrey felt bad that she couldn't join the ladies at the restaurant.

The ladies woke up the next day, later than usual because it was a weekend and it was cleaning day. An idea suddenly hit Audrey, " to make up for not accompanying you to the shop, I'll clean the whole house!", Audrey said to the ladies with so much determination

"Yay!!!", Prisca who was looking for an excuse to escape any chore squealed happily once she heard Audrey speak. " what do you mean yay!?", Lizzy asked her daughter before smacking her lightly on the arm. "I'm serious, I'll do it all, plus wouldn't you like to do lesser things today?", Audrey asked Lizzy the enticing offer. "That does sound great, all I have to do today is to make the dishes at the shop!", Lizzy said.

" yes, so can she do it now?", Prisca asked sending multiple thumbs up to Audrey. Lizzy and her daughter left after breakfast, leaving Audrey at home. The chores were easy for Audrey, as she was used to them, regardless she enjoyed going the chores, especially while she was cleaning.

She managed to do the chores all before one in the afternoon, as she was planning to take a long dip in the tub. Just like she planned, she set a timer for twenty minutes before she got into the tub filled with water, soap, and some nice smelling flowers, for a nice scent.

After twenty minutes, Audrey came out of the tub and went straight to the shower, she really wanted to look her best and this was the only way she could convince herself that she smelled nice for the evening. She was out of the shower after a few minutes, wrapping the bathrobe around her as she headed to her dressing table.

She moisturized her body and put on enough sunscreen as she couldn't predict where exactly the lunch could be situated. After moisturizing her body, Audrey did her hair, for the first time on a long time, Audrey decided to drop her hair to its full length, which reached just above her backside. She curled her hair before going to wear her underwear.

She went ahead to wear the dress, it took some time before she did the zipper at the back as there was no one to help her. Audrey smiled at how beautiful her figure looked in the bodycon dress, she wasted no time wearing her sandals and take everything she deemed essential in her handbag.

When she took her phone she saw a missed call from Lucas, "he must be here or at least almost here!", Audrey concluded as she switched off all the electronics that were of no use as she was going out. She called Prisca real quick to tell her that she was already leaving the house.

" has he picked you yet!?", Prisca asked after she picked up the incoming call on her phone from Audrey, "no, but I'm locking the doors now, the key is at its usual spot", " Alright then, have fun!", Prisca said before she cut the call.