Childhood friend

'I thought that I would have some time more to rest, but I keep making compromises with other people... I should just turn off my other phone as well and sleep and eat during this entire week until I feel bothered enough to go out,' Tobey thought as he changed himself in the best clothes that he had.

Although he was considering the idea, he definitely wouldn't do it. The reason why the marshal gave him that week off was precisely because he needed to get out of a closed space where he would only see the same people every day. The investigator knew that he should see his family and friends in order to not go crazy.

'It's a good thing that the first person I will see in my days off will be Han, though. It had been a while since I didn't see her. We both were always too busy with work and stuff. I guess that it is part of adulthood, but it's equally painful not to see my childhood best friend for so long.'

He, actually, was quite excited about seeing her. He couldn't wait to see Han's beautiful face again and have their endless conversations.

'I am also looking forward to seeing grandma... She is the sweetest person that I knew in my entire life, sweeter even than my mom, even though it seems quite impossible,' he thought with a smile on his face as he wore his shoes and left his apartment.

'I bet that she misses me as well. We get along really well, after all. It was always like this since the start.'

Tobey was aware of how lonely Han's grandmother felt when he began to focus too much on his work. At that time, Han did the same as well, so she kept alone for a good part of the day. His friend was a good person and always attended to her grandmother's wishes attentively and patiently, but that wasn't enough at all.

'I always claim that she is my grandmother, but it seems like I am Han's relative as well, which is quite... strange. At least, for the type of relationship we have under the covers,' since he was walking the streets, he was trying to distract his mind by thinking about those useless things. Reflect with himself made it seem like the path was shorter than it actually was.

He also did it not to keep analyzing every single thing that appeared in front of him. If he walked on the streets with his mind emptied, he would start to investigate, and it wasn't something good for his mental health.

For various times, he ended up driving back to the department because he thought about a solution or found evidence on the way back home that could help them in their investigation.

If Tobey didn't take care, he would fall into that trap and his life would be resumed to his work, only.

While thinking about those things, he continued making the same usual path that he would do when he was a kid or teenager. He did that same trajectory a million times, if not millions of thousands. As meters became kilometers covered, his excitement raised.

Finally, he was staring at Han's house.

"I feel like a teenager, somehow...", Tobey muttered, blinking several times to make sure that what he was seeing was real, not another dream in the cafeteria AKA heaven.

"Yes, I do as well," someone talked beside him.

When he turned to his left, he came across a short girl, less than 160 cm tall. She had slender legs that were exposed due to the short jeans that she was wearing, the white color of her skin was like milk. She was wearing a simple white shirt that evidenced her exceptional curves. Her hair was short, and her face resembled that of an Asiatic person, maybe Japanese or Chinese, though she had western features as well.

"Han?", he said flabbergasted while giving a step backward out of instinct. He knew very well that it was her but he couldn't believe it for a moment

"Yup, yup!"

From a moment to another, his arms were wrapping around her and giving her a tight hug, which Han retributed just as tightly. She was giggling as she felt the warmth in his gesture, feeling glad that they got to finally see each other after six months or more apart.

"I have so many things to tell you! I was counting the days to finally see you, Tobey!"

"I know," he wasn't the type to show his emotions so openly like her. At least, not in his voice or face. Tobey, indeed, was impassive most times. He rather showed his emotions through actions. "I was looking forward to seeing you as well."

"I noticed! You aren't the type of person who would take the first step to hug me like this... But I liked it."

"Hehe, I need to be more aggressive sometimes as well."

"Hmph, you probably have been meeting a lot of girls under the covers, aren't you? You have this neutral face of yours, but you can't deceive me. I know how you are, womanizer!"

Tobey averted his eyes but didn't deny that. In truth, he wasn't just working in the department during all those months. There were too many gorgeous agents there for him to waste time.

"Well, it doesn't matter, right? We finally meet again, so we shall focus on the present!" he winked at her.

"Windbag...", she whined, sighing. "Anyway, enter. I bet that grandma will be glad about seeing you.

They entered together in the house. Tobey noticed that Han had bags in her hands, showing that she went to do a quick shopping before Tobey's visit. She was a bit late, though.

Once Tobey stepped inside the house, a familiar scent invaded his senses, making him feel ecstatic. Not only the scent, but the looks of the insides of the house were quite nostalgic.

Soon, an old woman with a comforting smile and an aura capable of melting anybody's heart approached them with firm steps.

Han's grandma was stronger than many others would be in her age. Tobey himself never saw someone that reached their seventies being so disposed and determined.

"Ah! Tobey! I am so glad that I am seeing you here today! Han told me about your visit!" she was so glad that even her usual low and calm voice seemed more euphoric.

Tobey felt good about having so much love coming from someone that wasn't even blood-related to him.

"I bet that you are feeling tired since it's your first day off from work. I bet that you want to rest a little bit. I won't hold you at the entrance, so feel free to take a seat wherever you want. I still need to prepare some things."

Tobey gave her a nod. His expression was still unwavering but he approached her and kissed her forehead, thanking Han's grandma.

"I will make sure to rest properly."

Han thanked her mother as well for the good reception.

"We will go to my room, ok? If you want anything from us, just yell very loud and desperately!" Han winked at her, taking me by the hand and going with me upstairs.

"I am going to forgive you for being away for so long, but just after you give a little visit to my room," she muttered to him.

'Yes! I should have come before if that's the prize I will get!' Tobey thought, giving a mental thumbs-up to himself.

Deep inside, Tobey was funnier than he showed outside on certain occasions.

Once they entered her bedroom, Tobey got surprised.

"Wow... it changed so much since the last time I visited this place! I thought that you would never change a thing here, for sentimental matters," he commented, walking in and making a good inspection there.

"Well, there are some things that never change...", he said while looking at the furniture and many foolish things that were spread around the bedroom.

"Why do you say so?" she tilted her head while taking off her shoes and walking around only wearing socks. Tobey noticed that little detail.

'I am a man of culture. There is something a bit alluring about a woman wearing only socks and walking around... Do I have some kind of problem? I hope not!'

"Well, I say so because you organized everything with the same pattern as your previous room. The colors are similar, also like the types of objects that you like to maintain. Your bed didn't change position, your closet is still the same, and there is food hidden in a near drawer, probably sweets, or some strange magazines...", he cast a glance at her as he put his hand in one of the drawers of her bedside table.

She puffed out her cheeks, crossing her arms. She feigned not to give importance to it, though her face was a bit blushed.

"I don't have any of these things, especially the last one!"

"Oh, really?" he pulled the drawer slightly, making her run towards him in a start.

They fought for a while in a strength contest, which Han was clearly losing. Desperately, she bumped into him, using the weight of her body to push him forward, but Tobey pulled her together and both fell on the bed. She was on top of him, panting, and he was in the same state but under her.

The blush in her face got a brighter reddish color, though she didn't overreact to that.

"That's so cliche... Let's make it a bit more real and just...", she muttered, lowering her head little by little.

Tobey gave a somewhat malicious smile, caressing her cheek with his right hand.

"Yes, let's get to the good part already."

Soon, their lips touched lightly, timidly starting to press against each other in a more passionate and deep kiss.

'Ah... It's good to be back home. It's really good... but... this feeling I am having since when I woke up this afternoon, doesn't go away. I feel like being overwhelmed by something. There is this incredibly hot sensation coming from inside out, this freaking headache, this searing pain in my chest and my eyes... Just, what is happening with me right now?"

Little did he know that his life would have a turn right in the middle of the happiest moment of his day.