Live or die?

[Tobey!!] Mask's voice sounded yet another time before even he got silent before the presence of that person behind Tobey. Since both of them shared the same body and consciousness, they could feel what the other was feeling, particularly Mask. This way, Tobey's demonic self could sense the very core of their consciousness shaking under the pressure that the Paladin exerted.

[This guy isn't a low-ranked Paladin. He is the real deal. I can't say for sure his position among them, I can't tell if his strength is above ordinary for a Paladin or not, but he is definitely stronger than the previous ones that we faced.] Mask continued talking as though Tobey could still hear him.

He knew that his human self was able to understand his worlds, but his mind was so shaken that he couldn't react to them immediately.

[Tobey, I know that you are listening to me. I am aware that you didn't move your body because you couldn't, rather than not wanting to do it. So, since you are still here with me, I advise you just one thing: if you want to stay alive, do everything that this man says to you. Stay in idleness as long as he doesn't do anything, walk if he starts walking, always be wary of your surroundings and pay attention to his actions. Nonetheless, never ever let him lead you somewhere without people.]

Tobey still couldn't move properly due to the shock, nor did he answer anything to Mask. The latter found it a hassle, but nothing was helping it. Tobey was just a normal human before, he never needed to go through such a situation, he never felt that kind of pressure in all these years that he was alive. When facing it for the first time, it was just expected that the shock would be great.

"So, you are the little demon that is causing us so much trouble... As I could see from your movements and reasoning, you are well trained and smart. However, there is something about your lack of power that intrigues me... I wonder whether you are hiding something,' a voice sounded in his ears. The voice of a man. He felt that his voice was quite familiar, so familiar that someone's image nearly came into his mind. However, it was clear that he was forcing himself to talk in a strange way, so Tobey wouldn't be able to recognize him.

"Wondering who am I? That's very pertinent of you. Even though your mind is messed up and your body is paralyzed, you are still trying to maintain your focus and collect as much information as you can... That's quite impressive. No wonder we watched over you for so many years. I thought that my superiors were getting driven crazy by the upcoming war, but it seems like they hit the jackpot."

'His mouth is covered by something and he is trying to change his tone of voice. Although it is familiar to my brain, it can't create an image of him. If I could only look at his face...'

Tobey darted his eyes around as he tried to steady his breathing. As the time passed and that man conversed with him, his body was getting used to that pressure that he was feeling.

[You are finally back.] Mask said with a sigh of relief. [I thought that it would last longer for you to be back again, but it seems like your mental resilience can't be underestimated, huh?]

Tobey ignored his comments for the time being and continued to search for something that could help him in his objective. However, all he could see was an endless crowd constantly walking on the streets hastily.

"What do you mean... when you say that... you have been watching me all this time?"

"Ah, didn't you notice, demon? We, of course, kept tracking you since the day you were born. It was a hassle, but it paid off in the end. You are a cursed demon, Tobey, even though it can seem an irony. You are marked since the day you had your first breath and your first crying. A lot of people around you, people that you trusted in, people that you loved, people that you disliked, people that you greeted... all of them were carefully implanted in your life so that we could always keep an eye on you.

"I bet that Clementine said it to you already, but you have nowhere to run, Tobey. If you run, you will just be fighting against the current, trying to uselessly attach to this sinful life of yours, to this ignoble and despicable existence that doesn't add anything good to the world!"

Tobey saw that, on the right side of the street, a car was passing by with its rearview turned at a strange angle. Just by looking at it, Tobey was sure that he would be able to look at this person, even if slightly.

The detective's eyes kept attentively following that vehicle until it was at a good angle. The rearview showed someone's silhouette behind Tobey.

'White shirt with the name of a gym written on it, blue jeans, and... his face...'

Tobey was forced to avert his gaze once he felt something on his back. It was sharp. He could feel it tearing his clothes and scratching his skin. A thin line of warm liquid ran down his back slowly, leaving no room to doubt the seriousness of the situation.

"Don't ever try to look at my face again, hear me? I am well aware of how clever you are. You can't catch me with this cheap trick. I could notice very well your glazed eyes looking at that car."

'Damn it! Damn it!' Tobey cursed as he gritted his teeth as strongly as he could.

"I can't kill you now, Tobey. I could try to force you to go somewhere else, but you would surely find a way to cause a ruckus and get out of this situation alive. You were very lucky to have left that hotel before I arrived, much more by thinking about mixing with the crowd so that we wouldn't hurt you.

"Anyway, I will give you a decision right now. Think well about it, ok? Nod your head if you understood me."

Tobey nodded his head, still ranting due to the opportunity he just lost.

"As I said, you are doomed to live a life of constant danger, suffering, and persecution. We, Paladins, have your name, your routine, and your face carved into our minds and won't rest until we can get you and kill you. So, here is the question: will you surrender now and end this, painlessly getting exterminated... or will you fight to the end and see the hell that we will turn your life into?"

Tobey closed strongly his eyes as he heard him say so. The only thing that he could think about right now was the fact that his life was just a lie. A bunch of lies, fake relationships, dirty schemes... everything so that those people would be able to end his life. He didn't know why they were being so cautious regarding killing him, he didn't know whether other demons had their lives marked like that, but that was his very fate regardless.

'It was all a lie. So, why do I need to keep struggling? Wherever I go, there will be just death waiting for me. Whomever I try to ask for help might be my enemy as well. I am surrounded by disgrace since my birth. What's the point of keeping alive, then!?'

Tobey was about to open his mouth and give his answer, but someone else entered into the conversation.

[I never thought that you would be so predictable and coward. Can't you see that you are just looking at things from a narrow perspective, with a shallow concept of your whole life? Can't you remember what the hell I said to you, unfortunate bastard!? Although all these years that passed until now were filled with lies and manipulation, there is still a story before you lost your memories! Until ten years of life, there was no lie at all! So, if you can't live for the sake of this fake life, then fight for the sake of your past! No matter the reason, just keep alive and struggle to find sense to keep going!]

Tobey froze once he heard that. He hesitated for a moment, opening his mouth again, but then shutting it as strongly as he could.

'What are you doing, you idiot?' Tobey scolded himself. 'Regardless of having a reason to keep going, you never were the type of person who liked to lose a battle like this! React and fight till the end! You will only find your end once you give up! The only thing that can keep you from pursuing what you want is death! So, don't give up now!'

Tobey gave a step forward while clenching his fists... Another step... and yet another. Then, in an impetus of courage, he turned around as fast as he could to stare at the face of his enemy.

Unfortunately, he wasn't there anymore.

With unsteady breathing and his heart racing, Tobey turned forth again and continued walking.