
Finally, the night when Mark was going to leave that building came. For some reason, he felt his excitement arise. He was sad about leaving his partners, his family, and particularly the person that he loved the most there. However, he was happy that he would get to search for his brother after so many years.

'Maybe I am, indeed, selfish. In the end, there are always ulterior motivations for anything I do. Anyway, that's just how demons are. Even angels act like this. That's a natural trait of conscientious humanoids like us. I won't feel guilty about it as long as I crave the main reason in my mind and don't forget it no matter what.'

Since it was night, a great part of the soldiers there left the building to go patrolling. Others were resting after doing the day patrol. Just a few were still awake, but most of them were training. That building was the military base of their clan, after all. The activities done there would be 100% made for the sake of developing the soldiers or to defend their territory

'After considering so much, I am finally able to turn my back on everything here... It's unfortunate and quite worrisome. I feel like they won't be able to keep going if I am not here, but that's just another selfish and arrogant thought. I may be considered the strongest, but I am not the only one that is strong here. The entire squadron surely can make up for me and fill the gaps that I leave behind.'

Although there weren't many people walking around the building, Mark was calmly and quietly crossing the corridors. After all, he didn't want to be noticed by anyone.

After an entire day or so after he talked to Baltazar, the old bastard decided to make impose martial law on them, in which nobody could leave the building except for patrolling. Also, nobody should let others leave, particularly Mark, who wouldn't patrol nor take part in the relay for some time.

It meant that, basically, all the squadron was keeping an eye on him due to Baltazar's orders.

However, Mark knew that building better than anyone else. He grew up there, after all. He knew hidden passages and shortcuts that helped him to avoid being caught by others. Also, he knew where every soldier took their naps or walked around, so he just avoided these places or got cautious when crossing them.

When he realized it, he was already looking at the exit of the building.

"Where do you think you are going?" a familiar hoarse voice sounded in the entrance hall of that building. Mark didn't get surprised, though. He knew that he would be there.

"Hi, Kyle."

"Hi my a*s... Are you going to play naive now?" a man with dark brown hair and honey-colored eyes left the darkness and walked towards the center of the hall, right behind Mark. He had a squared face that suited his well-built body. He was taller than Mark, looking down on him as he talked and crossing his arms just like the boss did.

"I am not playing naive, I am just not giving as much importance to what is happening as you guys are doing. I mean, that's something I have the right to choose. I am a free man despite being a soldier."

"No soldier is a free man," Kyle stated.

"But who can stop the strongest soldier to become one?" he said as he looked backward, his face hidden by the hood of the overcoat that he was already wearing, a gleam of red ghostly lurking inside the hood.

Kyle stopped to talk for a moment. The Mark he was seeing at that moment wasn't the same guy who fought by his side the most dangerous battles of his life.

"Stop trying to fight against destiny, Mark! We all know what you are capable of, but... don't you think that you are going too far with this?"

Mark denied it with his head.

"No. I am not."

"Are you sure?" Another voice sounded, this time coming in front. Mark slightly turned his head, just to see Lily walking past the front door of the building.

Her gentle eyes were there, and her expression was still as soothing and calm as always, but she had coldness within them as well.

"Yes, I am sure. I am resolved, Lily. I will take him back."

"Why, though? The life we live right now isn't enough for you? The way we are progressing slowly isn't good enough for you? What do you want, Mark?"

"I want...!" he exclaimed, but sighed right after to calm himself down. "I want to stop this cycle of surviving, trying to turn the tables, and failing, then just keep surviving and struggling while living in misery. Our race doesn't deserve that, WE don't deserve that! Like any other soldier, I want to win, I want glory for my family, friends, and clan. I want to leave this misery and get the spot on the top that we truly deserve! I am leaving today to put an end to this sick story."

That statement was uttered as he stared at her gentle eyes. For a moment, that trace of coldness left them, just to be replaced by empathy. However, that change was brief, it didn't last more than a second. Anyway, Mark was a very perceptive person, so he could grasp it; Lily also knew about his capabilities so, if she left something to show up even for a brief moment, it meant that she wanted Mark to see it.

"Your ambition is your biggest flaw, Mark, though it is your most impressive strong point as well. Maybe you wouldn't be so powerful if not for this trait," she solemnly said while giving a step to the side and showing the exit to him as if it was his first time stepping out of the building.

As Mark was passing by her, he could see her displeased expression. It probably wasn't easy for her to see him going out like that. He was the soldier that nobody there ever thought would ever say goodbye to.

"Valory will get very hurt and cry. A lot of people will suffer here. Are you prepared for this?" Lily asked.

Mark stopped midway, turning to look at her over his shoulder and smiling brightly.

"Don't worry. I will make up for this!" he shouted, giving a thumbs up to both Kyle and Lily. "When I get back, you can vent your frustration and anger physically on me for as much time as you want! I will be looking forward to it for sure!"

"If it was Valory going away, what would you do Mark?" Lily asked.

"No matter in what reality, I would never allow it to happen. That's how hypocritical I can be. You know it very well, right?"

Both didn't answer that. They simply had not the strength necessary to even whisper a single word. If not for the fact that they were disciplined soldiers that knew how to maintain her posture even under harsh circumstances, they would burst into tears upon seeing Marks usual imposing and wide back disappearing slowly as he left the building.

Before exiting, he yet brought his hand to his neck, grabbing his necklace and wearing it off. He threw it to the side, the amber gem ganging on it making tiny sounds as it bounced on the cement ground of the worn-out entrance hall.

Kyle's and Lily's face got pale once they saw that. The pendant seemed to be bouncing on the ground slowly to them, so slowly that it seemed even fake.

'Even after all this while serving the military of my clan, I never saw a single person committing the crime of desertion. I never saw someone disowning himself, stripping the clan's name from his own without hesitation,' Kyle thought. He was unsure whether he considered Mark a fool or someone worth his appraisal. One thing was for sure, though, the ambition of that man made him be more courageous than anyone that he had met before.

'I am sorry, Valory,' Lily thought as she gritted her teeth. 'I am sorry for always failing with you... I couldn't stop him at all. I didn't even know where to start. I got too nervous and couldn't stop him from doing that.'

This way, on that night, Mark started to search for his brother who was lost in the enemy's territory, the downtown. Just in that short period of two days until he exited, he learned many things. Everyone had a lot of things to say to him, to teach him... That was something that he would never be able to achieve before if not for everything that happened.

'I feel sorry for them... They said all the words I needed to improve myself, but too late for me to make use of them. Now is the time for me to make use of my greatest weakness to have an excuse for my reckless actions.'

Probably, the first blocks that he walked were the worst ones. However, after a few more blocks, he began to feel better. Just slightly, but better. At least, enough not to turn around and go back to the building to hold Valory tightly and never let go again.