Mask's cruelty (1)

The paladin felt his heart beating wildly. Before, it was as calm as a tranquil lake in a night without breeze. However, right now, it was ferociously racing in an attack of anxiety that he never felt before in all his years as a paladin.

He fought many demons before, but he was yet to find someone with such an imposing presence.

'I would accept it if it was his aura or something. Dark Energy may be quite frightening when someone has too much to show. However, it's not about his power at all, but his gaze and posture. Somehow, he seems like a totally different person, though the face is the same.'

When the paladin finally realized it, he gave a step backward. Instinctively he backed away from Tobey, something that he never thought of doing before.

'W-Why though? Why did I do that? Backward is not the direction you should be-'

The man was obliged to stop talking as he felt his entire body's hair standing on end and a chill running down his spine. It looked like his whole bone structure was cracking and shattering before the pressure that rose in the air. He felt electric waves crossing his brain and making him think erratically.

That paladin found the strength needed to look towards the demon again and stare at its figure. Now, a black aura with some lines of dark red was surrounding his body as he gazed at his own hands, closing and opening them repeatedly.

[I see! So that's the power that this body is capable of achieving... The only problem is that, by using it fully, the body's structure will crumble down as it can't take such radical change in its capabilities. Anyway, besides this fact, it's quite useful!]

'Why... is he... rambling like he is indeed... another person?' the Paladin thought, feeling that something was wrong with that situation.

[Unfortunately, the dagger is broken so I can't really unleash its full power, but just being able to wield Dark Energy to a certain extent is enough. Though I can only release it all and reinforce my body without any measurements, it should be enough to such a low-level shrimp like...] he moved his pitch-black eyes towards the paladin, [like you!]

The paladin struggled to get a better hold on his sword while gulping. He felt that he wasn't the strongest one on that battlefield anymore. Instead, he felt incredibly weak.

[Well, since we are at it already, let's go to the part that interests all of us! I mean, I wouldn't like to make you wait for longer, after all! That's not gentlemanly, right?]

Mask turned to the paladin as the smile on his face evolved to a grin. He walked slowly towards that man, spinning his dagger between his fingers.

'D-Don't worry. He probably is very powerful now that he is using Dark Energy, but will he be powerful enough to match me? I doubt it. He isn't a trained demon like the others that I killed. Imposing presence and frightening aura aren't everything that someone needs to-' the man thought, though he got interrupted at the end when Mask, still giving casual and carefree steps, suddenly appeared in front of him as if warping.

[Kek! You should pay attention to what your enemy is doing instead of underestimating him!] he shouted as he launched his fist and hit the paladin right on his ribs, breaking two of them. The punch also sent him stumbling back several steps.

[You got one of my ribs, right? I can feel how it is messed up, and that's why I will make you feel the same! For me, that's completely reasonable.] He mockingly said as the paladin leaped backward with a pained expression, trying to create distance.

He placed his hand at the side of his body, just to confirm that Mask had broken two of his ribs, indeed. His punch could crumple his armor, reaching his sides and doing that to his ribs. The power behind it was frightening and unreal.

[Damn it... I broke my hand after punching that man... It is not a good idea to crumple someone's armor and break their bones with your bare fist.] Mask commented as he looked at his fist, which showed to have some bones coming out of it.

However, the demon didn't seem to care much about that wound. In his logic, he could just attack with the other hand, if needed.

'Hey, you bastard!' Tobey thought, getting desperate. 'What do you think you are doing with my freaking body!?'

[Gosh... A great part of the things I planned didn't go well.] Mask muttered, [Why are you awake right now?]

'How can I know? The only thing I know is that you barely got control over my body and already broke me!'

[Shut up and learn, unfortunate bastard. I won't be telling you many things from now on since I am also trying to take unlimited control of this body. Anyway, let's take care of the garbage before we start discussing!]

Mask rushed towards the Paladin, who just had enough time to get up and take a fighting stance. Before he could even realize Mask's approach, the former felt another chill running down his spine and warning him that something was coming.

When the paladin realized it, he got kicked squarely on his face, which send him flying away some meters and bouncing on the parking lot's floor. Mask didn't lose time and followed suit, catching up while he was hooping up to get to his feet again. The former kept punching, avoiding using his already broken dagger as he knew that the slightest touch would be able to shatter it completely.

Mask's punches were fast like bullets. The paladin was so disoriented that he couldn't dodge any of them properly. The latter needed to trust in his instincts and luck for the time being..

He was struggling to keep himself from getting hit so he would be able to regain his posture and balance. Until now, he was sacrificing both the latter not to get hit by a dangerous blow.

'I feel like this demon's punches would be able to rip off my head if he could hit me squarely on the face! I need to be careful and maintain my distance. He is not using his dagger anymore, which is quite an advantage for me!'

After he steadied his feet on the ground and could take a proper fight instance, the paladin got more aggressive.

Between Mask's punches, he could deliver one or two well-calculated slashes that nearly got him. However, all the time he felt like falling into some secret trap of the demon. At first, he thought he was just overthinking things due to the renewed strength that the demon showed, but soon that assumption turned out to be truthful.

'Right there, an opening!' he finally could see a good opportunity between Mask's attack. 'Different from the previous times, this one he won't be able to dodge. Also, even if he defends, he will only destroy himself as his dagger cannot take another collision!'

His sword cut through the air, whistling soundly and leaving a trail of golden light. His eyes shone together with his sword as he gave his all in that attack.

Nonetheless, the demon smiled.

[Got you!]

Mask opened his palm while following the Paladin's blade with his eyes. He casually slapped it to the left with his hand, hitting the side of the paladin's blade.

[I don't need a weapon to defend your attacks, you idiot!] he sarcastically said.

[And, now, you are the one wide open...]

When the paladin realized the type of trap he got into, he could only let out a sigh of disappointment before he felt the first blow sinking into his belly. Before the repulsion sent him backward, the demon held him by his wrist with his broken hand even though it hurt a lot, pulling him and punching his face.

Mask kept punching him over and over again, not letting him go, until his helmet was thoroughly crumpled and blood flowed out of every opening.

[Wow, that was wild... Well, not that it is my fault. Without a weapon, I could only do as much.]

He narrowed his eyes to the paladin as he perceived from the corner of his eye that the golden aura around the sword disappeared, but he was still breathing.

[Still alive? Not for long, though.]

Mask pulled his left arm, making the man stumble towards him, then preparing another punch. He used his Dark Energy to heal his left and right hands, which got broken by his relentless attacks. In a second, they were healed enough to close into fists.

'No! That's enough!' Tobey's voice echoed in his mind, making Mask's vision spin.

[What are you even talking about?] Mask talked back, getting annoyed. [The enemy is still a possible threat until you finally kill him. Isn't that obvious, sir detective?]

'I said that it is enough!' he shouted, forcing himself to get control again.

In the end, Tobey could come back, panting hard as he did so. He was still holding the paladin and his arm was still charged, but the punch never came as he lowered it again.

[Coward.] Mask said, snorting. [Good luck dealing with those other guys, then. I knew that you would back away like the chicken you are, so I made sure to slow down things and give them enough time to come. Maybe like this, you will learn how to become a proper demon.]

Tobey, for a moment, was dumbfounded at his words but understood everything as he looked around and saw many people appearing and walking toward the parking lot.