The moment to fight back

Tobey was sitting on the sofa of his apartment at that moment while looking at the news on the television. In his hand was a bowl of cereal and milk. An apple was lying beside him, ready to be eaten once he finished the first part of his meal. Soon, he would also drink some coffee as he usually did, but just after his stomach was filled.

"... Also, as of late, strange things are happening in the city center, which is concerning the police officers, investigators, and particularly the citizens who are witnesses of such supernatural events," that phrase of the man narrating the news drew Tobey's attention, making him get his eyes out of the bowl with cereal and milk.

"According to many interviewed citizens and workers of certain specific zones of the city center, strange noises like voices, shouts, metal clangs, and many others can be heard. They would be treated as an occasionality if not for their intensity and frequent recurrence. This problem is starting to bother and worry them, to the point where they are trying to find the culprits for such an annoying thing, but they always are left with no clues.

"Some people are adamant when saying that they saw supernatural beings fighting against each other, but that's just a rumor that is running across the center of the city, probably to fright the neighborhood more than anything else. After all, the images taken from cameras show little to nothing of the previous night due to a problem in their system. The enterprise responsible for them is already working on recovering them.

"The police officers said that the patrol in the center of the city will be even more rigorous than it already is, making it impossible or unlikely to anyone to start to bother again with these sounds, also as preventing the many battles the citizens are swearing to have heard or seen.

"More details will be in our report after the commercials. Please, stay tuned and we will continue to bring you more information, always making you aware of what's happening around us!"

When all that merchant started, Tobey turned off the television, returning to eat his cereal without a care in the world.

[I know that you are angry at me, but can you answer me something?]

"No," Tobey said out loud, his mouth full of milk and cereal.

[Why did you come back to your apartment if there is a potential threat in the door next to yours?"

Tobey sighed, taking another full spoon of his food.

"Why are you even asking me, when you clearly aren't going to give up once I say no?"

[Because I am a polite friend, despite not caring about your opinion at all. And I WON'T apologize for everything I did!] he was adamant in not apologizing for Tobey, even though he had a fair share of fault for hiding information and bringing the detective to a very difficult situation just to make him accept his offer of switching places.

Tobey sighed, shaking his head.

"Frankly, in which side do you think you are, after all? If you want to give me to the paladins, then just say it out loud!" he claimed, angrily eating his breakfast.

[I am definitely not on the side of those paladins, but I am not entirely on your side, either. I will do anything in my power to help you to survive, but I also want my share some time, and since I know you don't like my methods, I must force you to do so.] The last bit of his phrase sounded quite malicious, but Tobey decided not to think too much about it.

"Well, nothing is helping it. Anyway, you can know what is happening inside my mind if you want to, so it is pointless to hide something from you, right?"

[Exactly. One time or another you will end up clearly thinking about it and I will know everything. It's better to have me cooperating with you than against you. Just remember that I am part of you, too, so I can help intellectually.]

"But there is the slight possibility that you won't help me entirely and tell me all the details, letting me down as you did in the previous fight, right?"


The fact that the demon could say it with such a cold expression sent a shiver down Tobey's spine. Currently, he was always having those shiverings and chillings punishing him always when Mask showed up.

"Well, to make things short here not to start a pointless argument, I will say my point here: in the last two days since that intense battle, I noticed that the paladins ceased their attacks for the time being. I am still unable to identify them, but just by looking at how many days passed without a single paladin showing up, I can guess that they are taking a little pause. Sometimes, I feel like being stalked, but no attack ever comes.

"It can only mean one thing: their activity here in the central part of the city is slowing down because they were too flashy when trying to pursue and capture me. They are waiting for the news to disappear, for people to stop talking about this supernatural thing they are witnessing, and for the media to leave this subject aside. They need that the city forgets completely about their existence, so they can start acting again."

Mask nodded his head inside Tobey's mind.

[But it doesn't justify the fact that you are being so careless right now. So what if they stopped chasing you boldly like they were doing some days ago? They can still take an opportunity to catch you off-guard when nobody is seeing...]

"Taking control for so long burnt some of your brain cells? Though they are mine as well... A-Anyway, you understood what I mean!"

[Sigh... Just say to me what you have in mind, then.]

Tobey finished his bowl of cereal and milk, placed it aside, then casually took his apple. Differently from the other days, he was way more relaxed and carefree, which was confusing Mask profoundly.

"Look, Mask, after that fight we had some nights ago, the paladins know that I can very well defend myself. Part of it is thanks to you and your cruelty, even though it makes me disgusted. The paladins noticed that I am improving at a fast pace, and so they will need more than a sneaky attack with a few paladins to take me. Also, stronger paladins, B-grade and above, will cause a huge ruckus depending on how the fight goes."

[I see. Well, it's reasonable that they are willing to wait a little bit to create the perfect situation where they can take you using all their strength.]

"Exactly. And, well, their hesitation may even be just a risk and damage management for them, but for me, it's an opportunity!"

Mask smiled, liking that Tobey's brilliant side was showing up again. When it came to wits, though their intelligence was equivalent, Mask knew that Tobey shone way more than him.

"Now that they are so cautious around me and will avoid conflict as much as possible, I have a free pass to investigate more about these paladins and to unravel who are the enemies and allies around me. Now that they can't do anything too flashy against me, I will turn the detective mode on and will discover whom I can really trust!

"Not only that, but I will also find that man that helped me before, discover who are the paladins under the names that he listed to me, and finally see what has been under the covers of this entire war and how it relates to me!"

[I like the direction where this is going, Tobey. I think I respect you a little bit more now.]

Tobey smiled arrogantly as he took a bite of his apple and looked at the black screen of the television. His heart was racing due to excitement and his eyes were burning with determination.

"I can't stay on the side that loses all the time, right? It's time for the hunted to be the hunter. That's the perfect moment to fight back, but in my own way!"

Tobey noticed that he was talking too loudly and decided to lower his voice. Currently, he was talking with Mask out loud because he couldn't help but find it strange to just think when talking to him. He preferred to feel like he was conversing with someone real and tangible, even though Mask was, basically, inside him.

[Anyway, what will you do first? You need to know where to start. I have a suggestion, if you are willing to hear me...]

Tobey shook his head, getting up from the sofa after finishing eating his apple. He went straight to his coffee machine, taking a smug on the way there.

"I don't need your opinion, not when I can't trust a single word you say anymore. Of all the suspects on my list, you are already labeled as the culprit, Mask! Don't think that I am your friend just because I am talking to you. This time, I will do things in my own way, without your help. Tag along if you want."

[Well, I am attached to you for eternity, so... I will need to tag along, nothing is helping it...]