The two scouts (1)

"What is the situation regarding the war? I am well aware that the paladins were trying to invade our territory under the pretext that our clan was committing a war crime. However, now that I got disowned what will they do?" Mark asked.

"One thing is for sure, Mark: these guys won't rest until they take this opportunity. It's not always when Mark Foster is out of the clan's territory, and with no prediction to return home. I bet that they are trying to find another reason to attack us without committing this war crime, but..." Bryan needed to stop this last part as he got pensive. He didn't know whether he should tell to Mark or not. After all, they didn't even report that information to Baltazar.

"Stop being a coward, bro. He is Mark Foster," Scott glared at him. "I bet that the leader would like him to know about it, for better or worse."

Bryan nodded his head, though he seemed a bit hesitant.

Mark stayed silent, waiting for them to continue. For some reason, he had a bad feeling about what they were going to say next.

"So, as my brother here was saying, Mark... We could eavesdrop on some conversations and even infiltrate certain places where we could get important information. There is a ruckus happening among the paladin society. The transformation of that demon and you showing up in the game is something that is shaking their foundations and reaching even the highest of the superiors in their hierarchy.

"Right now, the paladins are arguing earnestly to know what they will do next. There are many options on the table, but the risks are too high. A perfect choice seems not to be available for them. Also, there is a stalemate between them in the decisions, which is delaying their actions.

"Anyway, the fact is that right now they are still discussing what they should do to invade our territory. After some peeking here and there, some talking, and a reasonable dose of persuasion, I and my brother could discover that the disparity between their opinions was getting solved as of late and something was about to get decided."

Scott sighed, closing his eyes for a moment and gulping. The barman noticed his reaction and sent a mug of beer sliding toward him.

The scout grabbed the mug and took a long sip.

"Well, what I will say now is just a theory based on our information. Some people that helped us in this matter are paladins themselves, though. Paladins that we could somehow make spit the truth... Nothing is really confirmed but... they are probably planning a coup."

"W-What!?" Mark yelled, getting up from his chair in a start.

"Yeah, man, we know...", Bryan said. "We know very well what's the feeling of discovering this kind of thing."

"But... what's the point of doing something like this?"

"The paladins are ruled by their mighty mistress, the Matriarch of the Sacred Temple. She is a figure of absolute authority as you may know, but she doesn't take the lead in military affairs. This is left by the Priest named Aslam, whose we never saw the face nor discovered the surname. He is a discreet person," Bryan pointed out.

"Yeah..." Mark said, his face getting stern each second more, his shoulders were tense. "I know this man. He is the one who came up with the idea of the deal a decade or so ago. The temporary peace treaty where some of the demon's territories would stay untouched for a certain period. They ordered us to give away some specific children in exchange for peace... promising children that they knew that could change the war, and whom they were interested in for certain personal experimentation."

Scott snapped his fingers.

"Yup, you made your homework, as it seems. Indeed, he is this guy. And the point of this coup is exactly this: overthrow Priest Aslam, thus invalidating the treaty that he created by himself. This way, they can attack our territory without suffering any punishment."

"Is it this easy to break treaties?"

"Yes. When you are smart, it is this easy. Soon, when this coup is done, not only the Ignus Cornus clan will be under threat, but all the other demon clans spread in different parts of this city. Soon, this war will start once again."

"Just over my dead body will they do it! I won't allow it to happen, and you will see how!" Mark said, slamming both hands on the balcony and nearly breaking it due to his abnormal strength.

"These bastards took everything we loved and cared for... They took the precious children of many families for their own crazy experimentations like they were guinea pigs. We afforded their absurd requests just so the future generations would have some years of peacefulness. However, here we are, about to witness all these sacrifices go to waste!"

Bryan got up from his chair, followed by Scott.

"Look, Mark," Bryan said, raising both hands in a signal for him to stop. "I don't think that you are acting reasonably now. The best thing to do right now is to sit there and calm yourself down."

"Yeah, man. You better hear my brother. Even if you got out there, summon your scythe and destroy this entire city in search of those bastards, you will only be worsening this scenario. We need to think carefully about what we will do. We are talking about entire regions of this city getting into a war that they cannot win, okay? If we make the slightest mistake here, what will happen?"

Mark sighed hard as he walked past them, not caring for their warnings at all.

"Who the hell do you think I am, you idiots? Am I the type of soldier to keep spitting fallacies and nonsense just because? I wouldn't be getting my butt out of this chair if I didn't have a reasonable plan to end this situation once and for all," Mark said with a confident smile.

"I don't have time to spend with you guys anymore, so I will hurry before I lose the next bus. And you two are better suited to keep investigating and registering everything like the good paparazzi you are. Be sure to pass down this information to Baltazar. That old pirate will know very well what to do."

Scott and Bryan watched in astonishment as Mark left the bar, struggling a little with the defective door. They stayed silent for several seconds, even taking their time to sit again in the chair.

The barman delivered one more mug of beer to Scott and a shot of tequila to Bryan.

"Do you think that he really had a plan?" Bryan asked.

"Why are you even asking? You know it very well, maybe better than me. He is Mark Foster, after all, man... Do I need to remember you about it every single time?" Scott ranted. He didn't want to talk about it anymore. Just that short conversation was enough to get him worn out.

"Do you think that there is something this guy cannot do?"

Scott glared at his brother for the umpteenth time on that day.

"Bryan..." he stared but got interrupted before saying anything else.

"Yeah, yeah, I know... He is Mark Foster."

Both came in agreement and stayed silent once and for all. They enjoyed their drinks for some minutes more before they decided that it was a good time to move on, get back to their territory again and deliver the information.

""Thank you, old man,"" they both said in unison as they waved at him.

The old man was happy that he finally got to receive some visits, so he smiled and thanked them inwardly...

"Don't come back, you bastards! And, if you do, pay for what you drink!" ... though his businessman side couldn't help but act in that way.

"Don't worry, soon or later we will pay for everything!" Bryan said but, of course, it was a lie. They would never pay him a single penny.

"This meeting point surely came in hand. Now, Mark is aware of what is happening and we got to tell him safely and without problems. Having humans as allies sometimes has great benefits!" Scott said while stretching his arms.

"Yes... though the paladins know very well how to play the same game," Bryan admitted. "And they are surely playing it right, taking into consideration the many pawns they have available."

Scott suddenly put his arm in front of Bryan as he talked it, making him stop. They were turning right to enter into an ally. It was their usual shortcut.

Scott cast a meaningful glance at his brother, and the latter did the same. Their heart was beating wildly and their breath was unsteady. They could feel the upcoming danger.

'No cameras, no people, just one person, and the exit is behind us...' Scott thought. 'What is this paladin planning to do and why is he here when there is such a ruckus among the citizens and the media about the previous nights?'