Not a paladin, nor a demon

Beca was going to get some water after working for a little while. She couldn't concentrate because she was constantly thinking about Tobey and what was happening now, so suddenly.

'Maybe... that thing is already happening... I am not sure, though. It's better to stay passive and watch for the time being. However, I must pay attention to what Tobey is doing from now on.'

As she filled her plastic cup with water, she felt her phone ringing in her pocket and got startled.

"Hmm?" she grunted as she took her phone and answered the call. Since it was the phone that she used for work, she didn't bother to look at the number showing on the screen.


"Beca, I need your help. It's kind of urgent."

Beca took a sip of her water before answering him. Now was the time she needed to change to her professional and straightforward self, being as calm as possible, and acting reasonably.

"Continue, Tobey."

"I need you to call the cops to the address that I sent to you on your phone. I need you to make them come here as fast as possible. We don't have time to waste. I am already on my way to that place. If it delays too much, things will get very complicated."

Beca rushed towards her department, taking pen and paper and noting down the address that Tobey sent on her phone. She was in a frenzy, but her movements weren't clumsy nor erratic at all. Instead, she did everything with precision.

"Here. Call the cops," she said to someone that was lazing around. The latter dashed to the nearest phone that he could see on the tables of the department after he received the paper and a glare from Beca.

"Okay, someone is working on it, Tobey. Do you want something more? What is happening there at all?"

Tobey ignored her last question, just focusing on the first. He wasn't in the mood to talk more details about what was happening at all. All the wanted was to get his preparations done.

"Okay, now call reinforcements, but it needs to be from another police station, not the one in our municipality."

"W-What? Are you going to fight against an entire army or something? Why do you need so many people backing you up?"

"Beca, I said that there is no time to waste, didn't I? Just trust in me and I will show you that it is more reasonable than it seems."

Beca stayed silent for a second, taking a deep breath as she recovered her composure.

"Sure, sure. Which police station do you want me to call?"

"One of the nearest municipalities from this city. It doesn't matter which one as long as they arrive quickly. Say that there is someone under the aim of dozens of guns and he is about to get executed. Also, ask for the marshal to look at his phone and do everything I said to him."

"What!? Executed? Are you kidding me or something, Tob-' she heard a click from the other side of the line.

'That damn bastard! He hung up on me!'

Beca bit her lips looking intently at her phone for a second.

'He can't die... not now, at least. If he does, everything will be ruined!'

Shaking her head not to think about that possibility, Claire hurriedly began to search for the number of any police station in a near municipality.


[Two police stations going to the same place... Are you kidding me or something? Do you really think that the cops will be able to take down a paladin of the same degree as Melissa Paige or your grandma Clementine? I mean, even if you called an entire battalion it wouldn't be enough. You saw with your own eyes how strong paladins and demons are due to their Soul Mirror.]

'Hmm? So you are interested in what I am doing, huh? I thought you would take advantage of my dumbness so you would be able to take the wheel again. Are you turning into a softy?'

[Hell no! I am just dumbstruck, okay? You don't seem to be the type of person who would commit such a mistake, so I got curious whether you were going insane.]

'I am not insane at all and I know very well what I am doing, okay? As I said several times before, just watch and you will know what I mean when doing this kind of thing. A detective always finds ways to connect all the dots perfectly, so that everything makes sense in the end.'

Mask snorted and didn't say anything else.

Tobey shook his head and rolled his eyes. He knew that Mask would use any opportunity he had to put him in a tight spot like he did in the parking lot. Tobey swore to himself that Mask would fool him just that one time. He would never allow such a thing to happen anymore. Therefore, he didn't trust Mask at all, not even to tell him his plans or intentions.

It was very difficult to maintain his mind emptied almost all the time, but it was a sacrifice that he needed to do.

Tobey finally arrived where he wanted to get to. He was in front of the enterprise he visited on the previous day.

'Hehe... I bet that you didn't expect me to come here again so soon, huh? Too bad for you that I am a man of action. I wouldn't stay noting things down on paper and looking at photos of random suspects all day. I prefer a more straightforward manner of investigating.'

Tobey walked towards the entrance. The doorman recognized him right away, showing a smile and talking through the intercom before Tobey even pressed the button to say something.

"Hey! You are the detective from before, right? How can I help you today? Are you going to visit Mr. Phill again?"

"Yes, but not as a friend, buddy. I am here to arrest your boss. Open this damned door and let me enter, and don't contact him beforehand by the way. Also, keep the door open so the cops can enter when they arrive," Tobey hastily said, putting as much pressure as he could on the man's shoulders.

The doorman had no other choice instead of opening the door to Tobey and let him enter. He was clearly in shock and didn't know exactly what to do or where to go. That was precisely what Tobey wanted to do with his mind by acting with such pushy behavior, which was so out of character for him.

Tobey hastily crossed the enterprise, going through many departments before he finally got to the director's room, which was Phill's room. He could hear someone talking inside that room, or rather yelling. He could recognize Phill's voice there.

The employees looked at him with glazed eyes as they saw a he crossed the departments like a tornado and, with no hesitation, entered the director's room with a frown on his face.

Some of them could swear that he took a gun from his waist. These had their faces turning pale and prayed for the frenzy of their everyday work to have gotten the better of them and exhausted their minds sufficiently to hallucinate about such things.

Meanwhile, Tobey entered the room and closed the door behind him silently. He already had his pistol in his right hand, walking further into that small place like a fox.

Phill was so absorbed in scolding one of his subordinates that he barely noticed as Tobey arrived. He just realized it when Tobey himself brushed that employee to the side while raising his gun at him.

"Phill... I would like to say that it is a pleasure to see you again, but it seems that we are taking a step into the borders of hell and heavens. Anyway, I prefer to make things go smoothly here, so be obedient and follow me, okay?"

A smile rose on Phill's lips as he narrowed his eyes at the barrel of Tobey's gun.

Meanwhile, the employee left the room, his face paler than paper.

"I wasn't expecting you to come here so early. I thought I would have some time more to think things through, but you are a hasty person, huh? Well, you discovered that I am an paladin, so it was obvious that you would act as soon as possible; you are Tobey Foster, after all, certainly not the average detective that you find out there who can't solve a single case in their entire life.'

Tobey chuckled, raising one brow.

"What are you even saying? I am not here looking for you specifically, idiot. I know that you aren't a paladin, much less a demon. You are just a normal human."

Once Tobey said those words, Phill widened his eyes and looked at him flabbergasted. He bit his lips in frustration, though he tried not to let that feeling show up.

"You really thought that you could deceive me with such a cheap trick?" he said with a hint of disdain, his cold eyes penetrating Phill's very soul. "Your last compliment is totally right. As you can see, I am not the average detective you can find out there."