While Yu-ah was nursing Sungwoo , Feng was having a lot of questions whose answer can only be given by Baek . It was a dark night which he wished would never come again for him as he had lost one of his BAM .

There were huge lighting outside and it was pouring down , it was looking like the gods were also crying .Feng was sitting on a couch in the drawing room , thinking of how to ask the questions which were in his mind. Baek brought him a hot coffee since it was little chilly and sat down on a bean bag which was kept there . He said ," Young man speak up, what you want to ask? It will lessen your heart if you speak it up."

Feng nodded affirmatively and said ,"Who are you?"

Baek replied ," I am the association leader and the world second most strongest hunter ."

"No, i want to know how you know Sungwoo and his family ? and whats your relation with Aashi? ",Feng said .

Baek stated that ," Youngman you are Feng , right ?" when Feng nodded positively

he continued ," My relation with Sungwoo is that of an unknown guardian , and if we talk about his family I am a man who had lived his life by the favours done by them. Ashi is my grandson whom I ordered to be with Sungwoo and protect him . "

This made Feng more confused which led him to ask,"Sir , what do you mean by an unknown guardian ." Baek smiled and said,"This is something you must not tell Sungwoo and Mi-ah. You must keep it a secret . Actually before Sungwoo mom died she took a promise from me , her father , that no matter what the situation I must not let her children go on the paths of their elder brother and father. From that day i have been helping Sungwoo from background without him being notice it as he had noticed it he would have rejected it . He had several assassin targeting him but they failed all the time . I think Sungwoo must have told you about he was in the gas factory when its whole building explode but he was not hurt anywhere."

"So the one who was secretly helping him find the job and in paying his uncles medical fees." Feng asked .

Baek didn't answer this question and told him to leave this matter here .