Tooth Ache

Annabel was a paragon of beauty she about 5' 2 or 5' 28, not too tall. With a beautiful, pale, succulent looking skin, like the desert sand from a distance reflecting the evening sun, lying elegantly over a beautiful work of art, gently exaggerating curves, lines and deeps as though telling a story full of exposé and mystery all at once in a way to create a perfect mix of emotions that leaves one with a pounding heart n some sort of shortness of breath and heads turning

Annabel had just graduated from the university and now back home sick owing to this constant toothache that wouldn't let her have her peace for over 3 years now. Each time the pain started she'd take some drugs to give her some relief and after some days the pain would go away.

It was time to get a lasting solution to eradicate the pain for good since she was done schooling and had the luxury of time in her hands and a mother who was volunteering to go to the hospital with her, that served as further motivation as she hated going out because she had always hated her neighborhood, it was not the fanciest places to live and her family was held in high esteem. Annabel had always thought she deserved better so all she did in the days she wasn't going out to the fancy places to relax, was stay indoors and daydream all the time to escape her prison and avoided mingling with other people. Each time she heard a knock on the gate she'd run to her room just to avoid talking...It wasn't pride but she was between some sort of an introvert and had a phobia for socializing.

They both got to the hospital and did all the formalities and were ready to see a dentist

"How long have you been having the pains" a nurse asked

"For some years now, it would come and go, each time I'd just get some drugs to treat it but now it's time for a permanent solution"

Annabel laid on the theater bed with her mouth open as the nurse serviced her teeth

"Please resist the urge to swallow the liquid pour it here" pointing to a cup shaped handle the nurse warned Annabel.

After a while of servicing Annabel's mouth the nurse informed her that the Doctor was not on seat but would join her in the theater shortly. Annabel's mum had quickly made some friends as she was a friendly person so the nurses were all talking and enjoying her company in the theater whilst Annabel chipped in from time to time.

Suddenly a nurse ran in and told the others about the arrival of the Doctor and everyone conducted themselves well. Annabel was curious as to why everyone comported themselves and ready to receive the Doctor she had imagined him to be stern and every other thing that crossed her mind about the Doctor that made his arrival have such impact on the nurses

"Good morning mummy" this brought Annabel back from her imaginations

"Good morning, How are you my son?" Responded Annabel's mum

"Welcome sir! welcome sir" the nurses uniformly recited

Annabel turned over to see the long awaited Doctor

Lo and below stood there towering over her a gigantic manly figure if she stood in front of him she would just be below his chest in height, it was obvious from his carton brown sleeves that he was muscular, he was bigger than an average man with a gracious aura. A responsible looking gentleman, respectful and had a good sense of humor, she had expected to see a stern looking man but it was the direct opposite, It was as if the earth paused for a while for Annabel

"Hi good morning" he said with a smile on his face

"Oh my goodness! He is so tall, broad chested with strong wide shoulders and handsome with well connected beards he's not too hairy and his hair nicely cut and I hope he's not married, no he must be married, well I don't see any ring on his finger, I pray he's not married! He should be in his mid 30's almost twice my age" she quickly came back to reality when her mum called out her name implying she should respond to his greeting

"Good morning sir" responded Annabel skeptical if that sir was necessary but I mean he could be married for all she knew and obviously he was way older than her and he wasn't her boyfriend yet at least and she knows nothing about him so she could as well keep it formal so she thought.

In his office he was explaining to her about her teeth problems with a dental cast and the options she had for a solution but all she could do was stare straight into his eyes like a hopeless romantic thinking about his tiny lips without interrupting upper lip hair as he spoke but perfectly concealed the fact that she was mesmerized by him. He on the other hand got distracted by her eyes she knew how powerful her eyes were, she's been told countlessly she had eyes that pierced through any soul it was irresistibly charming. She would make any eyes stare away from the burning fire piercing through from her eyes and that was the exact effect she had on him and she smiled as he turned away to catch his breath.

They proceeded to the theater once again where the surgery was done on her teeth to give her a lasting solution, all through the procedure he would crack jokes, speak to her mum and tease Annabel of eating all the food alone without him and bringing her tooth for service and playfully threatened to remove her wig to see if she would still remain beautiful without the wig leaving Annabel wondering how he knew she had one on and it already felt like they'd known each other since forever!

Mummy!.... Screamed Annabel

"What happened my baby"

"He removed my wig" acting like a spoilt brat with a fake frown mixed with a smile on her face.

And everybody in the theater busted into laughter. He maintained a jovial and friendly environment whilst conducting the surgery. Annabel was wondering why the nurses were initially comporting themselves when he was arriving as though a tyrant was coming since in actuality he didn't seem strict.

Finally the surgery was done and he gave her an appointment for check up in two weeks time and his phone number for follow up according to him. Annabel had already vowed in her heart not to ask for his phone number if he didn't give it on his own discretion, pretending like she didn't mind. He finally gave it and she got what she wanted. But what was unknown was if the Doctor was married or not!