Unexpected Catastrophe! (Part 1)

Aarohi when reached Deep's House, hesitated a bit! Would she freak him out?

Shoving off the thoughts, she proceeded!

Towering gates welcomed her, and a security guard enquired her who she was!

After informing she was here about work related issues, the man let her in!

Again a lie! She thought!

What was this man making her do?!

Getting in, she noticed the open space the house had! A car was parked but the space was still visible, almost for two more cars to fit in! In the centre stood the astonishing house, with the perfect architecture! So modern yet simple!

A smile hugged her! It as well suited the couple! Simple yet elegant!

As her gaze skimmed over the surroundings, she strangely thought there might be a backyard! The house made her think so! With the space it had!!

With a heavy breath, she made her way in, reaching the door, she wanted to knock, but for her luck, it was already open, as if welcoming her!

Nervous, she took baby steps!

Only to be welcomed by the sight of Mrs.Nethin, who was right seated at the dining table, her gaze glued to the her laptop's screen and her hand effortlessly holding the cup of coffee which she seemed to enjoy!

As she reached closer, the woman looked up at her, a glimpse of surprise took over her eyes as he put the cup down on the table!

"Aarohi?" the woman took her name as if she was making sure she wasn't having any illusions, for which she smiled, assuring her!

"Goodmorning!" she greeted!

"Goodmorning....!" the woman still looked confused yet welcomed her with a smile, tapping on the seat next to her!

Taking the initiative, Aarohi went for the seat!

"Sudden surprise?!" Rhys shrugged, "Anyway, you did right! I was thinking to welcome you as well!"

"Pleasure to hear that Mrs.Nethin!"

Rhys waved it off, "Would like to have a cup of tea or coffee? Breakfast would work as well!!"

Aarohi shook her head, "That's very thoughtful of you Mrs.Nethin! But, I would just be fine with water?!"

She still was nervous with the first visit and anything wouldn't help her now, except someone!!

Rhys smiled offering her a glass of water! "Don't be so formal! You can call me aunt!"

Aarohi paused, hesitated!

"Do you have any problem?" Rhys carefully asked making sure she wasn't making her feel uncomfortable!

Aarohi shook her head with a smile, "I was just wondering...."

She cleared her voice, "How about mother?"

The woman took a second to digest before she laughed, "I like it!!" she pointed!

Aarohi smiled heartful, "Me, as well!!"

Rhys couldn't help but appreciate the cheering nature of her!

"I don't mind the reason, for you came to meet someone specific!!"

"And I ended up meeting someone more specific!!"

They both laughed!

"I have to go now dear! I wish I could spend more time with you!"

Aarohi gave an assuring smile, "We have a time of future in store, mother!"

Rhys stared her with affection, no wonder her son's choice was always accurate!!

Her hand raised up, patting the lady's head gently!

"That's really assuring! Catch you later!" she smiled, raising up from her seat! "Upstairs, left to the second room!" she informed taking her bag!

Aarohi watched her now staring back, the lady's hand again patted her head!

"Feel free to feel free!!"

Aarohi could only chuckle at that, and she then send her off, already feeling like she owned this family completely!

Oh, well she did!!

What a lucky bag she was to get this family! Suddenly she missed her parents!

With an encouraging sigh, she ascended the staircase, turning left, she reached his room! An inch away were her fingers to knock, but she just decided to get in!

Slowly opening the door, trying to make as less sound as possible, she trapped the first sight of the empty bed, a small frown settling on her face slow by slow, which grew visibly bigger when her gaze after taking brief look at all over the room and finally settled on him!

Who was still asleep in the armchair!

Reaching him, she crouched, taking a clear look at him!

She, though it was morning now, knew he slept with all the lights turned off, and in the chair itself!

Something was definitely wrong with him!

Staring him, she just didn't want to disturb his sleep, which she wasn't sure of how hard was it for him to gain!

Yet, her hand gave in to the irresistible impulse of hers, and she caressed his hair, her fingers sinking in it.

And it took only seconds for Deep to wake up! His eyes still droopy when they were settled on her!

Aarohi remained still, squatted!

While his gaze was right settled on her but there was no response!

"Why do you stare me such way?" she was forced to ask!

Deep took a second to reply, "I still am wondering! Is this any dream again?!" his voice hoarse!

"No!" she smiled which soon disappeared when she hit him gently on head, "Wake up mister Nethin!"

Deep with a yawn ignored her behaviour. Leaning forward, his now steady eyes trapped her sight!

Aarohi withdrew her hand as she stared back!

"A sudden surprise.....or shock?"

"Both in case!" she retorted!

He gave out a chuckle before leaning much forward in attempt to raise but that made Aarohi blink twice!

She got up very quick, allowing him to do the same, not at all wanting to block, which he did, well with a slight laugh!

"You do expect weird stuff!"

She didn't respond to it! It was just a reflex action!!

"Why didn't you go to work?" she wanted to know.

Deep just stared her for a moment, "You went to the company, didn't you?" he asked almost surprised!

Aarohi chuckled getting herself comfortable on the soft mattress of his bed.

"I realised your secretary is my friend!" she said instead!

Deep became thoughtful! The orphanage Meera provides the donations to is....the same one! How did he go ignorant to this fact!

"Surprising!" he said, guessing that the woman now knew their relationship! Else would she give his address?!

"It is!" Aarohi accepted! "You didn't contact me since two days!" she then reminded!

Deep watched her in silence before getting seated beside her, taking her hand into his!

"I apologise for that!" he spoke softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze!

Aarohi smiled, her hand coming up to cover his, "Miss Carl might misunderstand but Mrs.Nethin will not!" she assured!

Deep stared her for a moment in proud, the only thing he wanted from her was that she could understand, and she just excelled it, not at all trying to limit him!

His hand came up, caressing her hair before planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, "I always will appreciate it!!"

She smiled, "I just wanted to check on you! Is everything....okay with you? And....Tara?!"

Everything seemed normal until the very last word stabbed him!

"It is!!" he lied with a really visibly flaw smile!

She just stared him in silence!

"I believe you!" she finally tried to end it, she knew he wasn't yet comfortable to share anything she guessed was present! "Just you know that I am always available for a talk!"

Deep smiled through pain which she was sure to notice while he was being sure to hide it!

"Mother treated me well! Will you treat me well as well? By introducing me to your house?!" she asked cheerfully!

But all he noticed was her statement! Mother?! Did she just call his mother 'Mother'?

A heartfelt smile suddenly took over him, "Sure!!"


While Tara was away, Aryan waited for her to return and his gaze again fell over the seemingly loveable box of cookies!

Aryan was though disappointed that Deep didn't send the keys along, cause Tara seemed to be excited to just lit those candles, he felt glad that he atleast sent her few cookies! Those which she seemed to like, he didn't ignore the smile her face took over when he took out the box!

Yet he felt the urge to undo the box and take a look at those cookies, and so, he just did!

They really looked delicious, he was about to have a bite when Snoopy barked at him, looking at him as if though he was about to do a crime and he is warning him to not do it!


He really might have had something personal to be cleared with this creature in his previous life!!

"You crave for the first bite, don't you?" he teased him!

Aryan laughed as he offered him some which Snoopy accepted with a bark of appreciation! He found it funny yet adorable!

"How more lovely can you be my son?!" he really adored this puppy!

"Well now don't ask anymore! This belongs to your mother!" he snapped!

"She won't mind if you ask her though! But...let me have a taste as well!" he said with a smile!

He took another cookie, and when he was about to take a bite, Tara who seemed to have rushed in stopped him!

"Aryan don't!!" she called out!

He almost had to swallow and blink at a time by the way she feared him! "God, you startled me!"

"I know I can't touch them without your permission but one bite would do no loss!" he shook his head!

Tara ignorant to his remarks, rushed to him, placing the box she recieved just a moment ago on the table, she grabbed the box in his hand and threw it away harshly, which he found odd!

"What are you.....and what about this?" he asked in confusion with both her behaviour and the second delivery!

Tara took the bouquet as well, to threw it off! As she did, she felt a sting of pain to her fingers!

"Careful!!" Aryan tried to check her hand which she denied!

Blood seeped from her index finger, ignorant to the pain she felt, she put her finger into her mouth, absorbing the blood!

Bloody bouquet of thorns!

"That wasn't from Deep, this is!!" she nodded towards the latest recieved box!

Aryan took a look over it, it really was! The note and the keys said it while the same cookies were present as well!


"You didn't have it right!" she asked impatient!

Aryan stared her in a moment of silence, "I.... didn't!"

Tara sighed in relief, "We need to...."

"But Snoopy did!!" he cut her off!

Her words got stuck, eyes widened!

Suddenly, she felt her heart sinking, drowning in a feeling she once experienced, fearing and praying to not to go through it once again!

They stared each other in a state of undefined emotion until their gaze began to search for him!

"Where's he?" she asked frustrated, without looking up at him!

"I don't...he was....here until...." Aryan didn't know what to say anymore, so he just began to search for him everywhere and she did the same!

They searched all over the kitchen and dining area!

"You go upstairs, I'll search down!" she directed!

Aryan with a nod was about to completely ascend the staircase until he heard a glass breaking sound from the living room!

They both exchanged a glance before rushing to the room, only to witness the unconscious Snoopy laying on the floor, who seemed to have spit out a mouthful of blood!