Intriguing Interaction!!

Aarohi who was to visit Deep, was halted when witnessed him coming out of his house tensed! She wanted to greet Tara and Aryan as well whom she wanted to meet after the party night, but suddenly seeing Deep leave the house hurriedly concerned her. She waited no more and just hired a taxi, following him, only to know where he was heading to! It was evening, almost night, yet he came to the construction site?! While all the workers were off the work?

She couldn't think of anything else other than the meeting he had with that mysterious man that day! Was he here to meet him again?!

As she followed him in silence and distance, Aarohi saw him speaking to the watchman, about something which she couldn't hear! However soon, the old man received his car's keys and swiftly made his way out of the site, and Aarohi had to hide behind the wall so the man would not see her!

Deep continued to walk in, casually looking around the environment, as if he really was here for some work related issue.

She could still feel the mixture of concrete powders swaying in the air, the ground wet, only few source of lights, unfinished constructions of few walls and finally, pillars. She had to held back her sneezes for a while until she herself got adjusted to the environment.

Aarohi for a second doubted her existence here, what was she even doing?! He was being blackmailed to spy his own sister, but here, she was doing the concerned work with him, without any third persons' interference.

With a shake, she pushed away the thought of leaving the place and tried to focus on her hiding! She managed well not getting caught by him until now and she needed herself to continue that!

It felt like eternity of waiting for both them, the only difference was that he wasn't quite expressive with the impatience he was beginning to feel!

With a sigh, when Deep turned, a voice greeted him, "You can try exercising your patience, for an advice?!"

Aarohi and Deep both took in the look of the mysterious man appearing into the light, who this time didn't choose to wear any of those mask or cap, with another man following behind!

Aarohi, who if not properly hid, now instinctively stepped back, hiding herself to the edge, not letting the pillar she was covering herself with, expose her.

"Thanks to you, I am!!" Deep replied playfully!

Neel's brow raised, surprised, "Improvement, huh!!"

Deep shook his head, "Why did he call me again?"

Neel nodded as if appreciating the trait of him getting straight into the matter this time, unlike someone, "As informed ahead, you with no doubt, will be following your sister, all....the way to Mathura!!"

Deep looked away, as if he was done with this talk!

"I am just here to introduce this man, who.....would be assisting you!!" Neel casually said.

Deep let out a laugh and a sigh, "I am a man who does business!!" he added softly. "No trust, no business!!"

Neel shrugged, "That isn't a business you are doing but slavery!!"

"Needful, to be precise!"

Aarohi held back her urge to just come into the light and hit the man, while Deep chuckled hard! "I see how experienced you are for you could define it very well!!"

Neel nodded amused, but Deep was surprised to see the man completely undisturbed by his statement almost making him think the man did accept it or merely it was him not caring to bother him with a reply. And a thought that nearly made him chuckle again that he for himself looked like a desperate child for a fight!

"Isn't it ironical, I didn't yet have your introduction but here you're to INTRODUCE this man?!" Deep laughed, while Aarohi could only wonder at the difference demeanour Deep carried with this man that day, with the one he is carrying out now!

Neel for the first time chuckled, a response!! Surprising Deep, another one followed, "My introduction might really be interesting for many seek for it!!"

Deep pondered over that while Neel paid no heed, "He is Vinson, YOUR assistance!!"

Deep nodded as a child looking down the ground for a moment, "Him over you I see!" he added, "Trust!!" with a chuckle.

Deep looked at the man who was silent the entire time, dressed all in black, his gaze settled right on him, "You don't expect me to take you home with me, do you?"

Neel took a second of thought, swiftly giving a nod to the man who exchanged a hesitated glance with him before leaving the place, and Neel's all focus was now Deep.

Neel though didn't keep his thoughts out, he was sure the man was in a plan for something considering his cool response, completely looking unbothered by everything unlike their last meeting!

"You wanted to speak?!" Neel questioned.

Deep nodded with a smile, "To ask!"

Neel gave no response while Deep took a step closer, "Is your master still not interested to command me well? He lacks the trait actually!!"

Neel still remained silent.

Deep sighed, "When will I be getting to know what exactly should I do, cause...I don't want to drag it long!!"

Neel briefly looked away, a pretentiously defeated sigh escaping him, "How difficult is it for you to manage your business life well for, you always choose the wrong person!!"

Deep shook his head, "How concerned!!"

With a shrug he took another step ahead, "Then let me go for the wrong question this time!!"

Neel watched him taking another step as he called, "So.....Mr.Neel...!"

"Would you like to enlighten me on which side are you exactly standing for?!"

Neel's teal gaze tried to unravel his sapphire, to know what was he implying by that!

While Deep looked at him as though really seeking an answer, Neel finally responded, "Whatever side I take, that... shouldn't matter you, Mr.Deep!!" he stressed for which Deep looked away as if he heard something silly.

"However, do know!! No matter the sides, we would never be shaking hands!!"

"I only would assume you're sure about your statements!!"

Neel shook his head, he shared too much talk, almost sufficient for an year, and his jaw muscles already seemed to have an ache now! "Have SAFE days ahead, Mr.Deep!"

Deep chuckled again, "It's SO NICE of your concern!!"

"And NOT so nice of your meeting!!" a soft smile playing on his lips.

Neel nodded, yeah, he knows!! And for a second, he held back his chuckle, people now-a-days are seeming to have too much of their interest in his NAME!! He decided to just leave, feeling done, however his steps halted for a second as if....shaking his head, he shot a last glance of his to the man before leaving the place!!

Deep sighed turning away, lost in his thoughts of what was that man wanting through all of this, his unknown motive still puzzling him. Did Neel know about the man's thought process?

A bitter chuckle escaped him, as if the man was willing to share it with him.

Would never be shaking hands!!

His words kept echoing. Deep sighed, he was getting deeper into their assumed pit they cleanly laid out for him.

Aarohi watched him in silence, getting out of the site. She followed him out, watching the watchman returning in the car. handing over the keys.

The old man greeted him a goodnight which Deep responded to with a nod and a smile before leaving the place! Aarohi managed to sneak out of the place in the mean time without getting caught, and once she was out, she couldn't help but stare at the vanishing figure of Deep's car!

Once it was out of her view, she found herself sighing defeatedly. "You..... finally gave in!!"

Her gaze travelled up to the sky, the sky adorned in the dark, a crescent moon shining along with a few visible stars. 'Of course, I love my little sister more than you!!' his statement combined with a chuckle, whenever she pretended to be enraged by the fact of him prioritising Tara over her, echoed.

"How.....are you going to.....solve this all, Deep?" her voice was a whisper. With a sigh, she decided to leave the place before the old watchman could identify her presence.

Unknown to the fact that her presence was already identified by someone.

Neel stared at her leaving figure in silence, from distance. His gaze wavered thoughtfully, before with a heavy sigh he gave a ring to someone, these people's beloved enemy.

"What is it?" the man casually questioned.

Neel took a momentary silence before responding, as if pondering over his decision, "His love.....seems to be known of what's happening!!"

There was a silence for a moment from both the sides before the man vanished it up with a low "Clearer!!"

Neel sighed, "The woman..... Aarohi, she is....aware of everything!!"

And surprisingly the man laughed suddenly, while Neel remained silent.

The man kept laughing until his breath was hitched, and...silence took over.

"Is that fool daring playing a double game?"

Neel could hear the chuckle in the man's voice, "He doesn't seem to know!" he calmly informed.

The man's pondering over his statement was clearly detectable in the another momentary silence that followed. "Am I to trust it?" His doubt expressive.

"Depends on you!"

Neel's calm and almost unbothered demeanor, again, made him chuckle, "Interesting!!" the man commented with a sigh!

"The getting more.....and more.....interesting!!"

"What do you say?" the man playfully asked.

Neel sighed, "Do you want me to keep her in sight?"

The man sighed, "Obviously!!" a low whisper from him as though he was speaking to himself, "Do not bother to intervene!!" the man then ordered.

"Let us see where this woman takes things to!"

Neel pondered over that, he deliberately didn't reveal her presence back in the scene, a moment of hesitation stopping him!

Well, who can save someone who chooses to fall in the pit willingly?!

Neel held back a chuckle, a momentary thought of saving someone being felt ironically.

"However, do inform me of how well would the things be getting interesting!" with that statement, the call ended by the other side and Neel just sighed.

He remembered the silenced concern over Deep in Aarohi's eyes the last night he witnessed them, while Deep's concern was being his sister, Tara!

Neel sighed hard this time.

Humans, and their perplexus relations!!