The Screamer

Myra was the envy of everyone when she first arrived in the town and Gina's father wasted no time acquiring her as his wife.

The marriage brought about two children but neither took the looks of Myra. While he wanted to keep trying for a child that would look just like Myra, she died the same way his first wife did.

Shortly after, Gina's brother too gave up the ghost. All those experiences took their toll on Gina's father and resulted in his semi-constant irritable mood.

'I shall take some clothes and be with you soon.' She went into her room.

It did not take long before Gina and her father were on their way to her uncle, Benedict's house.


Benedict was a drunk. He drank no matter the weather. Sometimes, people found him in odd places early in the morning because he had been too drunk to walk himself home.

Some of those places included stranger's farms, oozing gutters, and once in the middle of the rapid river.

His addiction to drinking drove him to open his tavern. He had his family work there and he made sure to sell the best ale in town.

In a short while, his tavern became very popular and travelers who heard about it on their journeys stopped to spend the night.

Benedict's house was just behind the tavern. It was small and snug, but all the furniture and decorations were of the finest quality.

Benedict believed that it was wise to spend money on quality things than replacing inferior things every once in a while, but that was a mindset his brother; Gina's father, did not buy into.

'I did not expect you tonight, Edmund. I have not made any preparations to welcome you so please, spend the night in the tavern, I'll make sure to have Missy prepare the finest room for you and Gina.' Benedict said.

Yes, Gina and Missy were cousins indeed.

They were not the closest of brethren because their fathers did not see eye to eye and so they spent limited time together.

'I shall not be staying long, I'll be out hours before dawn but Benedict, I must ask you a favor. Gina is but a girl, innocent and pure, I do not want her hanging around the bar where low lives go to waste their years.'

'I want my daughter in the safety of your home until I return.' Edmund said. His voice was as flat as always.

Although, he was younger than Benedict by a few years, he commanded respect over his brother. His wealth was more than that of Benedict's so society welcomed his authority.

'Do not think too much about your daughter. I will keep her away from the bar for two months. If you do not return by then, I shall give her a role there too. Everyone in my family works for their food and if your daughter is to stay with us, then she shall act like us.'

'I shall be back in time to take my daughter away. I have no intention to keep away from her that long. I shall write to you brother, but till then, take care.' Edmund picked his bag up and walked out of Benedict's house.

Edmund and Gina followed Missy to a room in the tavern. The room was one of the best in the place. It was big and had two beds that were at the extreme ends of the room.

There was a fine cabinet right in the middle of the room. And the hangings that covers the windows had embroidery like Edmund loved.

Whenever he had to stay at the tavern, Benedict offered him the finest suite but whenever the roles were switched, Edmund provided Benedict with nothing but a servant's chamber in his house.

Like a thief would sneak out of a home that belonged to an unsuspecting townsman, Edmund sneaked out of the room early the next morning. But he was not so stealthy as all his racketing awoke Gina from her sleep.

When Gina saw her father slip out of the room, she stood up and walked around the room.

Even though she had only just woken up, her first thought was Richard. It was not surprising for her as the night before, she dreamed of what would have been if she had not spoken to him about marriage.

Gina had a wild imagination, and they did not stop roaming even when she was deep in sleep.

In her dream. She saw Richard stuffing her mouth with his apparel just to reduce the sound of her screams because she was one to scream with his every thrust.

She saw one of his hands grabbing her breast while the other carefully toyed with the flesh between her legs, and even in her sleep, she could feel the way she felt whenever he did it.

She felt like water was going to burst through her. And it always did every Friday night, but that Friday night, it was different, because she only dreamt of it.

As she walked around the large room, a thought nipped into her head. She wondered if she could make herself feel the way Richard made her feel. Maybe if she touched herself like he did, it was possible to create that same feeling.

Maybe it was her urges coming to the surface but what she wanted more than ever was to feel the way Richard made her feel, and without hesitation, she locked the door and removed her clothing one at a time.

As though she was under a spell, she folded them neatly and placed them on the bed her father has slept in. Then she laid on the bed she slept in and spread her legs apart as she had always done for Richard.

She touched herself and felt wetness. But she did not know what to do with all of it. She had no idea what Richard did to make her scream every Friday night.

She moved her fingers around, but nothing happened. She groaned and stood up quickly from the bed.

She knew she had to be with Richard again to study him and understand how he touched her. But she did not know how that was going to happen given the way they ended things the day before.

Gina walked to the other bed in the room and began putting her clothes on. She did not want to be missed during breakfast and so she made her way back to her uncle's house...