The Master Of Crafts

'Whatever are you speaking about?' Ansley asked.

He was counting down the time to his death and the woman speaking in parables was not helping him at all.

'Tabitha has told me about Tripp and how much you owe. Whatever is your reason for borrowing money from that deadly man?' The woman frowned.

'Shall you not tell me who you are?' Ansley asked.

'Do not tell me it has been so long that you do not recognize your sister anymore.' The woman laughed.

Was she joking? Why did she come to his house to throw words around?

As far as Ansley knew, he had no family anywhere and he had been the only child of his parents.

'Sister? I do not have any sisters.' 

'Our mother surely knew how to live a double life.' The woman laughed again.

Ansley did not understand what she spoke about. 

'Whatever are you saying? Shall you not speak in clear words?' He asked.