Chapter 13

I call her number and then wait. When I finally get her attention, the phone rings again. She answers the phone.

"Hello there, my name is Ifan. Whom exactly am I talking to?"

The first thing that catches my attention is that her voice has a new quality to it; it is silky and seductive, and I swear that my cock is already beginning to twitch. There is no doubt about the fact that she is a skilled actor. To ensure that she is unable to determine that it is I on the other end of the line, I reduce my volume and cover some of my mouth with the material of my costume.

"King William ."

She purrs as she acknowledges, "Oh, I've never talked to a monarch before."

"To your benefit, since I am the one ruler who really matters. Do you not acknowledge that you are mine?"

She mutters, "Mm hmm," under her breath.

"I have a requirement for you, Kitten: Please confirm that I am your owner."