CHAPTER 8- Shyness.

CHAPTER 8 - Shyness.

I had planned to warn Yuki about the possible dangers she might face if she encounters someone with the power to see ghosts. She has my protection; no one can see her except me, but that doesn't mean my protection is 100% secure. We should never let our guard down, especially considering that spiritual power isn't as easy to measure as a power system in some anime. Spiritual power completely depends on how it's used, regardless of how powerful it may be. It's a power that's hard to fully decipher, which is why I'm not even sure if my protection is 100% secure. If I let my guard down and someone is capable of seeing Yuki, her existence will be in danger.

However, considering her reaction, her terror, her trauma from bad things like crimes, murders, and violations, I must keep her completely away from that kind of stuff until she can overcome it. In the meantime, I'll always keep her protected, and at the first sign of danger, I'll save her.

Ah, I'm a normal person now, and I'll act like one. If the danger becomes too great, I'll act, but in the meantime, I won't do anything.

I am Saik, a normal student, with a normal life. I've buried my past; I must move forward with my normal life and enjoy it.

"Oh, well, well. Hey, Saik, some girls are staring at you. Quite the heartthrob you turned out to be. Hahahahahaha!"

"Listen to what they're saying about me."

"What are they saying?"

She went to listen to the conversation of those girls, and I opened the lunch I hadn't finished. I won't waste it. I wonder if they'll kick me out of class if I eat inside.

I'd rather not risk it for now.

Mmm. Ah, Saik, congratulations, this chicken salad turned out perfect. Give my regards to the chef.

Thank you, thank you. I know, it's delicious.

So many hours watching cooking tutorials weren't in vain... Well, a salad isn't that complicated to make, but it's a culinary masterpiece coming from someone like me, who just learned to cook.

But I think I added too much mayonnaise... Ah, whatever, it's delicious anyway.

"Oh, yeah, they were making fun of you. They can't appreciate the good things!"

"The good things?" I said, chewing the food.

What's good about me? I've never been popular with women; on the contrary, they considered me an ugly and disgusting freak. I've never had female friends, let alone a girl saying something nice to me. To women, I'm just an annoying and repulsive existence. I think Yuki is just trying to defend her good older brother.

Don't worry, Yuki, that doesn't bother me; I'm used to it, and I don't care.

"Y-you see...! It's just that... Look at yourself, Saik! A toned body, big pecs that any girl would want to lay her head on and even lick them!"

"Lick them?"

Disgusting. No one will lick my chest... Not again... Ah, number 31... No, Saik, the past, don't remember the past.

"And not to forget your mother's beautiful eyes, which you inherited completely! And the soft hair like an angel's wings, inherited from your father. Why am I the only one who appreciates such a work of art?!"

"... Yuki, are you exaggerating?"

"Of course, but someone has to boost your self-esteem, you idiot! Come on, comb your hair and show that you are indeed handsome!"

"What a hassle."

"See?! You're ruining your own life!"

"I don't care about other people's opinions. Why should I give them importance? They won't serve me in any way. I don't plan on having friends, so there's no need to worry about things like that."

"Oh, poor creature, so accustomed to loneliness that you've given up on the dream of having friends."

"Dream? I don't think so."

"Oh, and living in negativity, pretending to be someone cold and emotionless, pretending not to dream of having friends. What a pitiable soul."

"... Are you kidding?"

"Of course I'm kidding!"

Yuki crossed her arms and sighed.

"I know perfectly well that you're not pretending to be someone else, Saik is Saik, I know that. It's just that, you know, I find it sad that you're like this. Loving parents, wealthy, luxuries. You were born with a silver spoon. Practically a perfect life."

I stopped when I heard that, as it filled me with anger.

"A perfect life?"

But I continued walking; Yuki has more than enough reasons to believe my life was perfect. She doesn't know what I've suffered, so I can't be mad at her.

"Why did you become so cold and emotionless? I know your parents died, but..."

I stopped Yuki before she could say more.

"My parents have nothing to do with my personality. My personality has been the same for years."

"Then why are you like this?"

"When I feel more comfortable, I'll talk about it, but not now."

"Yes, I see... Alright, I'll be patient."

"Thank you."

I'm sorry, Yuki, but I don't even know why I have this personality. I've always been like this, which is why I don't know what to tell you.

Ah, I'm sorry, Yuki, you have to put up with someone as weird as me. But I really don't know why I am the way I am.

I don't even understand myself... Ah, well, it's not worth thinking about that, let's continue with my school life.

I entered my classroom and sat in my seat.

Ah... I hope classes end soon. I want to keep playing.

"Hahahahahaha! Look at this!"

"Pffffff! So small!"

"I'd get more from a pinky toe! Hahahahahaha!"

Ah, they're so loud.

"Oh, that girl really likes to show off her skin. Saik, I forbid you from getting close to her. She doesn't seem trustworthy."

Don't judge by appearance, Yuki, but yeah, she seems annoying. Her voice is bothersome.

And the other two are equally annoying, but at least they wear decent clothes... Decent, huh? What a stupid thought I just had.

My mother taught me not to judge people by their appearance; clothes don't define a person. But I don't feel purity in her. I try not to judge, but when I look at her, I only feel sadness, disgust, and resentment. A woman filled with negative emotions. Is her life that painful?

Well, I don't care. It doesn't affect me, so I won't get involved.

"10 boys and 10 girls. 20 students. Why so few?" Yuki said, sitting on my desk.

"I also think it's few, but the school must have its reasons."

This school has prestige, so much that even reporters wanted to interview me for becoming the top student in the entrance exam. Since they knew about me and my family, they tried to extract information about how I'm coping with living without my parents and how I managed to become the best student, considering I used to be a complete idiot in school subjects.

In response, I sat for hours on a park bench, reading, while ignoring them until they got tired and left.

How annoying reporters can be. Do they really think they have a right to know about my life?

Ah, whatever. The school probably admits few students because... Because... Ah... This... Because...

"No, I tried, nothing comes to mind. Maybe they only accept a few students because they want quality over quantity. You know, with fewer students, it's easier for teachers to identify them and guide them better so they can excel."

"That makes sense."

"Hey, why are you whispering?" said Ram, approaching me.

"I'm talking to the ghost I mentioned earlier. Do you want me to introduce you?"

"I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Stop fooling around and let's talk seriously."

"Hahahahahaha! Poor ignorant creature," Yuki said, pretending to pat Ram's head.

I'm telling the truth while also making fun of Ram. This is fun, isn't it? Normal teenagers are supposed to crack jokes. Am I doing it right? I hope so. Yuki is laughing, so I think I'm doing well.

"I was just talking to myself about my life and stuff. What do you want to talk about? Hurry, the Language class is about to start."

"Saik Norsai."

She extended her hand... Ah... This... What?

"I want you to be my ally. Teach me your tricks. How do you manage to have time to relax and be the best student at the same time?"

"What a hassle."

I put my arms on the table and rested my head on them.

"A hassle?"

"I don't want friends or allies. And if you want to be the best, just study, that's it. And if you fell in love with me, I'm sorry, I have to reject your feelings for me. I'm not interested in love or that kind of stuff."

A joke Yuki made, sorry for stealing it, but I thought it was the perfect occasion to use it. It's funny, right? I hope so.

I heard a sigh.

"As you wish. But don't underestimate me, don't take me lightly, you lazy."

She walked away.

"Learning from your master, huh? Fufu," Yuki said, realizing I stole her joke.

Ah... I'm really lazy.

Monday's schedule is annoying.


7:00 am - 8:30 am: Fundamental Mathematics.

8:30 am - 9:10 am: Break. (40 minutes) (I used it to sleep, but mainly it's for breakfast.)

9:10 am - 10:40 am: Physical Education. (We only ran and did some basic exercises since it's the first day.)

10:40 am - 11:00 am: Break (20 minutes)

11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Integrated Sciences.

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch. (My favorite time of the day.)

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm: Foreign Language.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm: World History.

It's a weird schedule, with three breaks, one for 40 minutes, another for 20 minutes, and the last for an hour. Two hours in total. Out of the 9 hours at school, we study for 7. I think it's fine, but I'm too lazy to study so much. At least we get enough rest.

In the Foreign Language class, each student chooses the language they want to learn. My English is good, passable at least, so I chose to learn Spanish and French. My Spanish is basic, so I want to improve it, and I don't know French.

Despite living in a country where Spanish is the main language for two years, I didn't try to improve my Spanish because I was wasting time with other things.

Ah, it's about to start.

The teachers are coming in. Well, today I have Spanish class. Ah, what a hassle.

"Accompany your respective teachers to the assigned classrooms," the teacher said.

Well, time to study... "Ah, que fastidio (Ah, what a hassle.)" (Spanish)

Classes ended, and I can finally go. Finally. I curse the person who created History class, but well, you need to know history to avoid repeating it, I know, but it's so boring.

Ah, at least I'm free now. Goodbye, first day of classes, you were a boring day, just as expected from my new quiet school life. Quiet is always boring, so I'm satisfied.

I'll play for an hour, study until 9 in the evening, and have dinner. A simple plan to follow.

Yuki is sleeping on the floor, so I kicked her with my foot to wake her up.

She yawned and started floating.

"Is it over already? Finally! That teacher talks so boringly."

Ah, I know. Well, let's go.

I grabbed my backpack... Eh?

That man... Who is he looking at so angrily...? Ah, I see the reason.

"Oh, come on, I'd love to be your friend," a boy said to the shy girl who ate on the rooftop.

Trying to take advantage of a shy girl who would hardly say no due to social pressure? Well, I've done worse, so I don't have the right to judge.

But you've made Yuki angry, and consequently, you've made me angry... Well, not really, but to make Yuki happy, I'll do whatever it takes to keep her happy.

"Tsk. Trash," Yuki said, observing the situation.

I didn't know that shy girl was in my class. Or did I...? Ah, her presence in class is almost non-existent; she only stands out for being pretty, but that's all; she always stays silent, so my brain ignored her existence.

Pretty...? Mmm... Well, I guess so. I prefer adorable, so I don't pay much attention to beauty, but yes, that girl is pretty.

And a handsome boy is trying to flirt with her.

She's trembling and avoids looking at him. Trauma with men? No, I think she's just afraid of socializing and feels uncomfortable due to his insistence.

"I... I can't, I'm sorry."

Ah, I see. At least she's brave enough to reject him.

"Come on, it's just a meal. I'll pay."

But he keeps insisting. Ah, is this what's known as "cringe"? Secondhand embarrassment... Yes, I'm definitely feeling that right now.

He keeps pushing, while that girl's discomfort and fear escalate. Is no one going to help her? Please, I'm too lazy to get involved.

Some glance at the situation, but they do nothing and keep staring at their phones. Ah, cursed zombies.

At least one of them wants to help her; I can see it in his eyes. Come on, guy, go to her... Ah... Just as he was about to approach them, someone called him on the phone, and he left to answer the call.

Do I really have to get involved?

"Tsk. I don't want to see this. Let's go."

Don't you want to help her, Yuki? It's more than fine by me, but this is unusual for you... Wait... That man is... And he was a teacher... Maybe... Ah, this will save me a lot of effort and time.

I walked towards them.

"Saik?" Yuki said.

I hope it's worth it.

"I... I can't... I really can't."

"And you don't want to come with me to the...?"

"Hey, hey..." I said to silence his words.

I stood next to him and sighed.

Please, I hope I'm not making a mistake with my assumption.

"Hey, are you not going to do that? It's getting late," I said to that girl.

"... Yes, that's true."

She got up from her seat and left the classroom. Ah, thank goodness. She realized my intention quickly.

"Did you help her without me asking you?!" Yuki said, unable to believe what she saw.

Don't get excited, Yuki; I did it because I want to get something in return.

The man, upon seeing what I did, smiled at me, and I gently touched the school emblem on my uniform's chest with my finger.

"Hey, are you her friend?" that student said.

Discreetly, I pointed my finger at the man, and he pointed at himself with his finger, startled, perhaps wondering: can that guy see me?

"Yes..." I said, nodding my head.

The man widened his eyes, and I turned to look at the student.

"You make me sick."

"Sick? Tsk. Have you looked at yourself in a mirror, freak?"

"Freak your grandma, you idiot!" Yuki said, pretending to smack him in the face.

Hey, Yuki, not with grandmas, you don't insult them... Well, I don't care, I never met my grandparents, so it doesn't affect me.

I walked away from him, but he grabbed my arm.

"Hey, I asked you a question. Don't run away like a coward."

"Ah, I see. Should I congratulate you? Congratulations, you know how to ask... And now what? Will you learn to wipe your own ass? You should learn. You smell weird."

"Uh, good one, Saik. You're getting better!" Yuki said, pretending to pat me on the head.

You can pat me for real later, Yuki. I probably deserve it; I might be making a mistake, and at least your head pats will make me feel like it was worth it.

I removed his hand and stepped away from him.


Ah, again. He put his hand on my shoulder. Who do you think you are to touch me, you trash...? Ah, Saik, you're a normal student with a normal life; don't forget that.

I stopped and sighed.

"I'm not interested in talking to you."

I lifted my hair so he could see my face and understand how serious I am.

"Don't speak to me again. Can you understand something as simple as that?"

"Tsk. Freak."

I covered my face again and left the classroom.

Ah, I hope it's worth it.

"Hey, Saik, you were amazing! Did you hear your classmates' laughter? Well done, you protected an innocent girl from a pervert! But I thought you didn't want to draw attention. What made you change your mind?"

Ah, that's why Yuki didn't ask me to help. She knew I prefer to avoid unnecessary trouble. Yuki, you're such a good friend; you've earned my respect and a cake.

Back to the point, I did that for two reasons.

Number 1: That girl will owe me a favor. I'll collect it by having her help me with a task or something. Having people owe me favors will help me survive and maintain my status as the best first-year student... I guess.

And number 2, the most important one: Because of the ghost following her.

"Do you see that man walking beside us, Yuki? The one who can't stop looking at me."

"Man...? Oh, right, he's watching you. Is he a teacher? Did you get into some trouble while I was asleep, Saik?!"

"He's a ghost."

"Eh...? Eh?! Uwaaaah!"

Yuki hugged my arm, hiding from him. He's harmless, don't worry, Yuki.

But I don't blame you; it's the first time you've seen another ghost so closely.


The ghost's fear diminished upon seeing Yuki hide behind me, seeking protection. I suppose this action made him realize I'm harmless to him, so he stopped being afraid and smiled at me.

"Hello, my name is Noel. It's a pleasure to meet you both. And thank you for helping my daughter, young man. I assume you have many questions."

"I'm not interested in knowing anything about your daughter. I only helped your daughter so you could help me with my tasks. Favor for a favor."

Yuki let out a big sigh.

"I should have known you wouldn't do it for free."

"Of course, I used to be a teacher at this school before I died. I'll be more than happy to help you."

"It will be of great help."

If I didn't have these benefits, I wouldn't have helped her and would've just ignored her.

I can't afford a private tutor to help me study; they would be suspicious of me for being so dumb and yet getting first place. I won't trust any humans.

Noel will be very useful to me. A teacher surely knows methods to absorb studying material more easily.

I study and study, but the information simply refuses to stick in my brain. A ghost teacher is what I need to study. I'll improve in my studies and spare myself the fear of my lie being discovered. The perfect plan.

"Great, I haven't seen that before. We really do look alive from a distance, huh?"

"I waited for my daughter outside her classroom, that's why you didn't see me."

"Why do you wait outside? No one can see you inside, only Saik and me."

"I didn't want to disturb her while she studies."



Both Yuki and I fell silent upon hearing that.

Ah, acting like you're alive, huh?

"You do know she can't see or hear you, right?" Yuki said.

"Being by her side all the time would make me a stalker."

"Rather, an overprotective father," I said, sitting on the stairs to the second floor.

"Saik, how did you know he was asking you for help?"

"Because he stuck his head through the door and glared at that guy in fury."

"Oh, yes, that makes sense."

Ah... Well, I better go.

I stood up and headed for the exit.

Why did I sit on the stairs? I don't know, they just looked comfortable.

I left school.

Ah, well, I got a tutor to help me in my free time. It was easy.

Now I'll go home, eat, and study until I lose consciousness.

"Um, e-excuse me."

Food and study. Ah, and an hour of video games. Just one hour, I promise, parents. One hour, and the rest will be dedicated to studying.

"Saik, someone is talking to you!" Yuki shouted in my ear.

Huh? Who's talking to me?

"It's my daughter. She's trying to talk to you... This is strange. Usually, she stays away from everyone, especially men."

"Heh. She probably has a good eye and knows that Saik is a good person, in his own way. He's a tsundere who doesn't accept his feelings."

Can you read minds? Well, I guess it was just a coincidence... I hope so.

And I'm not a good person, Yuki. I'm far from being a good person.

Ah, what a bother.

I stopped and looked at her.

"What's up, miss?"

"I-I... M-my... My name is Sylphie."

"Ah, I see. A classic name for Elves and Fairies in fantasy. A lovely name... And what am I supposed to do with that information?"

"Don't be so cold!!" Yuki shouted in my ear again.

"I... I'm s-sorry... I just wanted to thank you for what you did for me."

Blushing, possibly because she's overstepping and her shyness has reached its limit.

Avoiding direct eye contact and just staring at the ground.

Her body is trembling, and she's fidgeting with her fingers... Ah, yes, I understand, random girl whose name I don't remember. Sylvia...? No... Something fantasy-like... Ah, yes, Sylphie. I understand, Sylphie. The death of your father probably affected you deeply, and depression changed your life.

But honestly, I don't know you, so I don't care. Good luck.

"You're welcome."

I walked away.

"Hey, that's too cold of you, even coming from you!"

"Would you listen to my request? My daughter has suffered a lot. She needs friends. Please, at least talk to her a little more. I would ask you to say what I want to tell her, but I'm sure you don't want anyone to know about your ability. Please, at least talk to her, I beg you."




Ah, a father concerned about his daughter, not asking me to tell her that I can see her father's ghost, understanding that it would only harm me, and just asking me to talk to her so she might feel better or a little less lonely.

You're a good father, Noel, so I'll do it.

I stopped and looked at her.

She was walking away on the left side of the street.

"Hey, Sylphie."

Her body tensed due to the surprise of being called so suddenly, and she immediately turned to look at me, probably thinking that I'd be annoyed if she made me wait.

"If you need another excuse to turn down annoying guys, ask for my help whenever you want. And to avoid misunderstandings, no, I'm not doing it to try to win you over or anything like that. I'm not interested in things like love and romance; they're just a waste of time for me. I simply hate annoying guys."

"Y-yes... Th-thank you!"

"You're welcome."

I continued walking. Ah, I hope it's enough.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. You see, the thing is, my daughter..."

I stopped him; I already know the concerned father's sermon about his daughter's well-being and all that.

"I'm not interested in hearing a sad story."

"Please, she needs your help. I'll do anything, but please, help me. You're my only hope for my family to be happy and united again. Since my death, I've only seen sadness on their faces. I want them to be able to be happy without me."

Ah, you're lucky it's easy to convince me when it's about parents concerned for their children.

Your words are sincere, and that last part sealed the deal. Many humans are selfish and want to be the center of attention; they would even hate the idea of their wives being happy with another man after they die. But you just want your family to be happy, even if you're not there with them.

You're a man who deserves my help.

"If it involves rape, don't tell me about it. I'm sensitive to those issues."

"Don't worry. Thankfully, my daughter is still a virgin. She hasn't even had her first kiss."

The last part is irrelevant, but I guess he said it to show me that it's not such a tragic story and that it's far from involving topics like rape.

"Ah... Alright, tell me."

(Pov - Noel)

When my sweet Sylphie was only 8 years old, I died from a heart condition. I died before the medications could take effect, and I didn't even get to talk to my daughter about it, so she would be prepared. One day, I just died, without the chance to say goodbye to her and her mother, the two women I loved the most in my life. To Sylphie, one day I was with her, but the next day, I vanished completely from her life.

Seeing her ask my wife, "Where's daddy? When will he come back?" broke my heart.

Because of my regret for leaving my wife and daughter alone, I rejected going to heaven and became a ghost, just to be able to see my daughter grow up. I just wanted to see my family move forward, see my daughter grow, be there when she had her first period, her first boyfriend... Even be present at her wedding and the birth of her first baby... But life isn't easy.

Unfortunately, my daughter's life got worse, and what I've witnessed since my death is my family, getting worse and worse.

My wife turned into an alcoholic after my death, neglecting our daughter. Every day she drinks and drinks until she falls asleep, and a few weeks ago, she hit rock bottom and sold our engagement rings because she ran out of money to buy more alcohol, as Sylphie used the money she earned herself to buy food. She didn't give her mother a cent, knowing she would waste it on alcohol, but it wasn't enough to stop her.

"She even dared to steal money from our daughter."

"Stealing from her own daughter to keep drinking... Saik, that woman is..."

"No, Yuki, don't insult her. A depressed woman who isn't getting help does stupid things because she can't control herself. Being capable of stealing from her daughter only reflects the pain she's going through, and drinking is the only way she found to numb that pain. It's the same case for some homeless people; they drink to not think about what they've lost or even forget their hunger. But gradually, it becomes an addiction, and if they don't get help, it becomes their downfall."

"Yeah, like Saik said. My wife is a good person; she just made the mistake of trying to drown her pain with alcohol."

Because of the rumors that it caused, my daughter became a victim of bullying, causing the cheerful Sylphie, my little princess, that outgoing and joyful girl, full of energy and a smile on her face, to become a shy and cowardly girl, full of fear.

"Fear of suffering more."

My daughter has to work part-time to pay for food. My wife doesn't work and spends her time drinking. It pains me to say it, but she's a burden on our daughter, and instead of helping her, she's only a hindrance.

The reason my daughter has no friends is that she's ashamed of her mother. She's afraid of being bullied again, so she doesn't talk to anyone.

She tells herself she doesn't need friends, but...

"She wishes she had them."

She wants to enjoy her youth. Go out to parties, eat with her friends, go to the movies, an amusement park, maybe even have a boyfriend.

She wants to be a normal teenager and have fun, but she's tied down by someone she has to take care of.

I want my daughter to be the cheerful girl she used to be... I want to get back my lovely and adorable daughter.

"I want Sylphie to regain her smile."

(Pov - Saik)

I had my eyes closed as I analyzed the information Noel gave me.

The park bench is comfortable, and my drink is delicious.

I need fresh air and something tasty to think more clearly about what I'll do.

"So... Will you help?"

"Of course he will! Right, Saik?"


Shyness doesn't disappear overnight. It will take time and she needs to build more confidence in herself. Sylphie is a cute girl, so her appearance isn't an issue. She'll regain her self-esteem and become more secure when she no longer has problems at home.

Her shyness and fear won't vanish if her mother doesn't recover. To make Sylphie happy again, the most important thing is to help her mother overcome her issues and move past Noel's death.

Ah... It all started after Noel's death. Money isn't an issue; they had savings and life insurance. She became depressed because she lost the person she loved.

"Noel, does Sylphie have other family members?"

"My parents never approved of my marriage to my wife, so I cut ties with them, and they pretended I didn't exist. They didn't even attend my funeral and they stay away from Sylphie. The same goes for my siblings and nieces. And my wife doesn't have parents or siblings either. She's an orphan. You see, I met her at..."

"No, tell me your romantic story of the rich guy falling for the poor girl later. I need to think about what I'll do."

"I'm interested! Tell me the story!" Yuki said.

"Later, let Saik keep thinking."

"Ugh... Fine, but I hope the wait is worth it!"

The ex-wife was an orphan... I see...

"How did she lose her parents?"

"I don't know. She never wanted to talk about it; it hurt too much to think about them."

"Ah, I see. Sadness or anger? What did you feel in her?"

"Definitely sadness."

"Deceased parents, possibly."

"I thought the same, which is why I stopped pressing. I didn't want her to keep suffering because of the past."

She lost her parents, possibly witnessed their deaths.

A woman with the trauma of losing loved ones or the trauma of being abandoned by them. Whatever it is, it leads to the same result: a woman who doesn't want to be abandoned.

Since Noel died, she felt like she was alone in the world, and that pain blinded her, preventing her from seeing that her daughter was still by her side. She selfishly decided that Noel's death only affected her and didn't worry about her daughter.

A depressed person can't think about the consequences of their actions and only thinks about their own life.

And how do they regain hope? By giving them what they want most: love. Feeling loved.

Sylphie loves her mother, I'm sure, so she doesn't abandon her, but her mother doesn't realize it. If I can get her to open her eyes and see the love Sylphie feels for her, hope will start shining in her heart again.

But she won't listen to anyone, and I can't use Noel; that might harm her, thinking she's gone crazy, and I'd rather avoid involving Noel. She needs to learn that he's no longer alive, so she can move on with her life.

She'll only listen to people important to her... Hmmm...




Yes... Maybe... It could work.

Two weeks... No... One month... Two weeks of preparation... Maximum four weeks... Alright, it's all sorted out.

"I'll do it. I hope you're a good teacher."

"Thank you very much! I'll teach you everything I know!"

"Did you come up with something, Saik?" Yuki asked.

"Yes, but I'll keep analyzing it. I'll leave it as a surprise. Let's go home."

I'd prefer to avoid unnecessary trouble, but I have to do it to improve my grades.