CHAPTER 16- The Mentality of a Widow. Part 6.

(Extra Information: Death.)

Death is not the end of life, there are three different destinies for the soul.

The first and the best of all: Paradise. A place where the deceased are reunited with their departed loved ones. The only requirement to enter is that you have done more good than bad. It doesn't matter if you killed or violated, if you did more good than harm, you can enter. That's why, even if a millionaire turned out to be a pedophile or a serial killer with over 100 murders in their history, if they did many good deeds, or if their actions to appear good and not a psychopath benefited thousands, or even millions of people, they won't go to hell, they will go to paradise. It's quite unfair, but it's a reality. After all, most gods see humans as a simple source of energy, they don't care much about their well-being.

The second and what almost everyone thinks is the worst destiny: Hell. A place where the souls of sinners suffer the consequences of the bad actions they did while alive. If you caused more harm than good, no matter if you were a spoiled little child who hit other kids because their parents were bad to them, you will go to hell, and they won't show you any mercy.

And the third, which is undoubtedly the worst of all destinies: Being a wandering soul.

Why is being a ghost worse than going to hell? For two simple reasons.

Number 1: You cease to be yourself and become a demon without the ability to reason.

Number 2 and the worst of all: When a ghost hunter eliminates your soul, you will suffer a punishment worse than going to hell. Ceasing to exist forever.

In hell, after a certain time (which depends entirely on your sins), you are released and given the opportunity to reunite with your loved ones or reincarnate with them if they have already reincarnated.

The same goes for paradise. You can live forever in that place, but if you get bored or something, you can reincarnate.

In both options, you lose your memories, you won't remember your previous life, but you will still exist.

But when the soul is destroyed, you cease to exist forever.

An eternal sleep, from which you cannot wake up.

Chapter 16 - The mentality of a widow. Part 6.

(Pov - Yuki.)

Ahhhhhhh! Just remembering all that pain makes me tremble with fear! It felt like I was crushed by an elephant and jumped on several times, breaking logic and reality, just to hurt me more, while laughing at my suffering!

Saik, you're a liar...! But I'll forgive you because you'll give me a great and delicious reward... Oh, that sounded wrong.

Ah... I can't be so angry with him, after all, if we don't get rid of the ghost hunters, they could eliminate me! I don't want to disappear forever!

Fufu. I'm mature enough to know that it was necessary! After all, I'm 15 years old, I'm no longer an immature little girl!

But, Saik, you know, you could have, well, you understand me, right? Maybe you could have told me that, well... That it was going to hurt a lot!! I wasn't mentally prepared for so much pain!!

You're lucky it only lasted less than a second, because if it had lasted longer, it would have cost you an arm and a leg to buy my forgiveness, idiot!!

Ah... Take a deep breath, Yuki. It's over, it's over. The best thing to do is to ignore that and move on, with my head held high! I survived the ghost hunters' attack! Ghost hunters, 0. The sexy, beautiful, and perfect Yuki, 1. No, 100! Fufu. Not every ghost can boast that they managed to deceive those hunters. For my great achievement, I deserve 100 points!

What? Saik did all the work? No, no, no. Very wrong, my friend. Very wrong. I was the one who suffered, I deserve the points for being the bait! Ahhhhhhhh! Saik, you're a...!

No, no, Yuki, don't forget to relax.

Ah, yes, that's right... But well, as long as the points are for me, I won't get angry anymore.

Look, look, my beautiful smile on my face. I'm not angry anymore! Just a little resentful.

Fufu. Someday I'll get my revenge, Saik.




Ah... Mmm... How boring.

The atmosphere is very quiet. Let's liven it up a bit!

"Saik, Saik, don't be so serious. I'm not angry anymore!"

But if you wake up with your eyebrows shaved off, it's not because I'm angry, it's just revenge. Muahahahahaha!

Besides, no one will notice thanks to your hair. Oh, I'm so generous, I know, I know.





"Seriously, I'm not angry anymore, don't worry. Look."

I gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Feel grateful, you just received a kiss from the perfect Yuki. Very few mortals have the privilege of boasting to have been kissed by a Goddess like me...!! Well, I've only kissed my mother and Saik... Damn childhood traumas.

"Hey, hey. Saik, hey. Listen... Don't ignore me!!"

Saik sighed. Finally, a reaction!

"Ah... Yuki, has anyone ever told you that it's not normal to talk to yourself when you walk on the street?"

"But there's no one!"

"But there are security cameras."

Well... I guess that's true. If Saik is discovered talking "alone," the ghost hunters might suspect him again.

Ah. How boring.

I can't talk to Saik on the street... I hate being a ghost!!

I wish I were alive. And I also hate having this appearance!

My mother had big breasts! It's not fair, I was supposed to have big breasts too! I only have the damn breasts of a little 10-year-old girl. Flat as a board, like a table. Ah, life is never fair to me.

... Well, although that's not entirely true. I was lucky to meet Saik. Thanks to him, I can leave the house, eat delicious food... Live a normal life again... Although I can't talk to anyone else, talking to Saik is enough for me.

... My first and only friend.

(Pov- Saik.)

Ah, I have arrived at school.

I'm hungry. Very hungry. Ah, sometimes I miss being an irresponsible student. I know my parents weren't proud of me for being an irresponsible student, skipping many classes to sleep or eat, but my mother didn't raise a liar. I won't lie by saying that I didn't enjoy my life as an irresponsible student.

Skipping classes to sleep or eat was the best. It relaxed me a lot.

But, well, I have changed... A little, not much, I still enjoy sleeping and eating all the time, but I have changed a little. Now I am a responsible student, who always goes to classes and studies until 3 in the morning, to be intelligent.

Ah, mother, father, seriously, I will never understand you. I'm not like you, I don't enjoy studying or want to work in something complicated. I don't want to be a doctor or anything like that. I'm not cut out for that.

And what do I want to be when I grow up? After the deaths of my parents, my will to live vanished. It returned to me because I wanted to fulfill my mother's dream, and I even felt that Yuki's company made me want to keep living, but... little by little, the absence of my parents and the guilt I feel inside me leave me empty again. Yuki's presence helps me to keep going, but... it's not enough.

What will become of me when I grow up? Ah, that day will never come...

"Saik, look at that girl, she has the same hairstyle as you! And she has huge breasts. Fufu. Could she be your soulmate?"

I glanced at the girl Yuki was pointing at.

Hmm... That's weird... I feel like I've seen her before... Anyway, I don't have time for that.

I have arrived at my classroom. Hello, hell called "school day." You don't know how much I hate you.

No, Saik, you're supposed to be the best student, enjoy school... Or, well, at least pretend to enjoy it.

I dropped my backpack on the floor, put my arms on the desk, and tried to rest.

But it remained just that, an attempt.

As a consequence of my past actions, now someone considers me their friend.

"S-Saik, will we meet at your house to start the project?"

Ah... Socializing, my worst enemy. Seriously, I'm not cut out for this.

I looked up and looked Sylphie in the eyes, but when she felt our gazes meet, she looked away.

Ah, seriously, I don't understand people.

"It's true... Sorry, I didn't clean the house. Can we do the project at your place, Sylphie?"

"I-in mine?"

"If it's not too much trouble."

"... O-Okay... O-okay, that's fine."

"Thanks, it would save me a lot of trouble. Since I live alone, I don't care about the appearance of my house. It's very dirty... Well, that's a disadvantage of being lazy."

"You're... lazy? But you're very intelligent, Saik."

Wow... Yuki started pretending to touch Sylphie's breasts, with fury and envy in her being. That angry expression on her face, pretending to touch Sylphie's breasts, while she touches her own chest confirms it. And she keeps repeating "I'm so jealous, I'm so jealous" over and over again. Why are women obsessed with breast size? Ah, I will never understand. They're just lumps of fat.

"I'm so jealous, I'm so jealous, I'm so jealous!! It's not fair!"

I should ignore that. Why do you do that, Yuki?

"Ahhhhhhh! I'm so jealous! I would have big breasts too! Life isn't fair! God, why can't ghosts grow or at least change shape?! Stop the discrimination against ghosts, we have the same rights as living humans!!"

Well, they can change shape, by modifying the soul, but it can have serious consequences and it's not worth the risk.

... Ah, Yuki. You're so adorable when you're angry. I'll buy you 4 hamburgers just for yourself... Well, maybe pizza. Or some pasta? Ah, I'm hungry.

"You may consider me intelligent, but that has nothing to do with being lazy. I prefer to avoid many things that I find boring."

"Like giving the welcome speech," Ram said.


She put her hand on my desk... Ah, this has become a habit. I already have enough with Sylphie, don't cling to me too, Ram.

"Hey, don't you think doing the same thing becomes boring?"

"I challenge you. The one who does the best project will be the winner."

Such a hassle.

"No, thanks."

"Why not? Are you afraid of losing?"

Trying to provoke me, huh? A competitive girl, it seems. I thought she would be a snob who thinks she's better than everyone else, but I guess she's just someone who wants to be the best, or she likes difficult challenges.

... Yeah, she's a snob. What a nuisance.

"Ah, I'm not afraid, I'm 100% sure I will lose."


"That's why I prefer to avoid a competition. You already won. Congratulations."

I stood up and took a lollipop out of my pocket.

"Here, the prize. I hope to win next time."

"Tsk. You're weird."

She walked away from me, irritated. Hey, you won fair and square, I didn't let you win.

Ah, how complicated women are.

"You forgot your prize."

"I don't want it!"

... Why is she still approaching me? I guess she's angry because I'm the number 1 in the class and she's number 2.

But, theoretically, she's number 1 and I'm one of the worst.

I'm only the best because I cheated. For now, I will consider Ram the best in the class, but I promise that I will soon catch up genuinely... Ah, I really hope to achieve it. I have 3 years to do it. Defeating a genius in three years... Everything is against me.

"Ah, I'm sleepy."

What a heavy schedule I have today.

School Schedule - Wednesday:

7:00 am - 8:30 am: Fundamental Mathematics.

8:30 am - 9:10 am: Break (40 minutes)

9:10 am - 10:40 am: Integrated Science.

10:40 am - 11:00 am: Break (20 minutes)

11:00 am - 12:30 pm: Global Economics and Politics (Economic Theories and Geopolitics)

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch

1:30 pm - 3:00 pm: Foreign Language.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Physical Education

Ah... Fundamental Mathematics, Integrated Science, Global Economics and Politics, Physical Education, Foreign Language, World History, Advanced Programming and Technology, Humanities.

8 subjects in total. Ah, what a hassle.

And why do we have programming? Ah, how unnecessary. I suppose it's just a filler subject, to teach us how to create web pages or something like that.

Ah, let the hell begin.

The first classes ended and we went out to eat. Nothing relevant really happened, everything was boring. Well, something did happen, but it's not that important. Yuki woke me up from my nap during the first free period, to defend some guys who were being beaten up by a third-year student. She wanted me to go defend them, but I refused, because I don't want to get involved in unnecessary trouble. She even went as far as to investigate him, to find out his weak points, but I kept refusing. If he wants to beat up people, as long as it doesn't affect me, I don't care.

Yuki got tired of insisting, so that topic doesn't matter anymore.

Lunchtime started, and as always, I went to eat on the school rooftop, but something happened that completely ruined my plans.

"They closed the door, Saik!"

"Ah. We've been discovered."

Resigned, I went downstairs and returned to my classroom to eat.

Now I have to endure the voices of my classmates.

I would eat outside, but the result would be worse. The voices of so many people would be more annoying.

... Ah, that's right... Yuki. Well, sacrificing my peace and quiet in order to feed Yuki is completely worth it. Don't worry, Yuki, you'll eat today.

I left my classroom.

Where can I eat...? Ah, I know.

Behind the art classroom.

I'm sure there's no one in that place, for two reasons.

Number 1: It's far away from the school cafeteria, where students eat. No student with an active social life would come to this place.

Number 2: There are other places to eat in the school, like the garden, the courtyard, and the classrooms. This would be the last place loners would come to.

Even loners eat in their classrooms.

We'll have that space all to ourselves.

"Why do they close the rooftop?! It's so comfortable to eat there."

"Student suicides are very common, especially in strict places like this school. They prefer to avoid the risk of some idiot killing themselves by jumping off the roof. It would be a very bad image for the school."

"Oh, I don't think you should call them idiots."

"Sorry, it's a habit."

I arrived, sat down, leaned against the wall, and opened my food.

I always bring two meals, one for me and one for Yuki. I would bring more, considering our appetites, but that would be quite suspicious. It's best to eat one lunch each and fill our stomachs at home.

She took hers and started eating. Hey, Yuki, at least wait for me, I want to eat with you.

"This is delicious as always, Saik!"

Seeing Yuki's smile makes all those hours of studying recipes worth it, and of course, all the trials and errors I made while trying to replicate the recipes.

Yes, it was definitely worth it.

I'm useful in something, huh...? That feels... really good.


I closed my mouth.

Someone is approaching. I hear their footsteps.

"Yuki, stop eating."

"Yes, I heard it too."

Someone is getting closer. Ah, Sylphie, I know you're desperate to make friends, but this is going too far. I have my own life, don't cling to me so much.

5... 4... 3... 2...

"Oh... Hello."

Well, I thought it was Sylphie, but it's another girl. Her voice is a bit more... feminine? I don't know how to describe it.

I looked into her eyes.

Well, well. Unlike Sylphie, this girl is not adorable, she's beautiful. Sylphie is cute, but I consider her more adorable than beautiful, because of her innocent-looking face, although I don't find her shy side adorable, after all, who would find a psychological problem adorable?

This girl is beautiful, like actresses or singers. Personally, I don't know much about that, but at least I have basic knowledge to recognize a beautiful girl.

Blonde hair, long down to her waist, blue eyes, pinkish white skin, big breasts, almost as big as Sylphie's, legs quite smooth from my point of view, and thighs somewhat chubby, but healthy... Why do the women in this school wear such short skirts? Even Sylphie, who is a very shy girl, wears a short skirt. I will never understand women's fashion, or women in general.

What is she doing in this place?

She clearly is a popular girl. I doubt she's a loner. After all, she's a walking beauty. Could she be like Sylphie? Oh, please, no.


I greeted her back out of simple politeness, but I'm not going to talk to her. A beautiful lonely girl is not normal, so if I get involved with her, I'll be getting myself into unnecessary trouble again.

I ignored her and kept eating.

"Can I eat here?"

I would tell her no, but this place is public, I have no right to refuse.

"I suppose so. I'm not the owner of this place."

She laughed a little.

Did I say something funny? I guess she laughed out of discomfort or something.

"Thank you," she said, smiling.

Wow... She really is beautiful. Her smile reminded me of my mother, and she was a very, very beautiful woman.

I'll say it again. What is she doing here?

I'm not handsome or popular, so she's not a girl in love with me like the romantic stories I read in novels.

She only leaves me with one option: she wants me to help her study.

She definitely wants to use me.

I won't allow it. I already have enough with Sylphie, I don't want another burden in my life.

"Wow, Saik, look at her. Could she be a foreigner?"

Blonde hair is not common in this country, so it's possible, but she doesn't have a foreign accent. I suppose her parents are foreigners.

Yuki sighed and rested her head on my back, while floating.

"It would be rude to leave just because she's here, and we've already wasted enough time. Let's eat here, Saik."

Don't worry, Yuki, when I refuse to help her, she'll leave.

Do I look like a charitable person, random girl? I have enough with my own problems, don't involve me in yours.

... Ten minutes passed and she said nothing.

We just ate in silence... Well... Did I judge her wrong? Ah, my mother would be so disappointed in me for judging someone without knowing them. Mother, understand me, Sylphie is annoying, Saoto seems like a troublemaker who will try to be friends with everyone, and Ram is probably the type of girl obsessed with being the best. It wouldn't be surprising if someone else tried to mess up my normal life.

But, well, I'm almost done. Don't worry, Yuki, I'll eat faster so we can leave and find another place where you can eat... Oh, I received a notification.

I took my phone out of my pocket... Perfect. The new event is finally available. Time to collect those gems.

I opened the game and the classical music from the game started playing. I like the melody, it's like sad and epic at the same time.

"Oh, do you play it too?" she said, upon hearing the music.

Does she play or is it just an excuse to talk to me? Mother, this time I won't disappoint you. First, I'll make sure to confirm her intentions before jumping to conclusions.

She approached me and sat next to me.

So close... It's uncomfortable. Hey, random, weren't you taught about personal space? Well, at least she smells nice, like... flowers? Something like that.

"What level are you?"

"I'm only level 35."

"You must be really good! I'm only level 17."

Well, that's good. Levels in this game are hard to increase. It took me 4 years to reach this level, although I play occasionally, not that much. She must have been playing for at least a year.

She's not lying about the game just to talk to me... I hope.

Well, she's the first person I've met in person who plays this game. Yuki also plays, but not as much.

Talking to her about this game could be nice.

"Oh, I see. And did you collect all the chests and keys from yesterday's special event?"

"Hehe. I did it in less than an hour," she said proudly, puffing her chest.

It seems like she really likes the game.

"Oh, wow. It took me 2 hours."

"Hey, would you help me defeat the water flower? I need its materials to upgrade my character, but I can't defeat it."

I planned on playing the event, but helping her seems more fun. Besides, playing with other players is more enjoyable.

"Of course, give me your player ID."

"Thank you!"

She opened the game and told me her player ID.

I added her... Cristal? Don't girls like to use cooler names?

"Hehe. Is your name 'AlucardFire'?"

"Yes. Does it sound bad?"

"No, I'm sorry. It just seemed a bit strange to me."

"And what does Cristal mean?"

"Oh, that's my name."

Cristal, huh? Cristal... What a weird name.

"I see... Well, we still have a few minutes free. Let's defeat that flower."


(Pov - Yuki.)

I'm starving! And I can't eat because she's here.

It's not fair!

Well, at least Saik is socializing a bit.

Although I suspect that girl has ulterior motives. After all, it's very suspicious for such a beautiful girl to be in such a lonely place.

Don't worry, Saik, I'll keep an eye on her! I won't let anyone take advantage of you!

I'm the only one who can tease you!

... They're distracted.

Hehe. I'll take advantage and eat a little.

I took some food and started eating.

I have to watch so they don't catch me. Eat slowly, very stealthily.

Ah, I look like a cat eating like this... It's not fair!

(Pov- Saik.)

Well, we should go back. Lunch is over.

I admit it's quite fun to play with someone else. Playing alone becomes boring after a while. It's more enjoyable to see many characters fighting on screen, rather than just one.

"Thank you so much for helping me! Uffff. It was really hard for me to defeat him, but thanks to you, it was very easy!"

"You're welcome."

"Let's play again another time. Goodbye, see you later."

She left... Well...

I sighed and turned to Yuki.

She was eating very slowly while Cristal was here, but now she's eating too fast. So fast, I highly doubt she's savoring the food.

"Yuki, food is meant to be savored and enjoyed. Enjoy your meal. Eat slowly."

"But we have to go back."

I patted Yuki's head.

"Eat well. I'll skip a class so you can eat more peacefully. Besides, I have things to think about regarding Sylphie's mother."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, don't worry. Enjoy the food."

"Thank you...! Although skipping a class is a bit..."

"Don't worry, skipping a class every month won't affect me. Just enjoy the moment."

"Then I'll take your word for it!"

She continued eating, but this time, she ate slowly and enjoyed every bite.

How adorable.

Ah... I'm sleepy.

I skipped a class to eat with Yuki, but also for another reason.

I have to think about what I'll do with Sylphie's mother.

Today, I'm going to her house, so I have to think carefully about my actions.

Obviously, skipping a class will affect my average, but I don't care at the moment.

For now, the only thing that matters to me is achieving my plans and fulfilling my promise.

I have three years to become the best student, but only one month to help Iris before it's too late... Even less.

Time is running out, and I don't want to stay stuck.

While Saik reflected on what he will do when he goes to Sylphie's house, Iris was going crazy.

Sitting on her bed, she slapped herself, over and over again, each time harder, trying to silence the voices in her head.

Voices that repeated over and over again, the mistakes she made in her life and how horrible of a human being and mother she was.

Tears mercilessly fell from her eyes, and the sounds of her sobbing and pain filled the room.

Remembering her past, over and over again, reliving the pain and suffering that remained in the past but returned to haunt her again.

Iris had a difficult childhood, and her adoptive family forced her to work in a restaurant, paying her nothing, with the excuse that they were paying for her education. They treated her like a slave until Noel rescued her from that life.

Iris was like Cinderella, being treated like shit and being rescued by her prince charming... And that condemned her to be useless.

Noel always took care of her, always protected her, always cared about her well-being... But he never taught her to be independent. Maybe because he thought it wasn't necessary, as he thought he would always be with her, or maybe he simply didn't know how necessary that would be.

After Noel's death, Iris didn't know what to do because all she did since she met Noel was be by his side and be a homemaker. She hasn't worked since she left her job at the restaurant.

Iris was in a difficult situation, having to take care of her daughter alone and provide for her on her own, but Iris is a woman who doesn't even know how to get by on her own, let alone how to provide for her daughter.

The stress of that sudden change in her life ended up condemning her. Alcohol became her best friend because it made her forget the pain, at least temporarily, and during that brief period of time, she felt like she did in the past, not suffering or worrying about the future.

But since those voices manifested in her head, she hasn't been drinking anymore because the guilt of her actions is consuming her.

Those voices remind her of the failure she is as a human being and as a mother.

"I know, I know, I know!" she repeats to herself, slapping herself.

Noel is a good person, that can't be denied, but by overprotecting Iris, he ended up turning her into a useless person.

(Pov- Saik.)

The class ended and I entered the Physical Education class.

Ram and Sylphie looked at me strangely, but I don't care.

I sat in my seat and took out my physical education uniform.

Yuki went to watch over Cristal, as she suspects her. I also suspect her, honestly. It's wrong to criticize her without knowing her, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I hope she doesn't plan anything bad against me, because it was fun playing with her and I want to keep playing with her in the future, but only in the game. I don't want to interact with her in real life, that's too much hassle.

We all left and headed towards the locker rooms to change.

Well, for me, this subject is a piece of cake, because I exercise every day. I'll take advantage of this class to relax a bit and keep thinking.

I glanced at Sylphie, who walks beside me but keeps her distance.

Ah... Seriously, it's so complicated.

Classes ended and I can finally go. The Physical Education class was simple, just some basic exercises and we were made to run. I took it easy and ran slowly, without exaggerating, unlike some classmates who took it as a challenge and ran as if there was a prize for the fastest. If it were a competition, I'm 100% sure I would win without any problem, but since it wasn't, I took it easy.

Besides, I just realized that Sylphie has very poor physical condition. She couldn't run for a minute and I had to help her, teaching her how to breathe while running and how to warm up her muscles better before running.

At least that class helped me get closer to Sylphie.

Ah, and her breasts bounced a lot while running. Big breasts are so unnecessary. Why is Yuki jealous of big breasts? They're uncomfortable and unnecessary. Women are so strange.

No wonder Sylphie got tired so quickly while running. Having to run with those big breasts must be torture, as she has to be careful not to lose her balance and fall because of those pounds of fat called breasts.

I waited for Sylphie and we went to her house together.

Ah, the first group project. I can no longer force the nerds in class to do the project for me, so I'll make an effort to deliver something decent, so as not to harm Sylphie.

"Ah, it's a cloudy day. How refreshing."

"Y-yes... It's a nice day."

I keep my distance to avoid making her uncomfortable.

I don't look at her and just look straight ahead.

I suppose that way she won't feel uncomfortable around me.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

"I like days like this. I feel more comfortable. It's neither hot nor cold. A perfect temperature for walking. Do you prefer cold or hot, Sylphie?"


"I like both. I like the heat because it allows me to wear more comfortable clothes. And I like the cold because it allows me to enjoy cloudy and cool days."

Saik is... a kind person.

I can perfectly tell that he keeps his distance and avoids looking at me to prevent me from feeling uncomfortable.

Unlike other men, I don't feel scared when I'm with him... Why do I feel like I can trust him?

Honestly... I don't know.

I barely know him and yet I trust him... Why?

I don't know... I don't know.

... Maybe... it's because... he's similar to me.

I have my mother with me, I can't compare myself to him, who lost his parents and is alone in life. But I feel like Saik is someone who could understand me.

"... Saik, can I ask you a question?"

"As long as it's not about math, sure."

"... Why don't you like to style your hair?"

I'm such a fool.

I wanted to ask him about his life and if he's happy.

He lives alone. That must be very lonely for him. He helped me, and I want to be able to repay his kindness. I want him to know that I'm... I'm his friend, and that he's no longer alone.

"Mainly out of laziness. If I style my hair, I have to style it all the time because the wind would ruin it. I prefer to avoid that and I don't style it."

"I-I see."

Just by looking at his face and body, I can tell he has an excellent physique and a nice face.

When the wind moves his hair, I can catch a glimpse of his face for a second, and it's quite cute.

He would definitely be popular with girls if he showed his face more.

His personality is... strange... He's a strange person, but kind... He has no ulterior motives with me. He doesn't look at me with lust... He's definitely a kind person... I think that's why I can trust him so much.




I don't want to lose my only friend.

What if my mother gets drunk again? I don't want her to see me as the daughter of an alcoholic... But there's no turning back now... Or... Maybe...

"S-Saik... Would you like to go to a coffee to work on the project? I don't want to bother my mother."

"Of course, that's fine. I don't think it would be right to arrive without permission... Alright, let's go."

I only have enough money for one cup of coffee, but it should be enough... I-I hope.

(Pov- Saik.)

Ah, I knew this could happen. Sylphie got embarrassed by her mother again... Well, I knew this could happen, so I already have something planned.

We arrived at a café that Sylphie recommended. It looks a bit cheap, but cute. The only annoying thing is the waitresses dressed as maids, but I'll ignore it.

We sat at a table and a waitress came to take our order.

"What will you have?"

"I... just want a coffee."

"Anything to eat?"

"N-no, thank you."

I see...

"I want two chocolate milkshakes and two hamburgers with fries. Thank you."

"It will be ready in a few minutes."

The waitress left and I took out my notebook from my backpack, before Sylphie could say anything. I'm sorry, Sylphie, but I won't take no for an answer.

"Like every good project, planning is the most important part. We need to gather important information and organize it, so we can divide the work based on that, and then put it all together at the end."


After 10 minutes, the employee returned with our order.

"Enjoy it," she said.

She left, and I placed a milkshake and a burger in front of Sylphie, who began to tremble nervously, unsure how to react to this situation.

Receiving something for free from a classmate is strange, and you might feel guilty or bad about it, but we're supposed to be "friends," and friends do this... I suppose. Personally, I don't consider you a friend, but to become independent, this is necessary. It's thanks to Yuki that I'm doing this, so thank her.


"Eh? N-no. I can't accept it."

"If we want our project to be good, we need to do it right. Sylphie, you need energy. Please eat, the coffee won't give you the energy you need."

Unable to refuse, she nodded timidly, her gaze lowered, feeling somewhat sad or guilty.

I know about your financial situation, Sylphie, don't worry, I won't take advantage of your situation... Well, at least I won't take advantage of you. Your mother is a different story.

"I-I'll pay you back tomorrow."

"It's not necessary... Let's make a deal."

She became even more nervous when I said that.

She probably misunderstood me... Ah, do I really seem like a pervert?

"In exchange for the food, you'll give me tomorrow's homework."

"Eh? T-the math homework?"


"But... It's very easy."

"Yes, it's an easy assignment, but I'm too lazy to do it. Is it a deal?"


Sylphie nodded even more timidly than before, as if she was nodding too quickly, as if she didn't know what she was doing.

Realizing what she was doing, she stopped and averted her gaze, not looking directly at me.

"Y-yes... T-thank you... Thank you."

"You're welcome."


Huh... "She" is getting closer to the desired point. It was faster than I thought.

I need all my power.

"I need to go to the bathroom."

I took my glasses out of my backpack and entered the bathroom.

Well, there's no one here.

I looked at myself in the mirror... This will be cruel, but necessary.

I took off my contact lenses and my eyes turned gray.

"Ghost number 13 and 14... Ghosts of sadness... Maximum power."

That should be enough.

My eyes returned to their natural color, and I sighed.

I can't wear contact lenses for a few hours, it's dangerous for my eyes.

I put on my glasses and washed my hands.

Ah, wearing glasses with my hair covering my eyes is uncomfortable... I need to comb my hair.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

... Saik knew that I didn't have money, that's why he bought me food. And the math homework is so easy, even I consider it easy. He only did it so I wouldn't feel so bad... He's definitely a kind person.

Someday I'll repay the favor.

"Well, let's get started."

Eh...? Saik came back... And he looks very... cute.

He put on glasses and tidied up his hair. It's still messy, but now I can see his eyes clearly... They're so cute... Light brown eyes... They're... beautiful.

He would definitely be popular with girls if he wanted to.

"S-Saik... I didn't know you wear glasses."

"I wear contact lenses, but I don't like wearing them for too long. And since we'll be here for one or two hours, I preferred to wear glasses."

"... And you combed your hair."

"I feel uncomfortable if I have my hair covering my eyes while wearing glasses."

"I- I see... Y-you look good."

"Thank you. Well, let's continue... By the way, did you talk to your mother? So she doesn't worry."

"I-I'll talk to her right now."

(Pov- Iris.)

I have such a headache. I haven't been feeling well lately.

Nightmares keep me from sleeping. Nausea won't go away... Why do I feel so bad...? Why...? I don't know... I don't know.

And the voices... Those damned voices won't leave my mind.

"Ah... Everything is spinning..."

Eh...? My phone is ringing.

Someone is calling me... It's my daughter.

P-please, let it not be bad news.

I answered the call.

"Is something wrong, Sylphie?"

"Mom, I'll be a bit late coming home. I met with a... a friend, to work on a project."

"A... friend?"

"Yes... A friend... B-but he's a kind person, no ulterior motives! You shouldn't worry about me! I'll be home in two hours."

"... Yes... Alright."

She hung up... My daughter... has a friend.

"And it's not thanks to you!"

"Your presence only harmed her!"

"You're no longer useful to her!"

"She can survive without your help!"

"Disappear from her life!"

"You're just a burden in her life!"

"A burden to society!"

"A burden to everyone!"

... Damn voices in my head... Eh?

"A-am I... crying?"

... Yes... Those voices are right... My daughter has a job... She's self-sufficient... She doesn't need me... I'm just a burden to her... I'm the worst mother... I don't deserve to live.

She'd be better off without me.

(Pov - Saik.)

The two hours passed, and we finally finished the first part of the project.

I asked the waitress for the bill, ready to leave.

"Here it is."

... Wow, I ordered too much. Well, I was ordering every 30 minutes, so it was obvious this would happen. I did it to avoid getting kicked out, but I think I overdid it a bit.

Sylphie got very nervous seeing the total bill, but even if it's a lot of money, it's nothing for me. I can easily pay for this.


I took out my wallet and paid with the card.

"Thank you very much."

The waitress left.

"Alright, I guess that's it. We continue tomorrow; I have to go buy something."

"Saik... Do you work?"

"No, but I plan to get a job in the future... I'm sorry, I have to go."

"I-I also... I-have to go... Thank you for everything, Saik... Thank you so much, Saik."

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow."

"Y-yes... See you tomorrow." - She said... smiling.

She smiled at me. Very shyly, but she smiled. Quite an improvement, huh?

We left the place, and we both took different paths.

Everything went perfectly; now I have to wait a week for the final result.

Or maybe less.

(Pov- Yuki.)

Ah... That girl didn't plan anything bad. She is intelligent and sociable. She is also kind. Nobody hates her... Why did she eat in such a lonely place?

Someone like her always eats surrounded by her friends.

Something weird is going on... I'm curious, but I doubt I'll find out anything without Saik's help. And that idiot won't want to help me, as he doesn't get any benefit from doing so.


A deep sigh came out of me and I put my face on the table, even though it went through it, because my body is not activated.

"Is something wrong, Yuki?"

"Nothing, Noel... I'm just a little curious about a girl from Saik's school."

"Did something happen?"


I told him about what happened today at school. He was a teacher, so he might be able to help me. Maybe he had some experience with a similar student.

"Mmm... I think the most likely thing is that she just wanted a moment of peace and quiet. Being surrounded by people all the time can be annoying."

"Yes... I suppose you're right."

So... Is that girl like Saik?

She doesn't seem to be. She is very sociable, and Saik is... Well, Saik is... a Saik.

A guy who only cares about himself and always wants to be alone.

And of course, he never smiles!

Someday I'll see a natural smile from him... Someday!

But, well, Saik has everything he needs to be popular, but he wastes it because he prefers to be alone.

Is that girl like Saik? Does she prefer to be alone rather than socializing? Beautiful people are strange.

Yes, I'm beautiful, but I'm not strange... right?

"I'm back."

"Saik, welco...! Saik? Is that you?"

My heart started beating faster than it usually does when I see Saik... How cute!

Why don't you wear glasses every day, you idiot?! Now you look like a normal person!

"Well... Saik... I thought you were a normal guy, but you're... cute... Not handsome... Cute."

"... Thanks, Noel... I guess."

"Mmm... I got it. Saik, would you like to marry my daughter? I want to have cute grandchildren, and you would be a perfect husband for Sylphie. You're the first guy I feel would make my lovely Sylphie very happy."

"No, thank you. I don't plan on marrying anyone. Sylphie and I will just be friends, nothing more."

"What a shame. But remember, you'll always have my approval."

"Even though I'll never need it... Yuki, stop looking at me like that, it's uncomfortable."

Saik with glasses... His eyes are cute... How cute he looks!

He's totally my type...! Ah... I'm dead, it's true. And I look like a little 10-year-old girl... Life isn't fair!

"It was a long day. Sylphie is a good girl. I thought she would be more shy, but I think I've gained her trust."

"You're a good guy, Saik. You can earn anyone's trust," said Noel.

"... Although I don't consider myself a good person."

Saik left a bag with ingredients for cooking on the table.

"We'll have homemade pizza for dinner today."

"Yay! Pizza! We have to make it with lots and lots of cheese!"

Huh? S-Saik patted my head.

"Sure, we'll make it with lots of cheese."

... My heart raced even faster.

How cute he is!

I wish he would always wear glasses and style his hair.

So much wasted potential!

While Saik and the others were preparing dinner, 91 was looking at a photograph of Shadow, a little 6-year-old boy who wore black bandages to hide his eyes and had gray hair.

They called him Shadow because a black aura surrounded him and he would disappear without a trace. Well, that's what the rumors say. The truth is that Shadow named himself Shadow simply because he thought it was a cool name.

"Someday I'll find you, Shadow... I want to meet you... And destroy you... You took away our legendary ghosts that cost us so much effort and lives to obtain. You won't get away with it."

That's his personal goal, but the main objective behind the search for Shadow is much more important, so much so that they even risk annoying a being that could easily kill them if they continue to bother him.

They know that their search could anger him, but the risk is worth it, considering what they want from him.

(Pov - Saik.)

While I was preparing the dough, I felt a chill.

I feel like someone is planning something bad against me.

Ah... More problems. Can't I have a normal school life?