CHAPTER 22- A... special test? Part 2.

CHAPTER 22- A... special test? Part 2.

We gathered our seats, and the 5 of us came together to discuss what we would do to at least secure second place.

It's important that we get to know each other and at least remember our names. After all, we'll be working as a team for at least a week to earn points. Communication is vital in teamwork, so I have to put aside my solitary self for at least a week. To be the best in the class, I have to earn those positive points, which is why I'm putting in so much effort. I wish I could earn points more easily... Simple, huh?

Betting is the shortcut. The first-year students don't have the number of points I need, and with this test, I highly doubt they want to risk being considered the worst in their classes. And speaking of other classes, the first year is divided into 5 classes, A, B, C, D, and E. A school with this points system, where the one with the least points gets expelled, should reward the classes with more points in some way... Yes, it sounds possible. I need to extract information from the second or third years... And... Maybe... I think I'm coming up with a brilliant idea. I think my parents' genes are activating, I just came up with something brilliant.

"U-Um, Saik, are you thinking of a plan?" said Sylphie, somewhat concerned about me.

"So this is what a genius looks like when thinking of a plan, huh? It gives me chills," said the muscular idiot, whose name I forgot.

Sylphie looks much more nervous and shy than before, being surrounded by men. She might have trouble at first, but she needs to get used to talking to people. I'll make sure none of them try to flirt with her to avoid making her uncomfortable.

For now, I won't allow anything that would waste our time. The most important thing is to figure out how we'll earn those positive points.

I'll save the plan for the first break.

"First of all, let's introduce ourselves. My name is Saik."

"I'm Ludius, nice to meet you all."

Of the three strangers, he seems more polite and calm. I don't think he'll cause me any problems or inconveniences.

"I'm Naok!"

I definitely need to keep Sylphie away from him; he seems like the type of guy who doesn't respect personal space.

"I'm Bell."

He's the worst; he seems desperate for female attention. I've seen him several times staring at Sylphie's breasts. I don't blame him, according to my research, it's normal for teenagers to be attracted to large breasts, but it makes Sylphie uncomfortable. I'll talk to him seriously, maybe a beating could be... Ah, no, I can't use violence anymore... I'll think of something later.

... I got lost in my thoughts for about 10 seconds, but I didn't miss anything important. Sylphie panicked and hasn't spoken; she's just drinking water to calm herself down.

Yes, I'm definitely regretting the deal I made with Noel.

She wiped her mouth, took a deep breath, and finally spoke.

"M-My name is... Sylphie."

I knew she was very nervous being surrounded by men, but isn't this a bit excessive? Ah, I must not underestimate the control anxiety has over people. It's been a long time since Sylphie has talked to anyone in this way; she's not used to it. It will take time for her to overcome her fears.

Don't worry, Sylphie, nothing bad will happen to you; you have my protection. And believe me, my protection is very good. Even presidents and millionaires would be jealous of your protection... Literally, if they knew about it, they would be.

Bell was about to talk to Sylphie, but I spoke before he could say anything.

"Now let's begin. Since we are possibly the worst team, we can't afford to waste time."

Yuki is spying on Ram's team, the best team, at least academically speaking. Maybe that information will be useful to us later.

"So... Do you have any ideas on how to earn points, Saik?" Ludius asked.

"Ah... Hmm..."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. A way to earn points... The first-year students are rookies, while the third-year students are experts. Betting is allowed... Games of chance and my power... Yes, that could work very well. I just need to find a student with the perfect profile to reduce the risk of failure.

But if that plan fails, I need to think of another way to earn points.

Hmm... Ah... Naok is useful. Sylphie... Ah... No... Hmm... A cute first-year girl... Yes, that could work for an alternative plan.

Bell and Ludius can help me with the trash.

Plus, the points I earn... Yes... It could work.

Two betting plans. The main one, tricking an idiot third-year student, and the alternative one, using Sylphie's physical charms to attract a student's attention and make him bet on two prizes: positive points and a kiss from Sylphie. A student like Bell, an idiot. I don't think she'll feel comfortable doing that, but I only need her body, not her mind... No... I won't use ghosts on her. I'm a normal student, I'm normal. Ah, I think I'll come up with a better strategy. I'm still accustomed to old strategies.

I understand that Naok is on a basketball team, it could get us positive points if they win. Helping him with that will guarantee the points.

...Well... I think yes, that could work. It will all depend on the results I get today, I'll make modifications once I have the information.


I opened my eyes.

"I have an idea or plan in mind. Naok, you're on the basketball team, right?"

"Yes, we'll have our first official game in a week."

"How many positive points do you think you can earn if you win the game? Haven't you heard anything about that?"

"I think it depends on the points we get and the points the opponent has."

"And what if you win by a large point difference?"

"I heard that the maximum positive points we can earn are 200 per player."

200 points.

Each correct answer on a test will give us one point. In the entrance exam, there were 100 questions, but divided into: 10 history questions, 10 language and literature questions, 40 biology, physics, and chemistry questions, and 40 math questions. And assuming there will be one exam for each subject and not combined, and considering that there are 8 subjects, is it possible to earn up to 800 points in a single midterm, out of the three in the semester? It sounds too good to be true, so I doubt it.

But considering the difficulty of the exams, and that one correct answer only gives us one point, earning 200 points just by winning a basketball game sounds very advantageous. No wonder clubs are so popular in school.

Yes, it's a good start. It was a good idea to have him on the team.

Ram, you relied too much on the average, you didn't take into account that there are other qualities, like being good at a sport... And I didn't consider it either, honestly. I just wanted to be with Sylphie and used the others as fillers.

I will take this into account for the future.

"If you can get them, that would give us an advantage."


But? Ah, are you a bad player?

"My team isn't that good. We won the training games, but the point difference was very small. I think I could only earn 50 positive points if we win."

If I help them, that figure could increase, but helping them too much would raise suspicions. I'll have to investigate their performance first.

"Don't worry, just give your best effort."

Bell, Sylphie, and Naok are the worst in the class, but each one can contribute in their own way... Well, Bell can't. I still don't know anything about him. But I don't know anything about Ludius either. He seems intelligent, but basing it on appearance is useless.

"Ludius, how many positive points do you currently have?"

"64 points."

Wow... It's better than I thought.

He's not the smartest, but he's passable. A true average guy... I like him. I wish I could be like him.

Putting aside the depressing thoughts, how can I use Ludius?

"Ah, I see... Is anyone of you in any clubs?"

"I'm in the soccer club," said Ludius.

"I'm not in any clubs," said Bell.

"I-I'm not either."

I see... It's all starting to come together... The basketball and soccer teams will have a game soon.

"Ludius, can you also earn a maximum of 200 points?"

"Yes, although it would be very difficult, almost impossible. I can only promise to earn 50 points, just like Naok."

"As long as you give your best effort, it's fine."

Demanding too much from him would be counterproductive. A calm person yields better results than a stressed one, or so my father used to say.

250 points... No. 400 points if everything goes well.

Ah... Mmm... Wait... The points of all the members added up... Yes... I see... It makes sense.

"Ludius, Naok, we need you to win your games. You guys focus on training, you won't help us with the other tasks."


It seems Naok loved that idea, but Ludius looks at me confused.

While we work hard to gather points, they will do what they enjoy the most. Naok is very happy about that, but I suppose Ludius thinks it's unfair to us and that's why he's not smiling, because he feels bad.

"Is it really okay? We don't know if we will actually win."

"It's a risky bet, but I'm very confident that everything will turn out fine. I'm so sure of it that if we don't at least win second place, I will personally distribute my own points among you."

At my unexpected words, everyone reacted differently. Bell was very happy because I'm basically guaranteeing that he will earn points no matter what, taking a weight off his shoulders. Naok is surprised, as I don't think he expected me to be able to do something like that. Surprised because I'm so confident that we will win second place or because I'm capable of giving them my own positive points? I suppose a bit of both. Ludius looks at me with... distrust? I think it's hard for him to believe that I'm sure we will win second place with such an inferior team. And Sylphie is worried about me, because I would be putting myself at risk of expulsion if I give them almost all of my points (I would keep one to avoid being expelled).

"Second place?! Are you really that sure?!" said the idiot Bell, loudly.

Ah, I feel eyes on us. You're jeopardizing my plan. If they follow me, they will discover what I'm planning and imitate it.

"Ow, ow!"

"Speak quieter, idiot!" said Naok after hitting him on the arm.

"Do you really think we will be able to win second place?" said Ludius.

"I-if Saik says it, it means it's true," said Sylphie.

Ah, I didn't expect that from her. Did she put aside her worries and choose to trust me? I admit that makes me feel good, it reflects that I give off the image of someone with the title of the best student. One more step towards my goal.

"L-let's trust him. If we follow his plan, second place is not impossible to achieve," said Sylphie.

Thank you for your support, I prefer to avoid many problems by explaining.

"Saik is a genius, I have no doubt that he has already planned several complicated and math-filled strategies." said Naok.

Not really, they are filled with traps, taking advantage of the naive human nature. The ghosts make the work easier, so I can't consider myself a genius for doing something so predictable for someone with my power.

"I can't guarantee you first place. Ram has the strongest team, but only in academic matters. I trust your abilities. Naok, Ludius, you just train. The rest of us will earn points through contributions to society."

"It's true, Saik knows how to win...!"


I silenced him before he finished that sentence, to prevent the others from bothering me with their questions.

"I don't know. If you're referring to the positive points I gained, I'll tell you that I don't know, Bell. We will earn points through the available jobs on the board mentioned by the teacher."

"You seriously don't know?" said Naok.

"I don't remember doing anything specific."

"... Do you really think we can win, Saik?" said Ludius, still doubting my ability.

And I don't blame him. If I didn't have my ghosts, we would definitely be in last place no matter what we do.

"Yes, I'm sure. Trust me."

"... Yes, alright... I trust you."

"Me too." said Bell.

"Who wouldn't be able to trust the best first-year student?!" said Naok, patting me on the back.

"I-I trust you, Saik!" said Sylphie, nodding quickly.

Good, I've gained their trust, that will save me a lot of trouble.

Now, well, who would be the perfect victim?

Lunchtime began and everyone quickly rushed to the board, like wild animals. I wonder if someone else came up with a similar plan to mine.

Many students are running in front of our classroom. They are probably first-year students. I don't think second or third-year students have the same test.

Everyone left, except for my team, who approached me as I prepared to leave, but to another place.

"Saik, let's go!"

"W-we will be left behind!"

They are worried about getting jobs that guarantee us a lot of points, but it's not necessary.

I have two plans. If the main plan fails, I will use plan 2.

"Bell, Sylphie, don't worry. We don't need to go right now."

"But the best jobs will be taken. What if there are only limited jobs?"

Everyone left and only my team remains. The competition will be tough if everyone strives to get points, but hard work is sometimes not enough. If they are not willing to take risks to get what they want, they won't survive long in this school.

I will show them that my methods, though cruel, are efficient.

The teacher is still here. I need to take advantage.

"The teacher never mentioned that the jobs were limited, right?"

I turned to look at her and she nodded.

"Exactly, I never mentioned it because they are not limited. There are always jobs available, but that doesn't mean we will always have jobs that guarantee a lot of points."

I see.

We don't need jobs like that, simple tasks like picking up trash are enough. It will distract others from my true plan.

"Thank you for confirming, teacher."

I grabbed my lunches.

"I'm going to check something. Eat something and don't panic."

"Can we come with you?" said Ludius.

"No, I have to go alone."

"Where to?" said Naok.

"I'll tell you later."

I won't risk someone outside my team overhearing me.

I left the classroom and Yuki started floating beside me.

The information she obtained was predictable. Ram's team wants to get their points through the exam and tasks, and I don't blame them, it's a good idea. It all depends on the points given by the jobs on the board. Wasting an hour of life to get 10 or 20 points sounds good, but considering that with 100 positive points you can buy an answer, I don't think the jobs will give that many points. I think they will give between 1 and 10, depending on the difficulty.

"It's a competition, Saik. They will get the best jobs. Are you sure about what you're doing?"

"Don't worry, Yuki, I have a plan."

Alright, I've arrived. Here they are, the classrooms of the third-year students. My superiors, the ones with more experience. Spending three years in a school that forces you to compete to avoid expulsion must have affected them in some way. An expert against a novice. They will see me as a herbivore among carnivores, and that's exactly what I want.

I just need to find one that seems lonely, fat, ugly, or with some disability, something that makes them feel inferior to their classmates.

Mmm... They are all with their friends... Mmm... There's no loner or anyone with the characteristics I'm looking for outside. The extroverted, ugly, and fat ones won't do. Someone without friends, who doesn't enjoy school.

It was so easy in my previous schools to find students being bullied. I don't see anyone like that here. Is that the biggest difference between a public and a private school?

Ah, I think I need to dig deeper in my search.

I started looking inside the classrooms.

No... No... No... Nothing... Yes, here it is. Class 3-E.

The E class of the third year... If my theory is correct, I will come out with first place in my hands. Perfect.

I entered the classroom and the students inside turned to look at me. Did they mind me entering? They seem a bit annoyed by my presence.

"S-Saik, entering without permission is a bit..."

"Don't worry, Yuki."

I stood in front of a student who was eating alone. Fat, somewhat ugly, and reading a book while eating.

He looks lonely... I will give him the final test.

"Hello, my name is Saik."


A voice without energy and he looks at me with a certain displeasure. I think he is annoyed because I'm interrupting him. Yes, he is not an extrovert. He is the person I'm looking for.

I took a chair and sat in front of him.

"What are you reading?"

"Leave me alone."

Ignoring me, he continued reading his book. How bitter.

"It's so cold. I want you to answer some questions. Here, it's a way to repay you for your answers."

I handed him one of the lunches.

"First of all, I don't know you. I didn't bring cake just because you're fat, it was a coincidence. I just want some answers."

He momentarily put down his book and looked at me.

"Answers? About what?"

"About school."

He closed his book. Have I caught your attention now? If I'm right, you think you can take advantage of me in some way, and that's exactly what I'm looking for.

How can a third-year student take advantage of a first-year student? What benefits would they gain from doing so? I'm about to find out.

"Are you a first-year student?"


He sighed heavily and crossed his arms.

"Ah... I guess I can't ask you for points... Alright, I'll take the cake."

He opened the lunch and started eating.

"What do you want to know?" he said with food in his mouth.

"That was too easy, wasn't it, Saik?" Yuki said, doubting him.

He didn't put up a fight and accepted quickly. I didn't expect that part. Ah... But well, let's continue.

"First question..."

Huh? What does this mean? Someone placed their hand on my head.

"Saik, be careful!"

That smile on his face... I see. No wonder he accepted so quickly. Do you think you earned a cake without doing anything? You're truly pathetic.

"Hey, small fry, you're not allowed here..."

I stood up and covered his mouth with my hand.

"Shut up."


I grabbed his arm, pulled him forcefully, kicked his legs, he fell face-first onto the floor, and I put my foot on his back. A simple move to bring him down, but I don't think it's enough to make him give up. Well, if I stay calm, it will scare him even more.

"I'm not talking to you."

I sat back down.

"Sorry about that. First question..."


Ah, thanks for the warning, Yuki.

The idiot got up and tried to punch me without warning, but I stopped his fist with my right hand, without even looking.

"Eh?" the fat guy said, surprised.

"Incredible, Saik!"

This isn't something normal people do, but if I allow these two to take advantage of me, my plan will go down the drain. Plus, thanks to this guy's intervention, a Plan C has just been born. Feeding his resentment towards me will be useful if this fat guy doesn't serve me.

"This is the second time you've bothered me."

I began squeezing his fist, digging my fingertips into it, and he fell to his knees, while starting to cry.

His cries of pain didn't take long to follow, but he covered his mouth so no one would hear him. Someone who wants to maintain his reputation, huh? Another useful piece of information.

"Will you keep bothering me?"


I let go and sat down again.

"Well done, Saik! Hahahahahaha! Look at him, rubbing his hand! Hahahahahaha!"

I sighed as this guy swallowed his saliva and avoided looking directly at me out of fear.

"Did you think he would kick me out of the classroom and you would win a dessert without doing anything?"

"O-of course not!"

A coward who tries to take advantage of the situation. Yes, I didn't misjudge you, you're perfect.

The right victim.

"Ah... I'll be brief. Does class ranking matter? Is Class A the best?"

"Yes... I guess you already figured it out. Class A is the best and Class E is the worst. There are different benefits for students in each class. Class A students get a scholarship to instantly enter any university they choose, without taking the entrance exam, and a guaranteed job. Class B only has the university scholarship. Class C is almost the same, but without the scholarship, they get admission to any university. Class D receives a recommendation, but it's not certain they'll get into the university they want. Class E doesn't get anything."

I suspected as much, they're forced to compete for those benefits. This school becomes even more interesting.

Although, do millionaire's children need a scholarship? They must be universities that normal people don't know about or something like that. Secret universities? If secret countries exist, that's possible. Or is it the guaranteed job they're after?

Well, I don't care about the benefits, I'm going to commit suicide in the end, I'm just curious that an elite school, so expensive that only millionaires can afford it, rewards its top students with a scholarship. There must be something more behind that scholarship.

Although that would also make sense of one of my theories, the one that millionaires send their children here to learn humility, or the one I just created, the theory that they send their children here to learn to be independent on their own, without depending on them, to learn to earn things.

... Yeah, this school is weird, but I'm still too lazy to investigate.

"A scholarship for a millionaire? I understand this school less and less," Yuki said, rubbing her head.

Ah, yes, I understand you.

"Final question. How is it possible to move to other classes?"

"Of course, it depends on the students' performance. The total positive points of everyone are added up, and... Well, I guess you already know how it's classified."

Ah, I see. The more points we have, the better our class will be. It sounds too simple, but difficult to achieve, or so I hope. It would be disappointing if it were easy.

"Ask how many of his classmates have survived," Yuki said.

Excellent question. Let's see how difficult it is.

"I'm sorry, but I have one more question. How many students are there in your class?"

"... 9."

"Less than half. Will the special exams be that difficult?" Yuki said.

4 students expelled at the end of the semester. That means there were 5 expelled due to the special exams. Only 5, and considering that there is a special exam every month of the semester, except for December, it would give us 9 special exams, covering the semesters that include the months of September, October, and November. And if there is the same number between the months of January and June, it would give us a total of at least 18 special exams, and only 5 expelled. Interesting... I think I made a mistake with the above, as this year has just started. It would be 12 special exams. Ah, I see.

The fewer they are, the fewer points they will be able to earn, because everyone's points are added together, which is why they are in Class E.

A class that is able to keep all its students will have a great advantage... What a nuisance.

Is there any way to move up a class individually? It will be a hassle to have to collaborate with others to move up, that would force me to socialize, and I'm too lazy to even think about that.

"Hehe. This school is getting interesting," Yuki said, hugging me by the neck, or at least pretending to.

No, Saik, I know you want to activate her body, but the risk is too great. Endure the urge to do it.

"Ah, I see."

"By the way, I have something else to tell you. You can also move up a class individually with 25,000 points."

... That's too much, but understandable. One correct answer gives one point, modifying an answer costs 100, but moving up a class costs 250 times more.

That would be the easiest and most boring way, but I will save up in case I need it. Maybe my classmates will be useful. Ram is a genius, but she only knows how to work individually, as she reflected once again in her plan to earn points mainly through exams, assignments, and class participation. She didn't focus on the board work because she knows her performance would be mediocre.

I hope Saoto knows what he's doing, the most popular in the class should know how to work in a team.

Putting that aside, it's time to take action.

The boy continues to rub his hand, in pain, and his gaze is filled with resentment and frustration. And the fat one is afraid of me, but he's someone who takes advantage of the situation without thinking too much.

The environment is ready, it's time to do it.

"Thank you for the information... By the way..."

I took out my smartphone and opened the points application.

"I have 198 points."

"Hmmmmh! Cough, cough!"

He choked on the cake he was chewing. Are 198 points a lot for a first-year student? Isn't it common to do what I'm about to do? Or does no one dare to risk their stay in this school? I must take note of that.

... How disgusting. He spat out the piece of cake on the table.

"You should chew better."

"Are you really a first-year student?"

"Don't change the subject. If I bet all my points and lose, I'll be expelled. I have a question. If you beat me, do you get extra points for expelling me?"

Yes, it's working. I can feel everyone's gaze on me, and it's filled with interest and ambition. The carnivores are about to pounce on the herbivore.

The environment is perfect for what I have planned. Not bad for an idiot who only knows how to fight.

"The class... We will all receive 1,000 points if we manage to expel someone from another class."

So many? Wow. They're tempting students to take risks and expel others.

This is getting better and better. Winning 9,000 points by expelling a first-year student. They definitely won't want to waste this opportunity.

"If that's true, first-year students will be in danger if second and third-year students want to bet with them," Yuki said.

They can't force us to bet, but I have no doubt that there will be some idiot who wants to get ahead of their classmates and bet. And that idiot is me.

"Ah, I see... I bet 198 points in a simple game of rock, paper, scissors."

"Uwaaaah! What?!" Yuki shouted at me, trying to shake some sense into me.

And as I predicted, the 4 students who were in the classroom surrounded us.

The pressure from their classmates, plus the opportunity to earn 9,000 points and become a hero for their class, well, maybe that would give them a chance to move up to Class D. That will make him unable to refuse, and if he refuses, Subject B can replace him, he's the one who is most excited about the idea of expelling me because he hates me the most.

The third-year students should have thousands of points, so betting with a student with so few points, in a game where luck is everything, is almost impossible to refuse.

They see it as a unique opportunity, and I see it as the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the situation.

"Accept the bet!"

"Come on, do it!"

"We don't have a chance like this every day!"

Ah, well, I even guessed what they would say, although it was obvious.

"Idiot, don't do it! At least start with half, not everything!"

Half wouldn't have the same impact as betting everything, with the risk of losing and being expelled. Expelling someone is much more exciting and appealing than just winning a few points, almost insignificant to them. Don't worry, Yuki, everything will be fine because I have him. Luck is on my side... Literally.

Upon finding himself surrounded, with the hope and support of his classmates placed upon him, he stood up and smiled. It was his moment to shine, and he didn't want to waste it. I didn't make a mistake in choosing you.

"Alright, I accept!"


I won't allow myself to be deceived.

I started recording an audio on my smartphone.

"I, Saik, a first-year student from Class B, accept to bet all my points in a rock-paper-scissors game."

"I, Rob, a third-year student from Class E, accept to bet 198 points in the rock-paper-scissors game."

I stopped the recording. I suppose that should be enough.

"Let's begin."

Both of us placed our right hands behind our backs.

"The rules remain the same, with no changes."


Everyone was watching us intently, expecting a spectacle, while Yuki continued to panic, shaking her hair and kicking her feet.

"All this for nothing! I can't help you in a game of luck, you fool!"

It won't be necessary, everything is fine now.



"Someone count."

"One, two... three!" a girl said.

"I don't want to see!" Yuki said, covering her eyes.

"Rock, paper, scissors."

"Rock, paper, scissors!!"

Although we said the same thing, he spoke very loudly. It wasn't necessary, it annoyed me. Did he do that to distract me? His strategy failed.

But well, the result was as expected.

My rock defeats his scissors, and the number 83 that I have drawn on my hand emphasizes my victory over the scissors even more.

"Rock defeats scissors. I won."

"Damn it!"

"Pay up."

"Yes, don't worry."

"I almost had a heart attack in my already still maiden heart! Stop betting and let's go!"

But, Yuki, this is just the beginning.

I received my points. Perfect, I managed to get the points that it would have taken Naok an hour of hard work to get, and I got them in a matter of seconds.

This betting thing will make my stay at this school easier.

"Thank you. I want to bet all my points again."

"You idiot!"

Is Yuki trying to bite my cheek? A bite on the cheek, huh? That sounds adorable. And she looks so cute when she's angry. Parents, seriously, why didn't you give me a younger brother or sister?

"You'll waste so much money in vain!"

Is that what angers you the most?

"And most importantly, my dignity! I cheated for you! I'm no longer a pure girl because of you!"

Don't worry, luck is on my side.

The boy fell silent, reflecting. Is he wondering if the risk is worth it or if losing scared him?

Since Subject A took so long to decide, Subject B kicked him, taking his place. How savage. Wasn't it enough to ask him to let you bet?

"I bet all your points!"

The student who tried to hit me, as I predicted, hates me so much that he wants to expel me.

I took out my smartphone and started recording a video.

"I accept."

"Ahhhhhhh! Fine, do whatever you want! I give up!"

It hurts that you don't trust me, Yuki. But it's understandable, considering I'm an idiot who can't answer any exam questions on my own and is betting all my points in a game of luck... Yes, you definitely have more than enough reasons not to trust me.



I wonder how many points I'll get in the end.

Ah, it was easier than I thought. I was lucky to come across two students with the perfect profiles. And I've already deleted the number, I don't need it anymore.

"I always believed in you, Saik! Let's go to the most expensive restaurant in town to celebrate our victory!"

Only when it benefits you, huh? Don't worry, I'm not mad.

And about celebrating... I'll think about it.

"You did really well! How did you manage to guess their moves? Did you see their eyes or something?"

"It was just luck, I didn't do anything else."

"L-luck? Just luck?! Don't take such risks! Next time, bet on something where I can help you!"

I made Yuki angry... I feel bad.

I'll buy cards to bet with.

"Sorry for worrying you, it won't happen again. I guess I got carried away in the heat of the moment."

"You risked breaking the promise you made to your mother, and I don't want you to fail her. Don't worry, the beautiful Yuki will always help you cheat! Muahahahaha!"

She crossed her arms and started laughing with an evil laugh. How adorable. I can't wait to get home and ruffle her hair. Would it sound weird to ask her to bite my cheek? I'm curious about how it feels.

"Where did the purity go?"

"Oh, I am so concerned about you that I am willing to let my evil side consume me to make you happy. I know, I know, I'm great, you don't need to kiss my feet. But take responsibility for my sacrifice!"

"Foreign or national cuisine?"

"A mix of both, please! Thanks!"

So easy to please a glutton like Yuki, and since she's a ghost, I can modify her body to fit a whole feast inside her without any changes to her body or feeling full, with the only downside that it will all have to come out sooner or later.

... A chubby Yuki, eating my food with a smile on her face, asking for seconds... So adorable.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I imagine you chubby. You would look adorable."

"Nooooooo! Never! I will always be beautiful and perfect!"

"Do you think fat women are ugly?"

"N-no, it's just that..."

"I read on the internet that all bodies should be considered beautiful because criticism lowers people's self-esteem, causing them anxiety and even depression. Your way of thinking is very rude."

"No, that's not what I was trying to say! I-I'm a good person!"

"And I'm just teasing you. You look adorable when you're worried."

"Ahhhhhhh! You made me feel bad, you villain! I'll never help you again!"

"What if I buy you whatever you want after school?"

"Do you think I'm easy to please?!"

"With 'whatever you want', it's 'whatever you want', no price limit."

"Well, yes, I'm easy to please! Yuki will always help you, Saik! Oh, what a good person I am, I know, I know."

She hugged my arm, in her own way.

She looks happy, she's smiling. How cute.

It feels so good to have a younger sister. I don't know why they say that siblings always fight, or at least that's what I read on the internet. My relationship with Yuki is full of peace and fun. Will she ever get really angry with me? It hurts to imagine it, so I'll avoid anything that might bother her.

I entered my classroom and met up with Sylphie.

Eating alone, there's no one else here... It took me 33 minutes to go and come back, and considering that her lunch is almost full, she eats very slowly. Was she waiting for me...? She's relying too much on my company... Ah, what a hassle.

"Hi, Sylphie."

"H-hi, Saik."

"Did you go to see the available jobs?"

"Yes, but there were many people, so I came back."

"Ah, I figured. I went to gather information. The teacher hasn't told us yet, but Class A is the best and Class E is the worst. I confirmed it with a third-year student."

"What?! B-but the teacher hasn't told us anything about that...? And if it's true, why am I in Class B? I should be in Class E and you in Class A."

"I think they just mixed everyone up and assigned classes randomly. Maybe in the next semester, we'll be assigned to another class, as the groups depend on the total points. If we're the class with the most points, we'll be assigned to Class A. There are also many benefits, at least for people with limited resources like us."

"Like what?"

"Oh, how cute she looks blushing. She wants to keep talking to you. Hehe. I'll leave the lovebirds alone."

Lovebirds? What's that?

Yuki left... Ah...


"Sorry, I was lost in thought."

I have to avoid staying silent when Yuki talks to me, it will raise suspicions if I keep doing that.

I told Sylphie what they said in the other class, about the benefits and how to advance.

"That would be the main thing. It sounds simple, but it's complicated to achieve."

"... Do you think we can move up to Class A?"


To be honest, I don't care that much. As long as I maintain my average of 100, I'll be the best student, no matter what class I'm in. The different classes are just for students to fight for those benefits, but it won't have any impact on the average.

I'll die after graduating, so the benefits don't matter to me.

... But... Sylphie wants a good future. And she has financial problems, she won't be able to afford a good university.

Those eyes she has on me, they are eyes filled with hope. She wants to be better, to overcome her problems, to surpass herself in order to make her mother proud and honor her father's memory.

... Yes... I will help Sylphie succeed, I promised her father. Being in the best class will help boost her self-esteem... Ah, what a hassle.

Sylphie, I admire your effort to succeed and become a better version of yourself. That's something I wish I had done in the past... Your father is proud of you... In contrast, I disappointed mine... Ah...

"... Yes, I'm sure we can reach Class A."

I'll take care of that.

The free period ended and I returned to my seat, ready to sleep. I've made too much effort today, my brain deserves a good rest.

I yawned and Yuki came back, quite excited.

"You're famous now!"

Famous? Why?

"Did you hear what happened? A third-year student was expelled for losing all his points."

"So, it's true about the expulsions?"

Ah, I see. News spreads fast in school. I'll keep that in mind.

Yuki started patting my back gently, I can feel her phantom hand. It doesn't feel the same as her physical hand, but it's relaxing, like a massage.

"Alright, alright, don't cry. You did the right thing, Saik. Don't feel guilty."

Huh? I don't even feel guilty. Is she making fun of me...? Considering that smile on her face and her wink, yes, she's teasing me.

But yes, Yuki is too adorable today.

The teacher entered the classroom and stood in front of the blackboard, with a very serious expression. Bad news?

"Well, I didn't think it would be so soon. We use the first few weeks of class mainly for you to adapt to the study method we use. In October, we explain the situation better, before that month we were not allowed to talk about it. But today something important happened, related to a first-year student, so I was given permission to speak."

To speak?

The teacher explained what I already knew.

Ah... Damn, I lost a cake to get that information, and it was in vain.

Today is not my lucky day. How ironic.

"Now, about the situation that triggered all this... Today, a first-year student, a student in this class, made a bet with a third-year student from Class E... And the first-year student won all the points, causing his expulsion."

Everyone started murmuring and I continued resting.

I already know all that, I don't need to pay attention... Mmm?

I feel Sylphie's gaze on me, and Ludius' too. Ah, well.

"Teacher, could you tell us who it was?" Ram said.

"That information will be made public, so it doesn't matter... It was Saik."

I can feel almost everyone's gaze on me. I don't need to open my eyes to confirm it.

"Saik made a bet and managed to expel a student, earning the reward that action carries."

"Reward?" Saoto said.

"Get ready for insults." Yuki said.

Ah, I know.

"When a student manages to expel someone from another class, all the students in the winner's class receive 1,000 points."

"Does that mean each of us will receive 1,000 points?!"

"Thank you, Saik!"

"10 guaranteed answers!"

Ah, they will hate me for what comes next... Ah, I don't care.

"Hehe. Poor things." Yuki said, mocking them with a mocking expression.

Are you sure you're not evil? I'll love you anyway, don't worry.

"Applause for Saik!" Naok shouted, standing up and applauding.

Ah, seriously, I hope they're not crybabies.

"Silence, I'm not done yet."

"Sorry, teacher, I got too excited." Naok said, sitting down.

"Don't celebrate. Since Saik was the winner, he had the option to distribute those points or use them to buy a protection point. That protection point will prevent his expulsion if he fails a special exam or if he ends up with the least positive points at the end of the semester. He used the points to buy it, so none of you will receive any points."

I can already feel furious glares on me, and before they start complaining, I looked up.

"In my defense, before you get angry, I remind you that we are in a special exam. I wasn't going to help the enemies."

I fell back asleep.

"Selfish son of a...! Mmmmmh!"

I guess they covered that girl's mouth.

"With those points, we could have bought 10 guaranteed answers!"


"I ran out of those guaranteed answers!" Naok shouted, worried.

Blah, blah, blah.

Should I care about the others? This is supposed to be a competition. Why are they angry? This action was predictable, any of you would have done the same... Except Saoto, he would have chosen the points. A stupidity, as he could use that protection point to save the expelled student at the end of the semester, but he would seek everyone's happiness, not benefits in the future.

Well, at least I have a protection point. If I fail a bet, I'll avoid expulsion.

"You're officially the most hated in the class. Congratulations...? Ah, I don't think this should be celebrated." Yuki said.

Ah, I'll keep sleeping.

"Saik, wake up, classes are over!"

Eh? Is it already 4 pm? I really slept for a long time.

I yawned.

Ah, it was a good dream. I feel refreshed.

I gained positive points, a protection point, Yuki's expressions today were so adorable, and I slept like a baby. I wish every day could be like this... But I'm hungry, I haven't eaten... And Yuki hasn't either... I feel bad for falling asleep and not feeding her, but a feast awaits her tonight, her pain will be rewarded. I have to make several calls to have the food delivered. I won't cook so much on my own.

"You have a heavy sleep, Sylphie and Ram tried to wake you up but couldn't."

And I woke up right at 4 pm. How lucky... Lucky... Is it still activated? I already deleted the number. Residue? Ah, whatever.

I started packing my things and Ram stood next to me.

"How does it feel to expel someone who was about to graduate?"

"Mmm... At first, I felt satisfaction because that student tried to hit me and was annoying. But then the satisfaction disappeared and I didn't care... Yes, I didn't care. Why?"

She... smiled at me and approached. That smile is... adorable? It's a challenging smile, but considering her short stature and flat chest, that smile is adorable on her.

"You're starting to grow on me."

"Ah, well... What do you want me to do with that information?"

"Hehe. You're strange. Annoying, but interesting."

She walked away from me. That girl is weird, and that's coming from someone weird. What does she want from me? A challenge? A rival? I don't understand.

Sylphie and the rest of the team approached me to congratulate me. I don't feel like they're mad at me. Well, after all, they know I gained positive points. My victory is their victory.

"Saik, did you really manage to expel someone?!"

"Awesome! Tell us everything!"

"Although it's a bit cruel."

"T-the important thing is that Saik didn't lose his points... I-it's not like I only care about your points, it's just that I don't w-want you to be expelled!" Sylphie said, covering her face after finishing speaking.

That clarification wasn't necessary.

"She looks so cute with her face all red...! Although I also feel sorry for her." Yuki said.

Yes, it's a pity. Ah...

Naok and Bell, the extroverted idiots. Ludius, the understanding one. And Sylphie, the shy girl... What a strange team I have.

"You could say I got lucky."

"And how did you make that student bet all his points, Saik?" Naok said.

"When I won the 1,580 points he had, he was left with 10 points. I bet all my points for those 10, and he took the risk. Unfortunately for him, I won and he was expelled."

"You're amazing, Saik...! Wait... 1,580?!" Sylphie said, surprised, and the rest of the group turned to look at me, including Ram.

"S-so many?" Bell said.

"And all in one day... " Ludius said.

"Hahahahaha! Just incredible, bro!" Naok said, hugging me by the neck.

Doesn't he know about personal space?

"Hehe. Keep talking. We're awesome, I know it. The "Yuki Team" is the best!" Yuki said, proudly puffing her chest.

Since when are we the "Yuki Team"? I demand a fairer name, like "Yuik Team" or "Saki Team"... Wait, do they think I only won 1,580?

"Ah, I forgot to tell you."

I took out my smartphone and opened the app.

"I bet with everyone, that student was the only one who took the risk to bet everything."

I showed them the screen of my smartphone, and Naok started celebrating along with Bell, embracing each other.

"We're going to win!"

"Saik, thank you so much!"

"5,805 points?"

"S-Saik... I don't know what to say... Y-you're incredible!"

"Yes, yes, we're incredible, I know. Keep talking, sweetheart," Yuki said, groping Sylphie's breasts.

Yuki is so strange sometimes.

Ram approached me and looked at the screen.

"You... You really..."

She smiled in a weird way. Is she even more excited? I can feel her happiness increasing.

... And such a sudden change? Wasn't she a cold and emotionless girl? I don't understand women.

"You became an even more exciting challenge."

"Thank you?"

I put away my smartphone and gathered my things.

"I have to go."

I left the classroom and Sylphie started walking beside me.

"S-Saik, I want to congratulate you for winning, but you shouldn't have taken such a risk. What if you had lost? It's not worth the risk of expulsion over points."

"If I had lost, I would have been the one expelled, but I won, and that's all that matters."

"But... why did you do it? How were you so sure you would win?"

"I promised them that we would win at least second place, and I will fulfill that... Although I didn't think I would earn so many points... After all, it's possible that we'll win first place."

"Saik... In the short time I've known you, I've realized that you truly are an incredible person."

"Thank you... I guess."

You've said that several times.

"Saik, I want to talk to you."

Ah, the teacher called me. I hope I didn't get into trouble for defending myself.

"See you tomorrow, Sylphie."

"G-Goodbye, Saik."

After saying goodbye to Sylphie, I followed the teacher to the teacher's lounge.

Upon entering, I noticed the presence of a certain ghost, who tried to scare me again.

But this time, it's not alone. There are a total of 8 ghosts, all with grotesque appearances. Any normal person would have a heart attack or be scared upon seeing them, but my heart rate remained the same, and I showed no emotion. Two of them have the appearances of my parents, with their bodies torn apart and their faces disfigured, but since they're fake, I didn't pay them any attention. I was mentally prepared for a situation like this.

"Eek! How disgusting! Why do they keep bothering us?!"


"My dear son!"

How fake. My parents used to call me by my name.

Don't worry, Yuki, they won't do anything to us.

"First of all, I proved that I earned the points fair and square. I presented evidence. And you can't cheat with rock, paper, scissors either."

"I don't want to talk about that."

She sat down and looked me in the eyes... Or at least that's what she tried to do.

"I heard that you don't know what contribution you made to society. Do you really not know?"

"I guess you are referring to the woman I saved when she tried to commit suicide."

"... Yes, you knew... Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Why would I tell them? I don't think they want to wait for someone to attempt suicide in order to save them."

"You know I'm not talking about that."

... Not?

"What are you referring to?"

"The person you saved was the mother of one of your classmates."

"Yes, Sylphie's mother."

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Why would I?"

"You... You're not trying to make her fall in love with you? If you tell her that you saved her mother, I'm pretty sure she'll fall for you."

"... Is love that easy? It doesn't surprise me that there are so many unfaithful couples nowadays... If you think I'm trying to make Sylphie fall in love with me, you're mistaken. I just want to be her friend. And if she falls in love with me, I will reject her. I don't want a girlfriend."

"No? I thought it was normal for students your age to want a girlfriend."

... Normal? Is that really normal?

... Seriously?

"And by the way, good deeds are not done so that others consider you a good person, they are done because it's the right thing to do, and if you boast about them, it only shows that you want others to see you as a good person. True good people do the right thing regardless of whether anyone is watching or finds out."

I felt like laughing at that statement.

I only said it to make her stop asking me that.

I don't even consider it a good deed. After all, I am responsible for her actions.

"Is that all?"

"... Yes, you may leave."

What a strange conversation. What did she expect to achieve with me?

I left the teacher's lounge and Yuki started laughing.

"Hahahaha! Are you serious?! I can't believe she fell for that! Saying all that about good people just to get her to stop asking. You're not that foolish, Saik. Hahahaha!"

She still doesn't know me completely.

"And for how long do you think they'll keep following us? They stopped being scary and now they just make me feel sorry," Yuki said, pretending to hit the ghosts that were following me.

I can't answer that, but they'll disappear soon. Ghost hunters are always busy, they can't waste time on me.

... They're gone already. That was quick.

Well, let's go home and eat.