CHAPTER 34 - Enemy number one. Part 5.

CHAPTER 34 - Enemy number one. Part 5.

My whole body hurts. Mental and physical exhaustion, nausea, headache, blah, blah, blah.

I've been using the legendary ghosts too much without "that", that's why my body is suffering the consequences. Well, at least I'm keeping the promise I made to Noel. Iris is safe.

I hate rape. I hate all of it... I hate it. I arrived on time, so I managed to prevent it. I must help Iris get a safer job... No, it won't be necessary. Iris' shift ended when they tried to rape her, so... Ah, damn it, thinking hurts.

The security cameras won't affect Iris because all the money is in its place, she didn't steal anything, they can't accuse her of disabling the security cameras. The employee who tried to rape her probably works the night shift, I can blame him. I have to do so much for Iris to keep her job... Blood, huh?

I wiped my nose.

The stress is slowly killing me. Why don't I just abandon Iris and Sylphie? They're causing me a lot of unnecessary problems that ruin my peaceful life... No... I made a deal with Noel and Yuki. I have to keep my word. I'll keep it even if it costs me my life.

"Honey, are you feeling okay?"

Number 31 sat next to me and caressed my cheek.

"What's wrong? You look tired."

"Nothing's wrong, I just have a headache. I need a break."

Number 31 hugged me.

"Rest, honey. You deserve a break."

"I can't, I have to prepare dinner... I can't sleep."

"A short nap won't hurt you. Sleep for an hour, I'll wake you up."

"Yes... Thank you very much, 31... Thank you."

I rested my head on Number 31's lap and closed my eyes. I have to use the legendary ghosts less. I can't keep abusing my body.

Great power is never easy to use, huh?

Ah... I really envy normal people.

(Pov- 31.)

He looks so cute when he's asleep. And his lips... His lips are so beautiful and kissable.




Mmm... Um, will he get mad if I give him a kiss while he's sleeping? I mean, I think I deserve it. I did a good job today, right? Yes, of course I deserve it... No... I should let him rest. I won't take advantage of his situation. He deserves a good rest. He's been using the legendary ghosts without using "it", and that's pretty dangerous and painful. I can't even imagine all the pain he's going through. I'll let him rest, I won't bother him... Well, m-maybe a little massage would be good, right? That'll relax him.

I lifted his shirt and began to caress his abdomen. So... firm... Fufu. This brings back good memories.

Very good memories.

(Some time ago.)

Saik, who was 7 years old, was lying on the floor. His body was so sweaty and sore that anyone who saw him would think he was sick or worse, but he was just tired from all the exercise he was doing.

He was in his room, taking advantage of his parents being at work to train without them noticing.

"Ah... Ah... Water."

"Here you go, Saik."

Number 31 helped Saik drink a glass of water and he slowly got up from the floor.

"I think I'm improving."

Saik began touching his body. He had a physique that was impossible to imagine in a child his age, but he had plenty of reasons to have that body.

"Do you think I can have more legendary ghosts under my power now?"

"Yes. You have the mental and physical strength to withstand the power of two more legendary ghosts, Saik."

"Hmm. Why don't you call me 'darling' anymore? I was getting used to it."

"I-I won't call a little boy darling! You cheated on me! Ahhhhhh! I lost my virginity to someone so young! I'm sick!"

"Well, first of all, we don't know if you were a virgin when you were alive. Secondly, I tricked you, so... well, you're a pervert, so you're a bit sick."

"Ah... What happened, happened. The past can't be changed. I'd rather wait until you're older. When you're 15, you'll be mine."

"No, thank you."

Saik's eyes turned gray and small wounds began to appear on his arms.

"S-Saik, stop!"

His eyes returned to normal and his nose began to bleed.

"I still have trouble using that."

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard, Saik. You're just a child. Enjoy your childhood and go play."

"No... You know I can't. I'm not normal... If I want to have a normal life, I have to become strong, and you know that. I need more power, I can't rest."

His eyes turned gray and blood began to come out of his eyes and ears.

"I-I have to endure it for longer."


(Pov- Saik.)

Ah, I slept pretty well. Number 31's thighs are very soft, and they also smelled really good. I wonder if my thighs smell good too.

I smell my arms... Mmm... I think they smell... normal, I guess.

"You only slept for 30 minutes, honey."

"I think it was enough."

I got up and started to take off my clothes.

"I'm going to take a bath."

"Hehe. What if we bathed together, Saik?"

"As you wish."

"...Eh? Really?!"

She got too close to me. Did I say something weird? She asked me and I answered. Wasn't that what she wanted?

"As long as you don't try to rape me, you can bathe with me."


Did she really get disappointed by something so obvious?

"It's not normal for a guy to have sex with someone he doesn't love or isn't in a relationship with. I'll only have sex with my girlfriend or wife. That's what normal people do."

"I'm your girlfriend!"

"No, we're just friends."


Ah, she's pouting now.

I stroked her cheeks and gave her a small kiss on the lips.

"This is all I can give you. I'm sorry, but I really want to live my life as normally as possible. You more than anyone else know how much I struggled for this life. Please respect my decision... I'm sorry, really sorry, but you're just a friend to me. I've never been in love, and you know that."

"Y-yes... I know you're that weird. I understand."

She took off her bra and smiled happily.

"I'll wait for you, someday you'll be interested in romance, I know it."

She hugged me and I felt her breasts on my chest.

Ah... I'm sorry, number 31.

Yes, I am interested in having a girlfriend, and I already have someone in mind.

Maybe that person will help me know what it feels like to love... I hope so.

I really want to experience that feeling before I die.

I took a shower and got dressed. Alright, I'm fully awake now. What should I make for dinner?

"Do you want something specific, Yuki?"

"Mmm... Mmm... I want... Mmm... I don't have a craving for anything... Mmm... Spaghetti!"

Pasta, huh? I think that's okay.

I opened the refrigerator. Mmm... Ground beef or should I make red sauce spaghetti?

Yes, better make it with ground beef.

I took out all the ingredients I needed. I'm not missing anything.

Alright, let's begin.

Mmm... I think it's ready. I turned off the stove. Alright, the food is ready.

"Yuki, you'll eat in your room. I'll eat with Iris. I don't want she eating alone, and for obvious reasons, you won't be eating with us."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Yuki replied.

I gave Yuki two plates of food and she went to her room.

I served the food on two plates.

Spaghetti with ground meat on top. It's a little spicy, but it's bearable.

Homemade sauce. Alright, the taste is good.

Forks ready. All that's left is dessert.

I opened the refrigerator. I have chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry cake. Mmm... Yes, we'll have the strawberry.

I took out the cake and put it in the center of the table.

Food and dessert. Nothing else is missing... Ah, the drinks. I don't drink alcohol, so I don't have any. I have juices and sodas... I think we'll have juice.

I took out the grape juice and left it on the counter.

Alright, everything is ready. I'll go see if Iris is awake.

"I-I'm sorry, I wanted to help you cook."

Ah, she's already awake. She saved me the trouble of waking her up... Mmm... Yes, my shirt is very tight because of her breasts, but she looks quite good. Any man would get excited just looking at her, but I don't have time to think about that. If I look at her too much, it would only make her uncomfortable. I'll just look her in the eyes.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, thank you. I can move now."

"Your clothes are drying, I already washed them. Please take a seat. Not to brag, but I'm a pretty good cook."

All those internet tutorials worked well for me.

"It smells delicious, Saik."

"Thank you."

I sat in one of the chairs and Iris sat across from me.

"B-by the way, could you not tell Sylphie that I fainted? I don't want to worry her."

"You should see a doctor. I don't think it's normal to faint on the street. And don't worry, I won't tell her anything."

The effects of the drug disappeared, but she didn't regain her memories. I think it's safe to say that the legendary health ghost will eliminate the residues that are still in her body from that drug.

"Thank you very much."

"Well, let's eat."

I took the fork and ate first. The texture and taste are perfect. The idea of being a househusband is becoming more and more tempting. If I get a wife, she would have delicious food every day. She'll support me and I'll be her servant. Well, I'll commit suicide, so that possibility is nil.

Although I would be a perfect husband. I'm strong and would always protect my wife. I cook well and know how to clean. I'm the perfect servant that any wealthy person wants in their house. And sexually? Mmm... I don't know, but I could learn too. Number 31 said I did pretty well my first time, so I think I'd do well.

Would I be a good father? I don't know. I haven't even had pets. I know nothing about children.

"Wow! It's very delicious, Saik! Y-you cook better than I do!"

"I've never tasted your food, so I don't know if that's true. But thanks. It was pretty difficult to learn, but it was worth it."

"F-for how long have you been cooking?"

"Mmm... Not too long actually. Since I moved to this city. When I moved, I decided to learn how to cook. I didn't have my mother anymore, so I had to survive on my own. But the results are very good, right?"

"Y-yes. Honestly, you cook quite well."

"Thank you."

I received a call. Huh? That's strange, no one ever calls me.

"I'm sorry."

"D-don't worry."

I took out my phone... No, I don't know this number. Who could it be?

I answered the call.

"Who is this?"

"It's me, Saik!"

Ah, it's Naok.

"What's up?"

"We're going to celebrate that Ludius and I won our games. Invite Sylphie. We're going to the beach!"


I don't even know where to begin. It just rained. The cold season is approaching. It's a really bad idea.

"Hey, I don't think it's a good idea to go to the beach this time of year. And I have to decline the invitation. I've been pretty tired and I'll take this weekend to rest."

"I see. No problem, Saik, you deserve that break. And since you won't go, Sylphie won't want to go either. See you on Monday!"

He hung up and I put away my phone.

"Some classmates wanted to invite me to the beach. Ah, how lazy. And it's still raining, it's a really bad idea to go to the beach."

"That's true, it's still raining."

"Don't worry, you can stay over. I have a spare room."

"I-I can't."

"Why not?"

"Well... I'm a stranger and..."

"You're not a stranger, you're my friend, Iris. If you go to your house, you could get sick. And considering you fainted, you should avoid getting wet. Don't worry, if I wanted to take advantage of you, I would have done it when you couldn't move."

"N-no! I know you would never do that, Saik! It's just... I'm an older woman. Staying at a boy's house your age is... inappropriate."

"Please, think first about your health and then about what people think of you. And I don't think people watch my house 24 hours a day. Please, stay. The bed is comfortable."

"... Yes... Yes, thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

Iris and I had a pleasant dinner together. Talking to her calms me down. It's like talking to an older Sylphie. She's adorable.

The dinner lasted longer than expected because we talked too much. So much so that the food got cold and we had to heat it up in the microwave.

Iris is not as shy with me anymore. When we first met, she was a little rude and aggressive with me, but now she treats me like a friend. It's a great progress. I hope our relationship continues like this in the future.

"Okay," I said.

Iris helped me wash the dishes.

"You can take a shower. I'll go study."

"T-thank you very much."

I picked up some books that were on the couch and Iris began to climb the stairs.

Well, I'll study some art history and go to sleep...

A chill.

I picked up the books and started up the stairs.

Yes, I knew it.

Iris tripped and her face was about to hit one of the steps.

I hugged Iris tightly from behind and prevented her face from hitting the steps.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes! Th-thank you!"

I helped her to her feet and stroked her head.

"Be more careful."

I picked up the books that fell and went back to my room. Or so I had planned.

Before entering my room, Iris took my hand and I turned to look at her.

"What's up?"

"This... Um... I'm sorry... I just wanted to thank you."

She laughed a little and smiled at me.

"You always save me. Like the first time we met. You saved me from dying in that accident."

An accident that I caused myself.

"When you stopped me from committing suicide."

A suicide attempt that I caused.

"And today you saved me twice."

...Well, this time I really did save her. I had nothing to do with it.

"Saik... Thank you so much for being my friend."

"And thank you for considering me a friend. It's hard for me to have friends because of my solitary personality. I always wanted to have real friends. Thank you very much for considering me your friend. By the way, the towels are in the bathroom. If you need anything, please let me know."

"Y-yes. Thank you very much."

"Goodnight. Rest well."


I entered my room and turned on my computer.

This situation was dangerous. If I said something that could be misinterpreted, Iris would have kissed me or something else.

I made it clear that I had never had friends and lied that I always wanted to have friends so that Iris would feel a little bad and not try to take advantage of the situation. I'm sorry, Iris, but I'm not interested in you that way. I have someone else in mind.

(Pov- Iris.)

A friend... All my friends abandoned me when I became a disgusting alcoholic, and no one tried to help me. Saik not only helped me and prevented me from committing suicide, he saved my life more than once... He's... He's such a kind boy... And I was about to take advantage of that kindness.

"I'm sorry, Saik."

I was about to kiss him on impulse. Thankfully, I managed to control myself.

Saik wants to have true friends. If I kissed him, I would only be taking advantage of his kindness. He wants real friends, and I will be a true friend to him. He has no one in his life... I will be a true friend to him... I don't know, maybe Sylphie will fall in love with him... Sylphie and I have the same tastes, I hope we also have the same taste in men.

Saik would make a good husband for Sylphie... Although it hurts me just to think about it.

I'm selfish. I'm an older woman. I should be ashamed to think of keeping Saik for myself.

... No, I have to stop thinking about that... I will be a friend to Saik... And I don't know if these feelings inside me will ever disappear.

A bath will calm me down.

I entered the bathroom... Wow... This bathroom is much bigger and nicer than the one in my house... No, the whole house is huge.

It's a big house... And only one person lives here... It's quite lonely. And it's also sad.

Saik is such a kind person, a boy who shouldn't suffer. Despite being alone, he always helps me... Saik...

"Ah... You're a great guy, Saik."

I hope we continue to be friends for a long time. I really need a lot of emotional support lately. The voices in my head have disappeared, my work has been going well and my relationship with my daughter has improved quite a bit... Daughter... I forgot to call her!

Phone, phone... H-here it is.

I took my phone out of my pocket.

I have a lot of messages from Sylphie and... My boss?

I opened the messages.

[Mom, where are you?]

Sent 5 minutes ago. I need to answer quickly or she'll think I'm trying to commit suicide again.

[I won't be back to sleep, I'll stay with a co-worker. I'm sorry. She invited me to drink and time got away from me.]

I'm sorry, daughter, but if I tell you I'm staying over at one of your classmates' house, you'll hate me.

The other message is from my boss.

[Why is the store closed?]

[Do you know who deactivated the security cameras?]

Huh? This is weird. Did someone deactivate them? Did they steal something?! I hope I don't get in trouble. I don't even remember when my shift ended because of my fainting spell. Maybe I hit my head when I fainted... No, my head doesn't hurt... Wait, if I fainted and didn't hit my head, that means Saik caught me with his strong arms and prevented me from hitting my head... No, Iris, it's not the time to think silly thoughts!

I'd better call my boss, I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble.

I called her and she answered a few seconds later.

"Ah, Iris, I was just talking about you."

"About me?"

"There's a certain problem and I want you to answer something. When was the last time you saw Ryan?"

"The last time...? I guess today. I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I fainted from exhaustion and don't remember anything. But I think I finished my shift when he arrived and left as usual. What happened?"

"No, don't worry. See you on Monday."

"Yes, goodbye."

I hung up. How strange. What happened with Ryan? The boss isn't mad at me, so I'm safe. What could have happened at the store when I left?

Ah, a message from Sylphie.

[Aren't you at a man's house?]

... Well, yes, I am at a man's house, but I'm offended that my daughter would think that.


An immediate response will do.

(Pov- Saik.)

"Saik? What are you doing?! You're going to get sick!"

"Aren't rainy and dark days the most relaxing, Yuki?"

"If you want to see the rain, watch it from inside the house, not lying in the garden!"

Oh, Yuki, you don't know how to appreciate the beauty of this.

Yes, I am lying on the ground, looking at the dark sky while the rain completely soaks me, but this relaxes me quite a bit.

I feel free. In the past, I couldn't relax so much because any ghost would mess up my existence, but now I am no longer in danger, I can enjoy rainy days like this.

"Yuki, lie down next to me. You're a ghost, you won't get wet."

"Ah... Alright."

Yuki lay down next to me.

"There are no stars in the sky."

"Just rain clouds."

"I know... Saik, now that we're alone, can I ask you something?"

"About my life before I met you?"


"Tell me the question and I'll answer it if it doesn't bother me."

"Saik... Did you ever ask your parents for help?"

"Yes, many times. I cried and cried telling them that monsters were hurting me, but since ghosts only attack the soul, I had no physical wounds and my parents thought I was having nightmares. Day after day, it was the same thing. My parents told me that what I saw didn't exist and that it wouldn't hurt me, but the pain was quite real to me. I felt betrayed by my own parents and stopped trusting them, because I thought they were supporting the monsters."

"And what happened next?"

"I got tired of suffering and started fighting those ghosts. And as you know, I reached a point where I could control my power and hit them. From that day on, I trained my powers to see ghosts and the ghosts that tried to take over my body stopped trying. In elementary school, I spent my time talking to ghosts because I wanted to better control my power, but at that time I didn't know that only I could see them. I always thought that other people could see them and that my parents were lying to me, but when I realized that only I could see them, I stopped talking to them in public and started growing my hair long, so that no ghost would realize that I could see them."

"And they called you crazy, right?"

"Yes. That's why I became a loner... Ah... But my relationship with my parents didn't improve even though I knew they never betrayed me."

"Eh? Why not?"

"I was always... I... I'm sorry, I can't tell you that part. Are you satisfied with the information?"

"Hmmmh! You left me with intrigue! Tell me the rest!"

"It would be a shame if someone left you without dessert for a week, right?"

"That's not fair, Saik! That's cheating!"

"I won't tell you anything else, I'm sorry."

I prefer not to say more than necessary.

"Oh, the ground is quite comfortable. I would like to sleep here."

"If you sleep here, you will get sick."

"And Iris will call me crazy... I'll take advantage of her shower and go back to my room."

"And you should put on dry clothes."

"Yes, Mom."

"I'm not your mom!"

I took off my wet clothes and put on some dry ones. Well... I think I'll just go to sleep now.

I lay down on my bed and Yuki hugged me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Does it bother you?" she replied.

"No, but why are you hugging me?"

"It's more comfortable for me to sleep like this."

She probably used to sleep with her mother like that. Well, as long as it's just for tonight, it doesn't bother me.

"Goodnight, Yuki. Sleep well," I said.

"Goodnight, Saik!" she replied.

I closed my eyes. It had been a long day.

Classes had started two weeks ago. In just two weeks, I had accomplished a lot at that school... But I was bored with the system. At first, I thought it was a fun system, but it's not very challenging. Forcing students to compete to see who can get the most positive points sounded interesting, but it has many flaws.

Well, it doesn't matter, I just want to live my school life, I don't care about the rest.

(Pov- Kaeyko.)

Suitcase is ready. I'll come back for my computer later.

I'm sorry, father, I really tried, but I can't forgive or get along with my sister or my mother. I'll use my savings to rent an apartment and get a part-time job. I can't stay in this house any longer. I'm tired of listening to them.

I would move out today, but it's raining. Tomorrow, I'm leaving this house, and I hope to never come back.

I know my attitude is immature, but anger takes over my body when I see my sister or my mother. Someday I'll get tired of their voices and do something stupid. It's best if I leave. Being away from them for a while will help me feel better.

"My head hurts."

(Pov- Saik.)

It smells delicious.

A delicious smell woke me up. I recognize a delicious meal just by its smell. My stomach demands that I get up and eat, but my body wants to keep resting. Tough decision. Eat delicious or rest delicious?

Mmm... What if I eat lying down? No. I'm lazy, but not that much... Well, if Iris wasn't here, I'd eat lying down.

What time is it?

I put on my glasses to see better.

I took my phone and looked at the time... Huh?

Do I have a lot of notifications? It's from that social network. How strange, I haven't posted anything.

Does the app send you notifications for other things?

Well, it doesn't matter. It's 7 a.m.

I got out of bed and looked at Yuki sleeping. How adorable.

I left the room, washed my face in the bathroom, put on my contact lenses, left my glasses on my desk, and went downstairs... Ah, I just realized that my stomach won over tiredness. This confirms that I prefer to eat than to sleep.

I entered the kitchen and saw Iris cooking.

"You cook pretty well, Iris. The smell of the food woke me up. It smells delicious."

"T-thank you, Saik."

I stood next to her. Wow. Sausages with mixed vegetables and scrambled eggs. What a weird combination, but it smells pretty good. She even made pancakes. That's how a mother cooks, huh? It reminds me of my late mother, only she made more "elegant" breakfasts just to perfect her cooking. A perfectionist, in fact. Everything in her life was perfect, except her son. I inherited some of her beauty, or so she told me, but I didn't inherit her intelligence or perfection. Why did I inherit the least important things? Life hates me.

"It looks really good."

"Thank you. And sorry for taking the ingredients."

"Hey, why are you apologizing to me? You're making breakfast, it was fair that I put in the ingredients. Half and half. And it smells pretty good."

I think I still have strawberry jam and cajeta.

Mmm... Yes, here it is.

I put them on the bar.

"I think that's all."

"You have a lot of food, Saik. Why do you buy so much?"

"So that I never run out of food."

"But you live alone. Things expire."

"Yes, I know, but don't worry, I cook every day, so I always need the fridge to be full. Although I'll need a part-time job soon. Not now, but in a year. Well, never mind. Do you need any help?"

"Don't worry, it's almost ready."

"I see... Thank you very much."

Well, I'll take advantage and check the notifications. I have a lot. What could they be?

I took out my phone and opened the app.

"... Ah... This is weird."

"What's wrong?"

"I have 789 friend requests on this weird social network."

"So many?! Why?"

"I don't know."

I looked at the notifications. The photo I took with Sylphie had reached 2,702 reactions. I knew Sylphie had more than 10,000 followers, but I didn't think a simple photo with her would make me have so many friend requests.

Obviously, I won't accept any of them. I'll only accept people I know in real life.

"Hey, Iris, the users of this social network are weird."



I showed her the screen of my phone.

"I-Is that Sylphie?"

"Ah, yes, yesterday she asked me to take a picture together. That's not important. Look, many people sent me friend requests just because of this simple picture. It doesn't make sense. Why would they send a friend request to someone they don't know?"

"Then you are... Ah, it was obvious."

What? I don't understand, Iris. And why do you seem a bit sad? I'll never really understand women.

"Huh? Obvious? I don't get it."

"N-no, forget it, I was thinking about something else. Read the comments and you'll know the reason."

"The comments?"

Mmm... "Cute?" "Handsome?" "Adorable?" "Is he your boyfriend or brother?"


"Could you draw him?"

Huh? Who do they want to draw? Me? I don't understand anything.

"Because of my appearance?"

"Your eyes are beautiful, Saik."

"Ah... I still don't understand."

Mmm... They all have profile pictures. I think I should have one too if I don't want my account to be deleted. I should avoid that, it's my first account and it would be a shame if they delete it.

Mmm... My black shirt. My hair is messy as always, but I think I can comb it a bit. I don't want the algorithm of this app to delete my account because it couldn't find my eyes. I don't want them to think I'm a robot.

I'll go fix myself up a bit.

I entered my room and saw Yuki on my computer.

"Good morning, Yuki."

"Good morning!"

I took my glasses and combed my hair a bit.

"Are you going out?"

"I'm taking a picture. I don't want the app to delete my account for not having a profile picture."

"... Your lack of knowledge in these things scares me a bit, but it's also adorable."

Did I say something strange?

Well, never mind.

"Look at this."

I showed her the screen of my phone.

"Why do you have so many friend requests?!"

"Because of the picture I took with Sylphie. Look."

I gave her my phone and I put on my glasses. I'm wearing contact lenses, so it's annoying to wear my glasses. But I think I'll look better with my glasses on.

I suppose.

"Should I take the picture with or without glasses?"

"Mmm... Personally, you look cuter with glasses, but that's just my preference. Generally, men look better without glasses."

"I see."

I took off my glasses.

"Well, well. You've become very popular thanks to Sylphie, Saik. Fufu. I bet more than one girl fell in love with you."

"Huh? And why? They don't know me."

"Because of your cute appearance."

"Huh? That doesn't make sense."

Girls are supposed to fall in love with men for their feelings, right? I don't understand women.

Oh, but now that I remember, my mother once told me that many men fell in love with her in the past, but my father was her first and only love. Men fell in love with her because of her beauty... Ah, this doesn't make any sense. I would never fall in love with someone for their appearance. Beauty is not eternal, it fades away. I want to fall in love with someone for their feelings and personality, I don't care about appearance.

Anyway, I don't care.

"And are you going to accept them?"

"No, I'll only accept people I know in real life."

Yuki gave me back the phone. Alright, I should take the picture.

Mmm... I stood against the wall and took a photo.

Hmm... Ah... Did I look good in the photo?

"Fufu. Hey, Saik, since it's your first account, you should take the photo shirtless so the algorithm detects that you're human."

"Eh? Technology is weird."

(Pov- Yuki.)

Fufu. I don't think Saik is stupid enough to believe my lie... Eh?! Did he really take off his shirt?! How ignorant are you, Saik?! You really don't know anything about social media?! I thought you were joking! Oh! You're so adorable! You look like an old man trying to use a phone!

"I'll help you fix your hair!"

Great! Like this...! Good...! Perfect!

Kya! So cute!

"Saik, I'll take your picture!"

"Eh? Sure."

I took his phone.

"Lean your head slightly to the left... Yes, perfect."

I took the picture.

"Now pose like a model! Stay in that position!"

I stood next to him.

"Look here, but don't move your body!"

Saik turned to look at me and I took the picture. Kya! He looks so cool in that pose!

"They turned out perfect! Post both of them!"

"Eh? Thanks... I guess."

Saik, you have so much potential and you're wasting it!

(Pov- Saik.)

Mmm... I guess they're fine. It has Yuki's approval, she knows more about this than me.

Alright... Then... Profile picture upload. I select the photo where my face is shown from the front, with my chest and abdomen uncovered... Is it too much? Am I showing too much skin? Well, if Yuki said it's okay, it's okay.

I uploaded that photo as my profile picture.

"Now upload the others."


Mmm... Post... I select the two photos... Huh?

"Do I need to add any text?"

"Yes, put whatever you want. It's like an introduction."

"I see."

I'll write... I got it. "My name is Saik, I'm 17 years old and I'm new to this social media thing. I don't really know what it's for. Is it just for uploading photos and talking to people? Algorithm, please answer me."

I hope the algorithm answers that question.

I upload the photos... Done.

"And now what?"

"You just wait."

"And what should I expect?"

"The reactions and comments."

"Huh? Oh... yeah, I understand."

I guess.

(Pov- Sylphie.)

Oh. She'll arrive in an hour. I'll have breakfast ready by the time she comes... Oh... She's having breakfast with her friend? I see. Well, that saves me the time to cook.

I woke up feeling lazy today. I just want to sleep a little more before going to work.

I'll check the post. I got a lot of notifications last night. Saik really caught people's attention, huh?

"I-I hope I didn't cause him any trouble."

Saik is definitely not the type of guy who likes to take pictures and all that.

I opened the app... Huh?


A photo of Saik?! No, there are two! And in both he's shirtless! And he looks so cool and handsome!

"H-h-h-how cute!"

I'll definitely give this a heart!

Huh? A message from Saik?

[Sylphie, good morning. I have a problem. A man is calling me a perverted exhibitionist on the social network. I thought I had to post a shirtless photo for the algorithm to detect you as human. Is that true or false?]

... Well, Saik is new to this, but he's so adorable!

[Why did you think you had to post that? It's not necessary to post a shirtless photo of yourself, but don't delete it, you look perfect.]

... Why did I say that last thing?!

[I mean you look very good, you're not a pervert.]

Ah... That was close.

[I just assumed. Since it's a social network with modern technology, I thought I had to prove I'm human. Thanks for your help, Sylphie. I thought they were going to delete my account for posting those photos.]

[You're welcome. See you later.]

I have to save the photos!

Oh, he got 250 reactions in a few minutes. Not bad.

"I'll read the comments."

Mmm... "You look so cool! 😻💓" "Please accept my request!" "You're very handsome!"

Oh... Many positive comments. My followers have excellent taste.

"You're nothing special." "Exhibitionist." "You're just muscle, pretty face."

Fufu. If those men only knew that Saik is the smartest guy I've ever met.

Oh, Saik replied to a comment. He replied to a man who told him... Oh, that was very rude. "If that's how you are, I can only imagine your mother. Don't you want a new father? Give me your mother's number."

Wow... That's disgusting... Oh... Saik gave a pretty sad answer. "I'm sorry, my mother died this year due to a car accident. I can't give you her number, it wouldn't do you any good."

Wow... Now I feel a little bad, although I admit it's quite mature of Saik to respond to those people's comments in such a serious way.

And he also replies to women. "Thank you." "I'm sorry, I don't know you. I don't think I can accept people I don't know in person." "No, she's just my friend."

Ouch, that last one hurt, but it's the truth.

It seems like Saik is getting used to using this. I'm happy for him.

"Alright, Yuki. Repeat your punishment."

"It was just a joke! Please, don't do it!"

"Repeat what I said."

"It's not fair!"

"Repeat it or I'll increase the punishment."

"Ahhhh! I'll be without candy for two days!"

"And what else?"

"A-and I'll wash the dishes for a week."

"Because of you, they called me an exhibitionist. You need to learn to be a kinder person, Yuki."

"Don't pay attention to those comments! They're just men who envy you! You looked great in the photos!"

"I don't care, the punishment stays."

"It's not fair!"