Chapter 3 Air Moldova Moscow-Chișinău-Paris

Andalas avoided Helda's eyes as much as possible. He could only guess whose order she was carrying at that moment. It could be from the Organization or OWC or maybe something else. Helda was an independent cold-blooded killer. She would accept orders from anyone who could afford her. Right now, Helda was at the top of the Consultant's database as a high-priced hitman.

Andalas sat quietly in his seat in the back corner of the economy class. He was sure Helda wasn't aware of his presence on the plane. Even though they were both in economy class cabins, she could miss him since he was wearing masks that almost covered the entire face, as it was required to all passengers during pandemic.

There was one thing bothering Andalas's mind. Earlier he saw three tall men, not stocky but tough looking, trailing Helda from behind. Andalas thought maybe he was just too paranoid about the whole situation as he was always stressful about everything.

But Andalas somehow was convinced that one of the three men was Isamu. Hitoshi Nakamura's trusted bodyguard. Akiko's father, Japan's legendary Yakuza leader.

If it was really Isamu, Andalas was sure that Helda was being targeted. He had to be careful. Of course, he wouldn't meddle in their business. Even better if they fought with each other so that he and his friends were no longer the focus of the hunt.

The only one that might still be considered a threat to both the Organization and OWC was the team of Pandora scientists led by Professor Sato. If the team managed to find a cure for the pandemic, it meant they put a stop on the Organization and OWC's efforts.

Andalas imagined a research facility in the middle of the Chinese desert that was described by Cathy. He was sure the facility wouldn't be easy to find and perhaps even more secretive than the Arctic. For the time being Andalas had to put aside his fears of the dangers that threatened them. He knew that the Organization and OWC were not to be taken lightly. They could have exerted their strengths if they knew the team had secured themselves a working facility.

For him the first step was to free Cecilia and Akiko. Then together they would head to the Netherlands to try to communicate to Doctor Aslan and set up the next plans while continuously monitoring the situation through Cathy.

Andalas was determined not to sleep on this trip. He would continue to watch what the Yakuza would do to Helda. Although it was impossible for any of them to carry firearms or sharp weapons, their abilities could pose danger to the flight. He didn't want to die like some innocent bystander in the middle of their showdown. His mission was far from over.

The plane shook by frequent light or moderate turbulences. Andalas continued to fix his eyes to Helda who was sitting in the far-right row, at the same time he watched the behavior of the three Yakuzas who seated in the middle of the plane.

Nothing happened until the plane landed for another stop at Chișinău. Andalas breathed a sigh of relief. He must save his energy for the trip to Lyon in two days. The two men ordered by the Consultant were already waiting for him there. The Consultant selected men who resided in Brussels and Paris for easy mobilization.

The flight attendance asked passengers to get off the plane. Andalas chose last to disembark so he could keep an eye on the movements of Isamu and his friends, also Helda.

While remaining vigilant, Andalas saw that the situation at Chișinău airport was also more or less the same as in Moscow. Strict guards were seen everywhere. Although the transit process took approximately five hours, none of the passengers were allowed to leave the airport.

Andalas saw Helda casually sitting in a cafe. Meanwhile, the three Japanese men were seen sitting in another cafe not far from there. Andalas had a hunch that a fight would happen soon.

Nothing happened until the announcement for passengers to board the plane was heard. Andalas was wrong. No signs of Isamu and his two colleagues did anything to Helda. They kept their distance. Andalas just thought maybe Isamu was waiting for the right moment. It could be on the flight to Paris or even after landing.

Andalas didn't want to let his guard down. While observing the situation, he had contacted the Consultant to ask the names of two people who would create diversions for him in Lyon later. Brando and Marcos. Hmm, he knew both as cold-blooded killer types who would use explosions as their modus operandi. Both were experts at devising bombs from all short of materials.

Andalas didn't have to be in contact with them. All he needed to do was ask the Consultant to give orders to them to start commotions at Interpol Lyon headquarters while he tried to free Cecilia and Akiko. Andalas was sure that the two men would use explosions. He had to be careful not to let Cecilia and Akiko get hurt in the process.

Andalas wrote a message about his concern to the Consultant, who replied, just leave everything to me.

The plane left Moldova. Andalas wanted to take a nap, but his mind wouldn't allow it. Something didn't sit well with him. He kept on thinking that something would happen on the plane.

Once again Andalas was wrong. Nothing happened throughout the way to Paris. Even when the plane had landed and all the passengers disembarked one by one via the jet bridge, the two suspected parties were keeping their distance.

Andalas didn't bring any luggage, but he waited and kept his eyes on them in the baggage reclaim area. Somehow, he still believed his hunch.

Andalas's heart skipped a beat when Helda took a travel bag and opened it. Andalas braced himself and moved closer. At the same time, Isamu and his two colleagues also walked quickly towards Helda.

Helda pulled out a small purse from inside her bag and walked to the women's restroom. At first glance, Andalas watched Helda following a Chinese woman who was walking towards the restroom. So did Isamu and his friends. The three of them stepped in a hurry and looked like they were about to ambush the woman.

Andalas suddenly realized! Helda and Isamu were not going to attack each other. They were chasing the same target!

Andalas hastily ran to catch up with the Chinese woman. He grabbed her arm and whispering harshly.

"Be quiet! I have a gun under my jacket. Follow me!"

The woman was startled and turned pale when a stranger grabbed her by the arm and made a terrifying threat.

Helda saw that someone was meddling with her target. She quickly threw the small purse in her hand toward Andalas and the Chinese woman. Andalas reacted quickly. He grabbed the woman's arm in a half run and pushed her down. The two of them dropped on the floor at the same time as Helda's small purse exploded.

The situation became noisy and chaotic. Airport security guards rushed over. Andalas then saw Isamu reaching into his bag pocket and throwing a small knife toward the woman.

Again, Andalas acted swiftly. He pushed the woman over, and the knife missed her. Andalas hastily pulled the woman away from the screaming and panicky crowd and rushed out of the baggage reclaim area.

Outside, Andalas managed to catch a taxi that was in line first. Ignoring people shouting for him to stop, Andalas growled as he raised his hand which was inside his jacket to the taxi driver.

"Drive! Quick!"

The driver, who thought the passenger was an armed madman, pressed the gas pedal as hard as he could and left the airport. Andalas looked back. He saw Isamu and his two colleagues were getting into a taxi behind them and trying to catch up.

"Je te donnerai ceci si tu peux échapper à la poursuite en voiture derrière. I'll give you this if you can lose them!" Andalas threw a bundle of euros into the driver's side seat. The taxi driver's eyes widened. That was a lot of money! He stepped on the gas harder and weaved through the heavy Parisian traffic.

Andalas turned to the woman who was shaking with fear.

"Calm down! I won't hurt you. They were the ones who tried to kill you." Andalas's eyes signaled backwards. The woman nodded. Still with a scared face.

"Who are you and why are you being targeted by them?" Andalas asked. Her answer made Andalas's eyes widen.

"My name is Lian Xi. I'm a lecturer at Moscow University. I was asked by my brother Lian Yang to meet two of his friends in Lyon. I have a message for them."

Lian Yang! Professor Lian Yang? Andalas looked at the woman with probing eyes.

" Your brother's friends in Lyon, what are their names?"

The woman looked back at Andalas who had removed his face mask.

"Cecilia Gordon and Akiko Nakamura."

Again, Andalas's eyes widened.

Right. No wonder!