Chapter 8 Zurich, 47° 22′ 0″ N, 8° 33′ 0″ E SNB

Andalas used the infrared binoculars carefully. It had the ability to scan for objects that emit infrared. He made sure that he wouldn't be detected or even worse get caught.

Apart from being surrounded by a high wall, where he was on, this mansion was also heavily guarded by dozens of fully armed guards and fierce hunting dogs.

Infrared cameras were located at every corner of the yard. One thing that surprised Andalas was several fierce-looking armored personnel carriers parked facing the gate.

Andalas needed to do two things, that was why he had to take some risks by infiltrating the house where Doctor Aslan was being held. First, he needed to see if his adoptive father was okay. Second, he wanted to directly ask what the codes meant so he didn't need to check all deposit boxes in European and American banks in sequence until the last box in Geneva to save time and focus on the mission with the MS-BA-30.

But after calculating all the risks, he canceled his plan and disappeared in the darkness of the coniferous thickets towards the rented motorbike he had hidden there.

Andalas had to travel for three hours in the cold Swiss weather and arrived at 5 a.m. in the parking lot of the Storchen Hotel. He felt tired and dozy, but he had to be on the move again soon to solve the codes.

Akiko was alerted by a knock on the door. She gripped her FN tightly and refrained herself from looking through the peephole. Whoever that was, the person could easily lodge a bullet in her head at the first instant.

Behind her, Lian Xi was standing behind the desk while cocking her FN. Huh! So Andalas gave that to her. He must be worried about Lian Xi too. Akiko hissed in annoyance silently.

"Akiko, I know you are behind the door and ready to shoot me in the head. Let me in. I'm starving."

Akiko exhaled. The door opened and Andalas stepped in grinning at her. She looked away pretending that she didn't care, but walked over to the fridge and got Andalas a cold drink and a loaf of bread which she had warmed up in the microwave first, and then poured a cup of hot coffee.

Andalas smiled with gratitude. The coffee tasted marvelous. Andalas smiled to the way Akiko attended to his need. He also deeply cared for her even though she was the daughter of his arch-enemy.

Andalas quickly devoured the bread. Akiko looked at him affectionately. She knew Andalas was doing some reconnaissance at Doctor Aslan's detention house in Geneva last night, which was six hours back and forth. She was about to take another piece of bread when Lian Xi approached with two pieces of warm bread on a plate. Abazure! This female agent is trying to win Andalas's heart!

Andalas waved his hand to thank her and quickly ate the second bread. Akiko didn't want to take another piece. She was irritated with Lian Xi and especially with Andalas.

Half asleep, Cecilia's walked groggily into the living room. She said, "Last night Cathy gave me an important update. The facility is now guarded by four fully armed MSS squads. Even the second perimeter was reinforced with cavalry troops armed with anti-aircraft guns. The third parameter on the outskirts of the Gobi entrance is guarded by dozens of policemen who built a temporary camp there."

Lian Xi widened her eyes. Her voice sounded pleased.

"The Politburo fulfilled my request!"

Akiko, who never seemed to want to lose to Lian Xi, replied curtly.

"If Andalas allows, I can deploy Yakuza troops to guard the facility as well. There's no need to be heavily armed, but I believe the combat quality is the same."

Andalas, who began to feel the situation was heating up, tried to retort in a funny way.

"With your permission, I can deploy shaman troops from my country. No weapons are necessary. They only need flowers and incense. Their enemy won't be able to stand on their feet let alone put up a fight because their stomachs are full of nails."

Cecilia burst out laughing. So did Akiko and Lian Xi. The tension was gone. They were familiar with Indonesian ancient witchcrafts that were practiced in secret in several parts of Indonesia.

The four of them finished their breakfast and took another cup of coffee before finally getting ready. The SNB office opened at 9 a.m. sharp. Andalas would take the first queue, so they needed to be on standby before then.

This time Cecilia rented a car on behalf of Lian Xi. She couldn't use her name or Akiko's because they were listed as fugitives.

The car was Mini Cooper, small but had excellent capabilities. Andalas asked for two cars. He didn't know the content of the deposit box, but using two vehicles could be a great option to outwit their adversary if there was anything wrong in the SNB office.

He hadn't completely trusted Lian Xi. Therefore, he always kept Lian Xi close. They discussed this while Lian Xi was in the bathroom.

At first, Akiko refused. But after Andalas explained in a soft tone, which was not his habit, Akiko could accept his reasons. Cecilia must always be protected because the British doctor wasn't as capable as the others in self-defense.

Moreover, the people pursuing them were as fierce as the Organization and OWC. Two giant organizations that have unlimited resources and diabolical tactics. Not to mention that Marc and his pharmacy minions were still on their tail. Also, some secret services and Interpol would continue chasing them.

It was 8.45 am. Andalas was behind the wheel keeping an eye on the situation. They equipped themselves with a spy camera and a wireless microphone that looked like buttons of their shirts.

Akiko and Cecilia were in different cars and parked in the basement. As soon as Andalas entered the SNB office, Akiko and Lian Xi would get behind the wheel and rush to Milan for approximately four hours by land. Bankitalia Milano was the next deposit box.

Andalas, who had to put on a suit and a tie, was uncomfortable when he entered the bank's front door to customer service. The bank was open, and he was called because he was first in the queue.

Andalas held out a small key while mentioning 101-AA1010. The customer service checked the deposit database then with a slightly surprised face immediately called someone.

A bank manager with a fat belly came to see Andalas and escorted him in person. They walked through a steel barred door and then into a room with thick explosion-proof doors where inside was a giant safe.

The manager opened the safe and asked Andalas to wait for a moment. Andalas's heart was pounding. This could be a trap. Especially when he remembered the expression of the customer service earlier.

Soon the manager came back carrying a small deposit box while saying respectfully.

"You can open this deposit box here or take it with you sir."

Andalas nodded gratefully and signaled that he would take this box home. The manager acknowledged and escorted Andalas to the front door.

When he sat on the car with Lian Xi who was about to drive, Andalas opened the small box carefully using the small key he got in Novosibirsk. What exactly is in this box so that they treat me with such respect?

Lian Xi, who was watching Andalas opening the deposit box burst into laughter … it was another key!

A key that was like the first key used to open the box.

Good grief! Andalas scratched his head and signaled Lian Xi to start the car and informed Akiko to drive to Milan.

The two small British-made cars drove through the quiet traffic on the streets of Zurich. Not far behind them, a black station wagon with three passengers was also following.

Behind him again, a Porsche Panamera also kept some distance from Andalas and Akiko's car.

Helda Kilstorm tossed her cigarette butt through the window.