Chapter 22 New Delhi, 28° 36′ 50″ N, 77° 12′ 32″ E Railway Central Station

Everyone was very grateful that they didn't encounter any trouble on their Beijing-New Delhi journey. However, after the plane entered the charter hangar as usual, a squad of airport police accompanied by several medical personnel also entered the hangar.

The police chief waved his hand asking Andalas, who had just turned off the plane's engine, to get down. Lian Xi touched Akiko's arm who was about to slip the gun at her waist. The hint in her eyes said leave it alone. This was just a regular health check.

Followed by Cecilia, Akiko, and Lian Xi, Andalas descended from the plane stairs. The police chief asked the medical team to immediately carry out their duties. According to the procedures, they must inspect all passengers and the entire plane. But earlier the New Delhi Police Chief called and told him to examine this Gulfstream passenger for medical purposes only. Don't you dare search the contents of the plane.

A strange order, but the airport police chief would not disobey him. He saw the passengers on the luxury plane which only contained four people, consisting of a cold-faced man and three women. What makes them so special in the eyes of the Indian police?

The medical team completed the examination. None of them were infected with the Ice Virus or Tropical Bacteria. The police and medical team were out of the hangar and on their way.

Andalas was relieved but still wondered. Was that the only inspection for anyone who arrived at the international airport in the nation's capital? Shouldn't all luggage also be checked? Including the search of the contents of the aircraft considering that this pandemic was very dangerous?

Maybe it was because of Luigi's intervention again. Andalas became more and more curious about the Italian man.

A Tata Xenon XT had parked nicely in the hangar. Ready for the ride.

Andalas entered and sat behind the wheel. Akiko as usual always chose to sit next to Andalas. Meanwhile, Cecilia and Lian Xi were in the back seat of the masculine-looking double cabin.

Cecilia looked up the map. It would take about 25 minutes from the airport to the central train station of New Delhi. New Delhi was notorious with heavy congested traffic, so Cecilia informed Andalas that it would probably take about 1-1.5 hours to reach New Delhi's central train station.

Yet they had arrived at their destination within 15 minutes! Apparently, the Indian government implemented a limited quarantine in New Delhi to prevent the spread of Tropical Bacterial infections. The streets were deserted.

So was the train station. Not many people wanted to travel by train. Only certain people who obtained a permit were allowed to use this means of transportation.

Andalas put a danger alert in his mind. If the Organization or OWC hadn't chased them all the way here, something dangerous might already be here. People who were infected and escape the observation of the officers could be at this station. Andalas couldn't imagine the chaos that would ensue if people with red eyes, pale faces and black foam at the corners of their mouths, rushed after them. Andalas shook his head to shake off the anxiety.

But still he whispered to Akiko and Lian Xi about his worries. The two women understood and let Andalas walk in front while they walked beside Cecilia.

Andalas entered a room with a glass door marked Locker Room. He looked for number 141 and opened it using the key he had gotten from Beijing. The little locker was open. He took a small deposit box and put it in his jacket pocket.

When they came out of the locker room, they heard a loud scream not far from them. People who were waiting for the train were running wildly. Trying to escape from a crowd who came with threatening and aggressive gestures.

"Andalas! Those people are infected with BA!" The surprised Cecilia shouted at Andalas.

Andalas answered quickly.

"Akiko! Take Cecilia to the car! Lian Xi and I will keep them here!"

Akiko grabbed Cecilia's arm and started running to the parking lot outside the station. Andalas waited until Akiko ran further away then grabbed Lian Xi's arm and ran! It's better to avoid dealing with violent people infected by tropical bacterial.

Akiko got into the car and started the engine with Cecilia sitting next to her. From afar, she saw Andalas and Lian Xi running fast towards the car with several people chasing them. Akiko put the car into gear and got ready.

As soon as Andalas and Lian Xi jumped in, Akiko immediately stepped on the gas. Several gunshots were heard from behind them. Akiko saw from the rearview mirror the people who were pursuing with brutal style were knocked down by the bullets spewed out by the army of soldiers who appeared there.

Akiko picked up speed. The Xenon roared through the deserted streets leading to the airport. Cecilia took Akiko's arm to remind her that no one was after them anymore. But Akiko didn't seem to hear and kept her foot on the gas deeply while her eyes glanced at the rearview mirror several times.

Cecilia frowned then realized something and looked back. Lian Xi seemed very comfortable leaning on the shoulder of Andalas who looked embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Cecilia smiled amusedly. No wonder Akiko was driving like a madman.