Chapter 28 Chur, 46° 51′ 0″ N, 9° 32′ 0″ E, The Kitchen

The room was huge with not many tables and chairs. But everything was neatly arranged along with the computer and its peripherals. In the corner was a special climate-controlled room with thick bullet-proof glass. A low buzzing sound came from the room. A state-of-the-art server room with a capacity equal to the servers at the Pentagon.

There were numerous monitors on the wall and mostly off. But two giant monitors were on. One monitor was divided into several camera point of view throughout the castle. There were live feeds from armed bunkers with green monitors on, the street cameras, on every bend, to the yard and all rooms except the bedroom.

Another monitor with red and blue dots that appeared to spread everywhere on the world map background. At the top of the screen was written; Spread of the MS and BA Pandemic worldwide.

Andalas noticed two people on standby at a semi-circular table facing the monitor screens. Andalas immediately recognized that one of them was the man in the cabin in Novoribisk whom Luigi mentioned as Darko Ivankov. Another was middle-aged Asian man. Hmm, maybe it's Park Jung Soo.

Luigi started his explanation.

"Doctor Aslan calls this room The Kitchen. Me, Darko Ivankov, and Park Jung Soo, are the sous-chefs who were ordered to guard this kitchen assisting Doctor Aslan as the head Chef, processing all the data and serve them on the giant monitor screens. All of this for the good and balance of our one and only planet." Luigi pointed the laser pointer in his hand at the screen displaying the world map.

"We call this place the Last Alamo. The last defense for the survival of life on earth as we know it ."

Luigi continued.

"Doctor Aslan asked the three of us to support you in completing the mission. It is a tall order but you already half way through. We will provide you with everything you need, to do what you need to do. Logistics, cash, weapons, technology, you can ask us, so you don't feel alone for the rest of the journey." Luigi turned on a giant monitor number 1 then signaled to Park Jung Soo who immediately typed something on the keyboard.

The screen showed a large arsenal room with various types and abilities.

"This Last Alamo is your stronghold. The X-One can make secure communication with The Kitchen without being tapped. Doctor Aslan doesn't have an army like the Organization or OWC. But we have this, this, and this." Luigi pointed to the room, head and chest.

"Doctor Cecilia continue to lead this mission. Our job is to support you the best we can. Andalas, Akiko, as well as Lian Xi, your job is to protect Doctor Cecilia."

Luigi continued. He seemed to be reading a long text written by Doctor Aslan.

"Like I said in the car. Andalas has another mission so that Cecilia, Akiko, and Lian Xi, are not distracted by the Organization and OWC anymore. You will be in hunting mission for these people." Luigi signaled to Park Jung Soo to show photos of people on a giant screen.

Andalas studied the faces closely. He counted 19 people on the monitor screen. There was something odd. Of the 19 photos, two photos were shaded in green while the others were in red.

Cecilia, Akiko, and Lian Xi, also noticed. They didn't recognize anyone in those photos.

"This photo will be sent to X-One so that everyone has a database. Especially Andalas. Because they are your target. Each photo will have a description of their name, residence and places frequently visit, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses," Luigi explained.

"Who are they exacly?" Cecilia asked.

"Yeah. And what do you mean by Andalas in a hunting mission?" Akiko also asked curiously.

"And what should we do after this? How can we access those weapons you showed us earlier?" Lian Xi asked did not want to be left out from the Q and A session.

Luigi nodded.

Those in the top row of photos are Organization figures. While the seven people at the bottom are OWC leaders."

"Any weapon you need will be provided and delivered wherever you are. Don't worry about how. Let us handle it all."

"And Akiko, Andalas will do what he is best at. He will hunt down and eliminate them one by one."

Cecilia choked. Akiko gaped. And Lian Xi was stunned.