Chapter 30 Pointe Noire, 4° 46′ 43″ S, 11° 51′ 49″ E, Anaconda, Again!

Akiko looked at the speedboat in front of her and imagined Andalas was standing piloting it. Anaconda was the name of the speedboat when she first met him.

For some reason, she started missing him badly. Maybe because they had been in life and death situations so many times. Akiko cursed herself. A Yakuza should never fall in love!

Anaconda was moving away from the harbor. With Lian Xi driving. The MSS woman has many skills similar to Andalas. Meanwhile, Cecilia was concentrating on her X-One. She was chatting with Cathy.

Cat, how's the Ice Virus serum? Is it 100% already?

Yes! Finally! 10 out of 10 infected mice survived! healthy and live!

Great! Have you started testing it on humans?

That's today. If the security people managed to bring in infected people and willing to volunteer.

That's great news! We are deep in Africa. We are trying to bring suspect zero to Professor Mbutu as I promised him.

Good luck Cecil! Stay safe!

Cecilia was beaming and started chatting with Luigi.

Luigi, we are exploring the River Zaire. We have the weapons requested by Akiko from you on board. Thanks.

Any time Cecilia. Be careful when entering the Congo Basin. The Kitchen monitors captured numerous hot spots. Park says those spots are not animals. But the heat emanating from human bodies.

What! Do you mean?

I mean we see human activities on a large scale. I don't know what for. Maybe the loggers. Or the Miners.

Cecilia was stunned. It is unusual for large numbers of people to be in the Congo Basin. Unless for logging or mining and both activities have been severely restricted by the Congolese government. Who are they? And what are they doing there?

Cecilia recounted her conversation with Luigi to Akiko and Lian Xi. They wear ear covers which can also be a means of communication. If they weren't wearing that, it would be impossible for them to have a conversation amidst the roaring sound of speedboat engines.

After Cecilia finished, Akiko immediately checked the equipment bags provided by Luigi.

There were several M16s and Baretta also came with extra magazines, smoke and hand grenades, binoculars, commando knives, ropes, and satellite phones as a backup for X-One.

Akiko prepared two M16s and several handguns so they would be ready when needed. This trip seemed more dangerous than the first trip. The Kitchen turned out to be useful. It was able to detect human activities in the jungle of the Congo Basin. That meant only one thing to her. The organization or OWC had sent their people there.

By The Kitchen's recommendation, they would anchor up the river than before. Darko gave the coordinates. It was close to the Pygmies' fishing area.

The Anaconda was traveling against the strong current of the Zaire River for more than 3 hours. Cecilia estimated that in less than an hour they would reach their destination. Akiko and Lian Xi was getting ready. Liang Xi slipped two handguns on her right and left waist.

Cecilia was less nervous when tugging her Baretta on her waist. With everything that had happened, she started to feel at ease dealing with firearms.

Lian Xi slowed down the boat. From a distance, she noticed several speedboats were heading downstream. It got her thinking. They had not seen any boat traveling up or down the river since an hour ago. According to information from The Kitchen, there were no more villages or settlements in this area. The native people who live in the forest also did not use boats.

Lian Xi's hunch was correct. Once close enough, they were greeted with gunfire. Lian Xi hastily, who was already on alert, turned the boat sharply toward the edge of the river with dense vegetation.

The three of them jumped off the boat to the ground. Lian Xi still managed to tie the Anaconda's rope to the root of a large tree. Akiko quickly climbed up a big tree. She signaled Cecilia to take cover. Akiko stood at the top of the tree while Lian Xi was squatting among the buttresses.

Bullets started flying in their direction as several speedboats approached. Akiko aimed her M16 and returned fire. There was a loud bang as the rifle bullet hit a speedboat gas tank. The people on the boat jumped into the river as the fire got bigger.

The sound of fierce gunfire engulfed the silence of the forest. Lian Xi had spent two magazines. The attackers' boat started to move away. It seemed they did not expect the women they attacked to fight back even fiercer.

Moreover, they got several of their comrades killed by Akiko and Lian Xi.

Cecilia who was hiding among thick bushes felt grateful to be accompanied by these women. Had he insisted on only being accompanied by one of them perhaps things wouldn't have been this lucky.

Akiko climbed down from the tree. Sneaking around, she signaled Cecilia to follow her. Meanwhile, Lian Xi ran behind them just in case.

Akiko decided that they would walk through the forest. Even though they were able to spoil the first attack, things could quickly turn around if more attackers determined to keep advancing.

Although not used to living in the forest like Cecilia and Andalas, maybe even Lian Xi who was a field agent, Akiko was agile in moving in the forest.

Cecilia saw something on the ground was about to shout out a warning to Akiko.

But too late. Akiko's body suddenly swung up. Akiko got caught in a snare!

Cecilia turned to look for Lian Xi only to find her raising her hands at the spears and bows of group of Pygmies.