Chapter 67 Xining-Beijing-Bacharach-Nyon, Thriller Escort Serum

None of the 4 friends did not feel anxious as the B-2000 plane flew from Beijing to Xining. This is the culmination of the epic-tragic-dramatic they have been through.

The Kitchen does not have any intelligence regarding the nature of the attacks from the Organization or the OWC. This is what causes great anxiety. A sudden and sudden attack puts them on the gambling table. When you lose a bet, it's all over. This plane does not have any technological advantages. Highly vulnerable to air infiltration or missile attacks which the Organization is very capable of. OWC would be very dangerous on a road trip. They don't have the technology and capabilities in the air. The only concern is the attack in the air.

The pilot and co-pilot who piloted the B-2000 were Huang Ma's confidants. Cecilia did ask Huang Ma specifically. Because Andalas and Lian Xi need sufficient rest time and are not burdened with flight matters.

Andalas, Akiko, Cecilia and Lian Xi tried to cheer themselves up and escape all sorts of anxiety by playing four cards. Almost never have they enjoyed any free time since the beginning of the pandemic storm.

The sound from the cockpit through the loudspeakers in the cabin stopped the card game and made the four friends fall into their seats.

Cecilia, Ma'am. On the radar caught 4 fighter hunters approaching us. The distance is about 75 miles at a speed of mach 1.4.

Andalas looked at each other with Cecilia. This is what they fear will happen! Akiko and Lian Xi also looked panicked. For a few moments the atmosphere was very quiet. What should they do?

Cecilia, Ma'am? Command please?

The sound from the cockpit woke everyone up. Lian Xi reached for the iphone.

"Pilot. This is Lian Xi. Can the type of aircraft be identified on the radar?"

"Can not Miss Lian Xi. Just a certainty that it's not a commercial plane because there's absolutely no flight code showing. But we can confirm that it is a fighter plane. No plane other than military planes can move that fast."

Andalas was stunned for a moment. This plane has no chaffs, flares, ejection seats, not even a parachute!

"Cecilia contacted The Kitchen! Ask them what we should do. In this state of emergency all I can think of is an emergency landing. And it's very dangerous! We're on land. Not water."

Cecilia hurriedly called The Kitchen. Speaker activated. Meanwhile the warning from the pilot sounded again.

"Cecilia, Ma'am. The fighter plane was getting closer. 50 miles. Instructions please?"

Good grief! Cecilia held her head. Then a voice came from The Kitchen.

Cecilia, your plane is being followed by 4 Chengdu J-20 hunting planes.

Cecilia froze in confusion. He looked at Andalas and Lian Xi in turn for an explanation. Akiko's knowledge of all kinds of military stuff was not much different from hers. Lian Xi frowned as she explained.

"It's the latest generation fighter aircraft belonging to the Chinese Air Force. But why….?" Lian Xi did not finish her sentence. The pilot's voice came from the cockpit again. Everyone listened anxiously.

"Cecilia, Ma'am. The leader of the fighter plane just made contact. They were indeed brought to escort us throughout China's airspace under the orders of the Commander in Chief of the Chinese Armed Forces at the request of Mr. Young Huang. Sorry for surprising."

Oh my gosh! Cecilia wiped the cold sweat that ran down the tip of her nose. Why didn't Young Huang say so from the start. A message arrives at the X-One. From Young Huang.

"Miss Cecilia. Sorry to have surprised you. I just got approval from the Chinese Armed Forces no more than 15 minutes ago. I haven't had a chance to contact you yet because I have to thank several people for helping to convince the Chinese government."

Cecilia smiled bitterly. This turbulence of anxiety could knock his heart out of place. She showed the message to the others. Akiko was on the verge of tears. Lian Xi also seemed to be holding back her feelings. Meanwhile, Andalas remained with his icy face.

The powerful sound of a jet engine sounded very close. The four of them saw from the window, 2 Chengdu J-20 planes were seen lined up to the right of the Gulfstream B-2000. 2 more are on the left.

The card game continues. This time it was accompanied by giggling laughter from Akiko and Cecilia. The situation turned cheerful. At least they would be safe for a while. At least in Chinese airspace.

When the plane landed smoothly at the Xining Caojiabao International Airport, the four most advanced warplanes belonging to the Chinese Air Force landed successively. They will escort Young Huang's private plane again later until it is out of Chinese airspace. That's the order they received.

As planned, the four of them stayed together in the car towards the foot of Kun Lun Mountain station Sky Cable Young Huang's private, Cathy will hand them the fake suitcase. Meanwhile the original suitcase had been brought yesterday by Young Huang's confidant. The person is now in a safe place near the Xining Caojiabao International Airport. At the airport later the exchange will take place.

Andalas and Akiko make the most of the waiting time by strolling around the Sky Cable wonderfully cool and airy

"Andalas, I have told my father everything. Including about your conflicts that have happened many times. My father had firmly refused the Organization's request even though the fee was doubled. The Nakamura clan will no longer interfere in all our affairs. They will stay away. My father just asked me to pass on a message that you promise not to lower his self-respect. Just that."

Andalas lowered his face. Thankfully that dangerous clan was no longer on the Organization's chartered list.

"I don't understand about that promise Akiko. Can you explain it to me?"

"I mean, you know how Japanese samurai are, don't you? You can kill them many times but never spare their life when you win. They chose death rather than endure such shame. It's an example of not putting yourself down and you're being asked to promise that. In front of me."

Andalas pensive. Not a heavy promise. Next time he would settle to the death any kind of showdown with that monstrous clan. Andalas nodded.

"I promise!"

Akiko shook her head with a serious face.

"No! Not in that way. It has to be more sacred than that. This is how I teach you how we promise."

Akiko grabbed both of Andalas's hands and held them tightly.

"Hold both of my hands tightly. Look me straight in the eyes. Don't blink. Say this word of promise; I, Andalas. Promise in the name of my highest self-respect. Not to offend Hitoshi Nakamura and his lineage again. . Until the end of time. Do it!"

Without much questioning, Andalas obeyed everything Akiko ordered. He grasped the warm hand and looked into those slightly slanted but bright eyes. From his lips flowed all the dictated words.

"I, Andalas. Promise in the name of my highest self-respect. To not again offending Hitoshi Nakamura's pride and lineage. Until the end of time."

Andalas was shocked when Akiko's cheeks flowed a small stream of tears. Was the sentence wrong?

Even more shocked when Akiko hugged her very tightly. From the girl's mouth came a soft sob.

"Thank you for promising to take care of our dignity, Andalas. Don't refuse my request to accompany you to Gangkhar Puensum to complete our final mission. If you refuse then you have offended the dignity of a Nakamura. You know what a wounded Nakamura would do? The way of the samurai. Harakiri!"

Jeez! Andalas could hardly believe what he was hearing.