Chapter 72 Himalayan Massif, Trekking to Gankhar Puensum

The landing at Paro Airport is one of the most difficult landings in the world. But Andalas and Akiko really enjoyed it. Before the plane hit the runway, their eyes were spoiled by the inexhaustible stunning view. High mountains and immeasurably deep canyons caught their eyes.

While in transit and changing planes in Dakha, Akiko asks her father's blessing for the most difficult journey that her only child would go through. Akiko didn't say much. She only said that this was the most difficult journey but at the same time the happiest for her. Hitoshi Nakamura didn't say much either. He couldn't guess what was really going on but his hunch as a father told him that his daughter was doing it with Andalas to undertake the most important mission of her life.

Akiko also contacted Cecilia to let her know that she would soon be arriving in Bhutan and to ask if they were okay in Beijing. Cecilia replied very good, all is fine. Except that upon arriving at Little Kitchen and after having a foursome meeting with Young Huang, Lian Xi suddenly disappeared without saying anything. Akiko suspected that Lian Xi was going to the MSS office to report or something.

Cecilia also shared that the Nyon factory had started producing SABATROP Serum while SAVE Serum continued to be mass-produced and its distribution had reached the Americas. Gradually, maybe starting next month, SABATROP Serum would be sent to African countries as the first priority, and then Asia.

Cecilia insisted Akiko that the two of them should always send news regularly to Little Kitchen. The X-One didn't require a cellular network. As long as the sky wasn't too cloudy, Akiko would always be able to contact anyone at any time. Akiko agreed and ended the conversation because the plane was about to leave for Paro Bhutan.

And here they were. In a magnificent landscape that could probably be called the last heaven on earth. With someone she loved. Carrying out a life and death mission as a Samurai. What kind of life was she looking for when everything was so perfect? Or to die perfectly, especially if it was for the glory of the life she left behind?

The two of them mingled with the mountaineers who wanted to do trekking to the mountain circuits in Bhutan. No climbing was allowed in Bhutan so nature-loving tourists chose to go trekking while witnessing some of the spiritual wonders that only existed in Bhutan.

Such as several Dzongs or forts, Dochula Pass, Gangtey Valley, Chomolhari, and of course the most famous, Taktshang Goemba. The Tiger Monastery sat on a precipice at 3000 ft.

Andalas told Akiko about his suspicions as to why the Organization built the facility at Gangkhar Puensum. The 40th highest mountain in the world was still a virgin, located in a very remote area and was the holiest place for the Bhutanese people so that not a single mountain climber roamed around it.

The Bhutanese government certainly didn't know that in the bowels of this very sacred mountain there was a sophisticated facility that could even launch a nuclear-headed ICBM. The Organization had unlimited resources to allow them to develop such facilities in undetected places.

The distance from where they started their trekking to Gangkhar Puensum was about 55 km. Very affordable to do trekking in a maximum of two days. If it was done day and night, tomorrow afternoon they would arrive at the glacier.

Akiko ordered Cecilia to message Young Huang to send the items needed by Andalas at the coordinates of the glacier behind the mountain next to Gangkhar Puensum. Akiko also ordered that the helicopter's return route followed the route that Andalas had made on the map so that its arrival was not monitored by the Organization.

Along the trekking, they would be together with the other trekkers until Chomolhari. From there they would travel alone for about 10 km until they arrived at the point 0. Point 0 was the Andalas's term for their base for hunting and infiltrating Gangkhar Puensum.

Andalas was grateful that the two of them walked with a large group of trekkers. If it was just the two of them, there would be suspicion from anyone who saw them, and the information could be leaked to the Organization.

The trekkers who walked with them were very diverse. Not only young adventurous, but also many elderly people. Trekking in Bhutan was not as difficult as trekking to Everest in Nepal or toward K2 in Pakistan.

Trekking in Bhutan was more-gentle than Nepal and Pakistan. That was why many elderly people chose Bhutan instead of Nepal or Pakistan. Also, because there was no mountaineering anywhere in Bhutan, everyone who ventured into the wilderness here was a trekker, not climber. So, they all had one goal that could be achieved together in a relaxed way.

While continuing to monitor the development of the outside world through the sound alerts on the X-One that had been set, Andalas and Akiko continued trekking behind the group of tourists from European countries. The elderly tourists stopped intermittently for a drink or just to rest. Andalas and Akiko followed. Until finally they arrived at a remote village where the trekkers stayed before continuing their journey the next day.

It was more than halfway. Trek to Chomolhari which was the end of the trekking would be reached by walking for 7-8 hours. Andalas checked the equipment. Warm clothes, an extra pair of shoes, socks and a thick jacket were the most important provisions if you wanted to continue your journey to an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level in Chomolhari at night.

Andalas and Akiko did decide to continue. Traveling at night would actually disguise them even more because after this village there was absolutely no other village. They would just follow the track along the glacier on the Chomolhari trail.

After putting on all the proper equipment, Andalas looked at Akiko. She didn't look tired at all. Her eyes were sparkling and her mouth couldn't stop smiling. Andalas worried that Akiko would go crazy because of the mountain sickness. The silly thought made Andalas grin.

"Akiko, I don't doubt your willingness and determination. But I was wondering whether you are tired and want to rest tonight and continue our journey tomorrow morning?"

Akiko was about to answer when she heard the alert on the X-One. There were messages from The Kitchen and also Cecilia at Little Kitchen.

From Cecilia;

Akiko, the equipment that Andalas requested has been dropped this afternoon at the coordinates that you shared. Be careful! And keep us updated!

A long message from The Kitchen;

Akiko, this is Darko from The Kitchen. This afternoon we monitored unusual movements in Gangkhar Puensum. Two Apache helicopters landed at the foot of Gangkhar Puensum. We couldn't detect anyone but it sure was unusual. Also, this afternoon there was an extraordinary sighting around Gangkhar Puensum. A helicopter or a plane, but I think it's a helicopter, circling like it's doing a test run. There are two extraordinary things about the helicopter. On its body, it appears that the missile weapon mechanism is more or less the same as the UICBM that has brought down three planes of Young Huang. And one more thing, the helicopter has absolutely no propeller! It looks like it's a new type of helicopter that uses a complete jet engine on the right and left, as well as on top and below. I saw the helicopter fly like a jet plane and can also hoover like a helicopter.

Akiko and Andalas looked at each other. Who were the people in the two helicopters that came to visit the Organization's secret lair in that remote place? What else would they do by testing the jet-chopper?

"We must continue tonight Andalas. Looks like something important is going to happen in Gangkhar Puensum. I'm not tired. Even if I can't walk anymore, you have to be prepared to carry me."

Akiko said while pouting her mouth. Andalas could only grin.