Chapter 8: Fruits of labor and skills

After mindlessly walking around and getting familiar with the dungeon pathways, As they finally reached the Training grounds But still Jack was kind of surprised that there was things popping out of The marble world Now Considering that while he is here the skeleton and the system interface was cultivation as we speak. Jack was kind of proud and intrigued by it, Seeing that the Development of the marble world was advancing while he is learning, The Training Grounds was like kind of a martial arts training area but rather than having hay for the dummies which this one has is a Huge black rock up to down of the whole place. Jack and the group finally started cooperating as they dug out and excavated the walls behind the black rocks and the rocks that they may encounter was taken by the carpenters outside of the training grounds as they were not the only ones to work on the Cave, Jack Just kept working while insisting on making any moves than finishing his Mission as every plan he made while working could be hastened by the upcoming unknown Buff and his very own workplace rather than just a resting place for him, Though even if it took Jack and the cooperation of an entire fleet to finish the Training grounds which was Big to the point if 3 basketball courts was placed side to side was placed it wouldn't be still enough But they still finished it all thats what mattered even if it took quite near a year to get done.

Every Undead in The Dungeon Came To a celebration for thier success and checkpoints in the dungeon while working there, Not only was it was a feast but a time to remember as every Undead in the world have advanced to know common language rather than making thier own unique but Nonetheless all of that the Skeleton Captain Gave a very heartwarming speech that even left Jack stunned and quite affectionate even if he was an undead. The feast was more like a brawl as they didn't need to worry now of dying as long as thier soul can have a medium they wouldn't die as a battle royal became a Tradition that day as Jack took a stand in his knowledge and compression to a score as he ruthlessly murdered and caused mass genocide, As His skills in fighting was taken to account by how many Buffs he had than just the Awakening of his Primal Buff as a new Skeleton captain.

But Soon after The celebration was Done Jack became busy and Full of things to do considering how many things he wanted, But Rather than just making excuses Jack became independent as he Took everything he could salvage from those undead Who may or may not have lost thier lives because of him. Jack took everything that he could by himself as he packs the bones and things he found to the training grounds as his room was still not made but thats his problem not knowing that he only needed to ask for it, With the piles of bones and things in his side Jack sat beside the Black stone as he manufactures tools out of pure image but all of the things he tried was a dud nonetheless that he even took consideration on how to do it, But well experience was the thing he lacked the most so he did his best until his exploits was noticed by the system interface since it was kind of hard keeping check on how many things he had on his sea of consciousness. But alas after long session a notification appeared.

[ You have learned "Basic Bone weaponry! " Allowing previous knowledge and assumptions to be guided by a lines to make it!

Upon receiving the knowledge of guide lines, Jack became aware of his mistakes and the new lines, Though it was more of a color palet than a line Jack was able to differ them on what he wanted to do. Very soon after working on it his fails have become successful as the handle proven its worth as it finally conjoined with the hilt and the main pick which was the polished rib cage, But the undead around Jack was able to see what he was doing but had no idea on it as they only cleared the used up parts of the pile as Jack ordered them, His status was now higher but he did now even care to abuse it and just used it for the whole dungeon, Though everything was cleared in the other side of Jack what was left with him was one successful prototype and A pile of bones that have been supported and worked on but Jack still took everything as he had not anymore Materials to use. Jack Had no choice but to resell his prototypes and rework all of his steps in doing this as it seemed to be unconventional and making it harder than its supposed to be, With arib cage bone and A handle made by the fore arm it was enough bu Jack thought that it wouldn't be enough to just puck out things like metal but he knew this things are soon to come so he needed to twink it a bit.

Jack after a few days have already made his preparations for the trade, As he would rather make it easier for him than making it harder as he made a bag because thats what he could do with the lost for materials. Jack traveled a little bit to come across a wide empty place where Skeleton's used to just pass by and rest since they didn't have rooms yet since its either they are letting others work in it while they try to pay for the fee of a room and the workers, But the currency right now was just value and status but Jack was here to change. The Change came quickly as A skeleton pass by him "What are these? " Asked the skeleton, "A Pick much better than what you usually use, A Rock if i say " Jack said as he advertised the make shift pick that he made, "Can i have one? " Asked the skeleton, "Yeah but its gonna cost you " Answered Jack as this was one of the things he wanted to do since he really can't scoff of the current tradition bluntly by just saying that they should change, "What am i gonna do? " Said The skeleton, "A Piece of your finger tips?, No Work just a piece of it " Replied Jack as this one was the most conventional thing he was able to thought up, "Why Do you want a finger? You can just regrow one if you wanted this much " Said the skeleton as it looked at Jack weirdly, "Yeah if you see it that way, But I'm starting a tradition here and currency along the way, If you don't want it just say so and cooperate with me and spread the word " Jack had already thought of it that way but he still took it as the amount of time it needed to regrow the part of your body was as long as a day so it was the only thing he could thought of since its natural not alike to ores and anything. The transaction was done after the skeleton left with a pick at hand that was missing two of its middle finger jointed piece, As soon very after Jacks amount of make shift pick was now decreasing as The skeleton seemed to have pulled of something in the training grounds as swarms of skeleton's arrived at Jack place leaving with only some left, But Jack thought it was enough and left to see the skeleton captain to See of his one goal to get his own place to do things than just making things in the training grounds or somewhere else. Though it cost him some time off in his vacation it was enough.