Chapter 23: Evolution



After pressing yes he felt a weird tingle in his body until it subsided after it was done he saw that his body is much more sturdy and hard although he may look rigid but he is actually very flexible and his senses was now more powerful or stromger he also felt that there was something opening up, after that he noticed that there was a new slot in the soul section of his stats, so the reason why he can't collect beast souls is because he didn't evolve then that would be a problem if it only gave one but still its neat, after that the grind continues after grinding for a while he found a new soul of course he found many before this one but because this one is the kind of thing he likes the soul of a moon shadow spider it took him two weeks to hunt this spider because of it can heal in night and can use almost every shadow that can be seen to hide or teleport to another shadow so he was interested in it so he collected it then the system notification appeared.


After that he tested it he activated the soul then 8 bones came out of his back and all of it has some sort of fang he liked it but he just use it to cover his body and arm he looked like some sort of knight without pants but his left and right arm is now equipped with claw like fangs he started imitating martial arts move until a weird shockwave shot out of his body and the 8 skeleton bones duplicated itself and after a while he was done he ordered the bones to make the rest of the armor now that it was complete he looked like some sort of special edition character in a game an armored undead he was supposed to be a mage and the thing he was wearing was supposed to be a spider arm but now he tested the abilities of it the after that he was sucked ot the nearest shadow and when he concentrated in to another shadow he teleported, neat, after that he continued in his path after a while he saw a strange circle, he recognized it because it was similar to a long distance teleport but in the material world he hesitated if he should leave but after making a decision he left the circle then returned to hunting, after a while he finally filled his uncommon and rare bars to full after that he evolved two times one after another, the uncommon evolution gave hime a heart but it was pure bones and the rare one has given him a minion that is connected to his body but it can move freely without bumps or problems in his body he don't know what it does though after the evolution he came back from where he came then rested.