Chapter 28: weekend stroll






NORMAL: 100/100

UNCOMMON: 100/100

RARE: 100/100

UNIQUE: 2/100

EPIC: 0/100

LEGEND: 0/100


HP: 250

AGI: 20

INT: 40

STR: 30

DEX: 35

PD: 70

MD: 80




after he rested he checked his status he was surprised because he didn't know that skills or souls could combine and without his notice, then he remembers that he just passed the notification when he was running away from the arena that the giant created, the notification was.




He didn't get to read it, but because of the system logs he can check it out not like his previous one that only shows things one time so he now knows why, he didn't like to stay on things too much so he retracted the system panel and got out of his room after that he did some exercises in the other room outside of his the room in front of his, is his comfort zone it was full of his inventions and stuff that he liked or just simple things like a couch that was made of a white mutated bear the furr on the bear skin is hard but just right and an automatic freezer made of mutated ice even if it did nothing it will still release cold breeze, after exercising he opened the tv and there was only two channels one for the minion and one for the ghoul he chose the ghoul but short after he picked the minion the ghoul is too fast for the bat that he created to see its movements, after that what was shown in the boney tv was a mutant being killed by an insect and a bunch of flying incect like bees sucking the blood of the mutant and being transferred to the cacoon thats connected to them, he watched the minion killed all kind of things like beast and mutated animals after that he left the cave to do some strolls or just kill what he finds in his path, after walking for a few hours he didn't encounter anything just traces of fights he guessed that the minion was already been here he didn't have anything to do so he tested some of his new skills he activated the half-life mode and his body was being enveloped by life force but it kept hazing out, it kept disappearing and appearing around his body until it reached on to a stop his body looked like a human but a vampire at the same time he can feel immense life force in his body but it looked like nonexistent in his eyes he saw only fog in his body after that he deactivated the skill and all of the life force was sucked in his right hand after that he noticed that the gun that he used in the fight with the stone giant and while he was fighting it the gun absorbed the life force of the sprites that he killed. the testing ended the two souls skill he didn't need to test because they are literally the minion and the ghoul he should name them when he thought about it, he thought of a name and what he thought was either dave and mark or if they are girks is unlikely he don't dare to check there was no problem it was just him the names he thought about was janine and joy just for fun though, after that he left the forest he didn't really thought or looked outside of the forest he didn't encounter anything because there were nothing alive that could be seen other than body parts the two souls really did something or a massacre there was nothing so he left the forest easily, after leaving the forest what he saw surprised him because he thought he was in some sort of country but no he was in a island, so thats why no humans came in the forest or either they had been killed but he saw a couple of islands in the far side of his line of sight he was not in a rush so before he would leave the island he was in he was going to kill the spider in the island, after that he returned to the forest he rested the stroll took him a full whole day to finish so he was tired so he slept, the next day he did another stroll in the island but still found nothing to fo so he just returned to the cave he lied down in the couch thinking of something to do after that he left the cave and moved somewhere in the forest, in front of him was a lake it was peaceful there was no animals other than normal fishes and some other non carnivore or just deadly thing with a chunk of land in the middle of it, he saw this lake was when he was just strolling the island, after breathing fresh air his mood was enlightened and after that he left the lake and walked to the forest most lush part then chopped one of the tall and wide trees in the forest after that he carried the tree to his cave, after returning to the cave he left the tree in front of the cave then entered he walked through some paths that he created with some things after walking trough many paths he entered a room then took some tools it was a chainsaw and all of the things needed for doingq lumber, after taking some stuff he left the cave and saw the wood with the chainsaw 'SSSSSWHOO' the chainsaw was silent and sharp after making contact with the wood it was like cutting butter but a little harder but it still gone trough, he first removed the skin of the wood and did it four times after that he was left with a huge rectangular wood piece he continued by the chainsaw to cut the wood by 10 fingers wide and 2 wide on the side it was as long as a car, after doing so he got around 500 pieces of wood after that he took out one of his tool a polisher what he called it, it can remove any excess strain of wood or skin and the main part of it was polishing the wood after doing so he painted it with a combination of tree sap and processed oil also known as gas and some other plant fibers after that he let it dry out side as he watched what the two was doing.