"You are lucky my dear. If those lightnings would hit these two babies would die. More than half of their consciousness has gone. They will be like children because of their ability to think has weakened."
I nodded. If she was saying it then it is as she said.
"I need an assistant for Day of Blessings celebrations and who could be better than you for the job."
It was surprising. I wondered the reason.
"But why you need an assistant and it is for Day of Blessings. Why?"
"Because Luck wanted me to protect the citizens from a possible attack. And of course I accepted. If they dare to distrupt the peace of city , I will just give them the eternal peace."
She looked carefuly to me. She sighed.
"My dear Jane. If you are ok let's go. Today will be a great meeting."
Great meeting,
A meeting that only who are either high sovereign or higher can join. A meeting where important decisions made and situation of the city checked.
Above the Library Union's building there is a flying meeting hall.
Hall of Eternity, where the great meeting is held.
It is where high sovereigns feel like ants. In front of the almighty beings they both feel honored and weak.
"A great meeting? Isn't it supposed to be next week. Why today? Did great master return? Is that why?"
"No Jane. He hasn't returned. Branch leader has caught a group of spies and got some important information. He is the one who made the meeting call. Let's get going." As she said she opened a portal and she entered. I looked at the portal as she had gone.
She was the one who raised me. The person I see as my mother. The kindest to the good people.
Next majestic being and Goddes of the temple of peace.
Colosus of the Peace and Protection. 8th grade colosus and right hand of the Great Librarian.
How lucky I am to have such a mother but unlucky enough to not being able to call her like that. Because she is my superior.
As I thought that I looked around one last time. As I looked at the peace of forest I wanted to stay.
'To the where real monsters of this world are.'
And then I stepped to the portal.
And there I was again.
Hall of Eternity...
A bell sound resounded in tge corridor. The meeting was about to start.