I Met a Ghoul

I've finally arrived in front of the most famous school in our city after running for miles non-stop.

"The school didn't change much huh..."

Standing in front of the gateway, I then looked upon the school, The Arklane National Highschool. This is a semi-private school founded by the country's former president.

I went to the side of the gateway, near the fancy brick of walls with the school's name encrypted to it. The gate is wide open, with no teachers nor security guards sentinelling around.

All I could see were students walking past forward the gate. Since the weather is sunny, I went to the side just to idle time whilst glancing at the other students passing around.

I've been in this school for over 2 years, yet I barely have acquittances or friends.

I am here standing at the side of the pathway with my hands crossed and head tilting above the sky.

I have this urge to go inside but something is preventing me from going. Am I okay?

Since it's still 6 in the morning, you can't really see that many students walking past forward.

"Haaaa! Haaaa!" a panting of a student was heard behind me, running in steps as if he was sprinting.

Though I ignore it, but I wonder why they are in a hurry, after all, there's still time before the class starts.

I'm still trying to urge myself to go inside the school grounds, but a force is preventing me. Was it my brain? but why am I paralyzed on this spot?

suddenly, - "AHH!!!" A strong force bumped into my back as if someone is trying to tackle me.

I was thrown away and dropped my head on the concrete. "Urgh--!"

"What the F@ck was that?" I asked myself. Did someone attack me?

I turned around to look who the culprit was and when I looked by, I saw a girl dead lying on the ground.

"Seriously, what the f@ck is going on?"

Her eyes were dilated as she laid her arms completely exposing her chest.

"Did she just die?" I thought to myself, how did she manage to tackle me that hard though?

No wait seriously, is she dead? What The f@ck is going on?

I kneeled down to try and check on her, but the moment I touched her hand, her eye colour turned back to normal,

she then woke up surprised, trying to stand up but she can't. I then assisted her by grabbing her arms until she stood up.

she blushed in embarrassment as she dusted her skirt and bag. Confused at what had just happened, she stared at me.

With no understanding of the situation, she instinctively bowed to me and apologizes.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

I looked straight at her in awe and didn't bother to respond to her apology.

Who's crazy enough to tackle a man straight in broad daylight?

Noticing her overall figure, I tried to assess her appearance.

You could say that she's a very beautiful girl, with pearl-clear skin, well-downturned eyes added with her natural thick eyelashes...

Her hair is so silky, smooth, and straight that it bounces even at the slightest steps she makes, and her lips, it's glossy.

As if a doll the size of a human is alive.

There's one thing that awed me about this girl.

She has extremely beautiful eyes, the same colour as a wisteria flower, purple tint shines in the lenses. It was like she wasn't a human.

I had a face of bewilderment, Until I remembered.

This girl.

I slapped her face.

"You-, You're a ghoul, aren't you?"


I just slapped a girl that bumped me in her right cheek.

It was pretty bold to slap a girl after she apologizes, but one thing I know, and she replied.

"Ho-Ho- how did you know?"

My slap turned her pale skin red. She eased the pain by rubbing it with her hand. Shock appeared on her face as she opened her mouth circle.

Noticing my reflection in her Wisteria-coloured eyes, the hair on my hands stood up, it was my first time seeing one.

Resembling a myth that if a person whose eyes reflect your reflection the opposite way.

Then the probability of that person being a human is zero. Yup! This girl's eye is reflecting the opposite of my reflection.

This girl ain't human. I met a ghoul!

Looking straight at her face, I didn't manage to react immediately. I was in awe seeing a ghoul with eyes only an apparition possesses.

But why is a trait only an apparition has present in this girl???

The moment I managed to digest it, I gulped down my saliva and tried thinking about what kind of opponent I'm facing.

Up in daylight, I guess she's not undead.

So, what is she?

"Pretty bold to attack me in broad daylight!!!" I announced my readiness in combat as I approached to grab a weapon in my backpack.

"It was not my intention swear!!" she then moved a step away from me whilst using her bag to protect herself in case I attack.

I've fought Ghouls and apparitions before, but it's my first time seeing a ghoul possessing something an apparition should only possess.

"What are you?"

I cautiously put my hand behind my backpack, as if pulling a sword from behind.

She immediately trembled in fear as she tried to anticipate what was coming out of my backpack.

As I reached into it, I then slowly opened the zipper, trying to find a weapon I could use against her.

It took a while but as soon as I picked a handle, I immediately grabbed it and point it towards the ghoul.

Confused after seeing the large weapon I pulled out, she asked.

"Wh- what are you going to do with me?"

I looked at my weapon and told her. "This is ruler"

The thing I pulled out is a 24-inch ruler covered or more like sheathed in leather. Rulers nowadays were fancy enough to be covered on polished horse leather in black matte colour.

"Wh-what are you going to do with that?" she asked. to then I replied.

"Did you seriously think I'm going to kill someone in broad daylight?"

After hearing what I said, she eased a little bit and replied. "I-is that so?"

With relief, the girl dropped her bag and let out a huge sigh.

"I see..." She took a closer look at my ruler and asked. "Your ruler looks strange as if it's a weapon."

"Yeah, 'cause I lied" I unsheathed it-


I pointed the dagger straight at her throat so one small step could pierce her.

The dagger I wield is a 19-inch black-bladed American Bowie with a 5-inch handle; it is large enough to cut down a neck or sever an arm.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down! Can we talk about this? So please put it down! Put it down... please?"

She begged me to drop my weapon as she looked at the large blade. Its sharpness reflects the sunlight which pointed at her neck.

As it was still early in the morning, there were only a few students walking past the pathway, small enough that they didn't notice me carrying and pointing a dagger right in front of a person.

I drag the dagger onto my left shoulder and lit it with flames the colour of crimson.

It was only a matter of mili-seconds.

"Heart Impact!"

I chanted.

"Heart impact?"

Using the dull part of the dagger, I slashed through her neck, aiming to make her unconscious.

My plan would be to skip class and bring this girl home and investigate.

"That was close."

Moments after I strike the attack, I saw her body bent to the point her head reached the ground.

And as her hands reached the concrete, she kicked me in the guts and blew me away.


After kicking me, she immediately backflip away and landed with ease.

"Ah! I'm - I'm sorry, It- It was not my intent!"

"This Bltch!"

Why do I get to fight a Ghoul first day of the school year!!!

"Wait! Wait! I apologize! Stop this, please! I'm innocent, I Promise! I promise! I pro-"

While she was pleading for a talk, I stomped my feet on the ground and jumped into the air.

I dragged my dagger toward my shoulder and block her sight of my weapon using my elbow.


swinging at her neck, she immediately parried it with her arms.


since she was blocking both of my hands, I tried to kick her in the stomach. But she parried it again with her left foot.

"This girl knows martial arts!"

I was surprised at her skill, but I immediately overpowered her by twisting my arms away from hers.

After the move, I grabbed her hand and threw a punch at her face.


But she parried it with her other arm and elbowed me away from her.

"Okay! Stop! Stop!" she pleaded.

"Was that Muay Thai?" I asked, but without wasting any second, I immediately jumped right above her head with a thrust on my dagger.

"Wh- oi"

She panickily straggled sideways away avoiding the impact.

With no way to stop the trajectory, my sword blasted through the concrete and was sunk to the ground.


"Please drop the dagger... please"

I immediately pulled out the sword from the ground and slashed right through her throat.

But she stepped closer avoiding the blade and blocked my arms using her hands.

since it was a full-blown swing, she could not handle the force and was blown away, rolling into the ground.

"ei- th- that hurts"

She immediately stood up and grabbed her bag. After looking at me, she bowed and run.

"I'm sorry"

With all her might, she rushed inside the school as fast as she can. I was bewildered for a second, But I immediately followed her toward the school.

"OI, Get back here!!"

After looking behind her back, she saw me approaching and further sprinted like crazy.

"I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!"

"Crimson Impact!"

My arms grew red-colored veins that crawled toward my dagger, and without hesitation, I threw the dagger right toward her.

she opens her eyes wide in surprise as she saw a dagger traveling at the speed that broke the sound barrier approaching her.

With no way to dodge it, she gulped down as it was about to pierce her right shoulder.

As my blade was about to puncture her shoulder, A static electricity that acted like a magnet repelled the dagger and created a huge shockwave that blew the girl and the dagger away from each other.

since it moved at the speed of sound, The shockwave it produced was huge that it reached me producing a lot of smoke.

"What was that?"

The girl rolled to the ground and protected her head. She immediately stood up with a face of confusion.

As the smoke produced by the shockwave blinded her sight towards me, I immediately approached and tackled her to the ground.


I grabbed both her arms near the shoulders and pushes them upwards, she tried to struggle and pushed me away, but you can't exert as much strength if you're pushing towards your biceps.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Got you bltch!"

I sat on her legs and prevented them to wiggle around. since both her arms are facing upward, I used my right hand to grab both her hands and pinned them to the ground.

"Kyaaaaa, help! help!, hmmmmmm...."

As she began to shout for help, I covered her mouth with my left hand.

With no limbs to move, she immediately squirms around and wiggles her body like a worm.

Though as she did, I immediately used my body weight to put it off, directly pushing my chest into her upper body. With her upper body restrained, her legs tried to stand up using the base force of her stomach.


I was struggling. Even though I'm sitting at her legs, she managed to slightly lift my butt. This girl's core strength is strong! But it was not enough to get away from my hold.

I tried reaching for my backpack, but my hands were too busy restraining this girl. My dagger flew away. leaving me with the only option to wear her out.

Though How long does it take to wear her out?


"hee-hee, I don't know what your deal is, But I can't let you get away from me! Hehehehehehehehe"

I laughed at my vicious victory. I tried head-butting her to make her unconscious, but her mouth restricted my movement.

I want to punch and knock her immediately, but something prevents me after seeing her pretty skin.

Thinking of ways to knock her out, A sudden realization lightens a bulb in my mind.

As the shockwave was felt all over the school, it garnered a lot of people towards it.

And I remembered, I'm actually in school, right? In broad daylight.

I heard the footsteps of several people coming towards me. And as the smoke slowly vanished.

"Um, what are you doing with the girl?"

My mouth opened wide in realization; I realized I f@cked up!

"Hmmmmmmmmm! Hmmmmmmmmmm!"

No matter how you look at it, I'm definitely looking like I'm doing something cruel to this girl.

The person who asked me had an expression of disgust. something similar to looking at a terrible criminal.

"Why are you pinning the girl?" she asked.



The girl I pinned screamed but my hand was covered in her mouth. I immediately stared at her and signal her to stay quiet.

I then looked at the guy again and tried to think of an excuse I could think of and then I said.

"We- Um, we- we're just playing..."


The girl screamed again.

"Doesn't look like it, brooo...."

"No! No! For real, we're just playing."


"Shut up!"

I pushed my hands directly into her mouth to prevent her from moaning. The students looked at me with disgusted expressions.

shit! shit! shit! shit! Don't look at me like that! This girl is a ghoul, she's dangerous!

The students slowly encircled me, closing all my possible escape routes and plans to attack.

"Getaway to that big sister please!" They all tackled and jumped me into the ground. All the boys and girls who were encircling me participated.

"Wait a minute! it's dangerous, so-" I shouted.

"You're the one dangerous big bro!" she replied.

"Hmmmm... Hmmmm!.."

"Shut up"

They all trying to remove me away from the girl, but they can't overpower me.

"Let go you pervert!"

"I-I'm not a pervert!!!" I replied.

The saliva coming from the girl's mouth watered and made me slip a little bit. It felt a little bit gross, to be honest.

After that, a static electricity similar to what I saw earlier is slightly appearing, upon closer look, it has the colour purple.

And after a while small bolt of electricity plunged all over creating a shockwave that knocked not only me but all the people who were tackling me.

"Big sis, flee!"

One of the boys shouted as they successfully pulled me away.

I shouted too.

" Wait! nooooo, that's a gho-"

I stopped my mouth before I said the word ghoul, not only they don't know what it is, I will be ridiculed as a moron.

4 boys pinned me again before I managed to catch up to the girl, but I immediately overpowered them, blowing them away at the scene, But the moment I did. I looked at the area the ghoul fled but somehow.

One of the boys asked.

"Big sis suddenly vanished?"

The moment I looked at the place she was a little while ago, she was gone.
