A Mysterious Person

In the depths of the night, a lone shadow stood atop the destruction underneath his footing. he questioned.

"What's going on here?"

The lush forest that once filled with trees is now gone by half, leaving the trunks of trees below the surface. Fire burns are also visible and a huge pillar of crystal encased the body of 2 dark giants.

"Is that a Kapre?" he asked. He touched the crystal and concluded. "There's a strong Winter Mage that has been here earlier, but why is she fighting the Kapre?"

He immediately tries to find traces of the Magic catalyst he planted earlier by running as fast as he could.

The moment he saw it. "The Catalyst! Someone activated it!"

Back to the Mansion, the Red-eyed looking boy was sitting on the sofa, wearing only a shirt whilst half naked on his crotch. He asked.

"Speaking of the Kapre's curse, don't the Dark elf possess it right now?"

The Lich continued to sip the tea since the last chapter and looked at the Dark elf. "Now that you mention it, I kind of forgot"

She put down the cup and told me "Well, since Sly-chan is a Dark elf, the curse will not affect her till the next 38 hours ,and also, I don't want to strip her while you're still here!"

"Make sense, I don't want to see her naked anyways" I looked at the dark elf and asked again. "When will she even wake up?"

She answered. "Yeah, probably around now, don't worry about it"

I looked at the Lich and requested. "Since you're a Lich, care to teach me a magic or two?"

The Lich looked at me and thought about the request I told her, after she concluded she told me.

"I don't think I can since our Magic properties conflict with each other considering you're a Flame based user and I'm a Winter based"

"Don't you have any magic that isn't Ice based?"

She looked at me as she sipped her tea and told me. "Sure, I have some, if you want to be a lich, I could teach you our unique property, though I don't know if you can even learn it?"

Curious about it I asked. "What is it?" Then she answered. "You know what differs us from the vampires? it's how we procure nutrients to a person. Vampires uses their fangs but we liches, uses our hand, and that magic is the Drain touch"

"Drain touch?"

She stood up and went near me. She told me. "Want to learn it? I'll show it, give me your hand and I'll start"

I stood up and also went near her and gave her my right hand, then after giving it to her, she grabbed it and clenched.

"Drain touch!" She chanted. Then purple orbs appeared, gathering on the back of her hands and it started to get hot. After a while, the purple orbs continued to shine brighter than a light bulb sucking up my energy.

"Wait! Wait! Stop! Stop! you're sucking too much of my energy!" I shouted at her.

The lich looked at me with a smug on her face.

"What? Gonna cry? is your stamina that lowwww AHHHHH THAT HURTTTTTTSSSSS"

I clenched her hands tightly as she continued to suck my energy. We looked eye to eye and I told her.

"BlTCH, I've just exhausted my mana earlier, Stop it, AHHHHHHHHHHHH" She strengthened her grip.

"Why not try to get away from it you stupid- AHHHHHH That's MY CHEST!"

I grabbed her chest and twisted it since she won't listen to me and damn.

"What Chest ?! It's too hard to grab it you b@tchy Washboarddddd ahhhhh!"



We clench our teeth and go full force clenching our hands to each other whilst I twist her flat chest.

We looked eye to eye and stared at our faces more as we continued to fight each other.

Despite hurting each other, the Lich have the upper hand since she's sucking up my energy and honestly I don't feel like I will last any longer.

After a while, An eye woke up from their slumber, moaning a morning groan. "Agggggggh!" After hearing it, we instinctively looked at where the sound came from.

"Kyyaaaaa!" As soon as we looked, we heard someone falling out of the sofa. That sound had disturbed us fighting.

Trying to wake up, she asked. "W-Where am I?" Still in her school uniform, the dark elf had woken up.

We stopped clenching our hands and twisting her breast as soon as we saw the Dark elf awakening.

I ask. "Oh, you're awake?"

The Lich greeted her also. "Sly-channnnn!"

The Dark elf looked at us completely surprised, she asked. "C-Crimson you're here? wh- what are you two doing?"

"I was waiting for you to wake up," I told her.

The Dark elf looked closely at us and asked.

"Y-you, you two are do-doing s-something naughty a-aren't you"

"Huh?" The lich was confused. "Naughty you say, what do you mean?" she asked.

Me and the lich looked at each other, and since we stopped fighting, we noticed that we are holding hands and I'm basically touching the breast of this lich.

"You- you can't do that Crimson, t-that's bad!" the dark elf said to me.

I looked at the lich eye to eye, then after a moment of looking at each other, I pushed her away.

"It was supposed to be me pushing you away!" said by the lich as I pushed her away. She dropped down the floor as she lost balance.

The Dark elf then looked at me and asked, "C-Crimson, Wh-what are you doing in my house anyways? Oh, I forgot, I was supposed to show you something."

Confused at her action, I ask. "What do you mean? don't you remember we did it earlier?"

"Earlier?" The Dark elf looked above the ceiling as she tried to remember that event. The lich stood up and told me.

"She has a temporary memory lost after she recovers her mentality, the memory will come back slowly in the future as to not surprised her and remove the trauma"

"Is that so?" I nodded.

The Dark elf still not remembering the event asks the lich. "Kuro-chan, Ima nanji desu ka?"

The lich replied. " Ju-ichi-ji "

Curious as to what they are saying, I ask. "what are you talking about?" The dark elf replied. "I was sleeping so I wonder what time it is?"

I ask. "So what's the time?" The lich answered. "11 midnight, more precisely, 11:37pm"

"How do you know the time, Where's the watch?" I asked. The lich pointed above behind me and told her.

"It might not look like it, but there's a Clock behind you."

After being notified, I looked behind me and saw. "What the f@ck, there's a Clock over there? I didn't see it earlier?"

The Dark elf then told us. "It must have been long, when did I fall asleep anyways?"

I told her, "It's been 3 hours since then I guess." The Dark elf gasped in surprise. "Eh?"

Also she looked at me and asked. "Is that my T-shirt Crimson?" Looking at the T-shirt I was wearing, I told her, "Yeah, let me borrow it for a bit"

"I mean it's fine, I was just wondering why that of all T-shirt..."

"Why?" I asked her. She told me as she looked at the lich. "I was wearing that earlier this morning"

"I swear I didn't know about it Sly-chan!" the Lich immediately shouted. The dark elf then pinched her face and called her "Kuro-channnnn!"

After looking at them I told them. "Anyways, since you're awake, I need to go home now"

The dark elf looked at me and told me. "Oh is that so, Thanks for visiting, Be careful Crimson, I'm sorry for all the trouble."

After saying that, the lich held my shoulders and told me. "You're not going home though-"

I looked at her and asked. "Why b:tch?" she then answered. "You've forgotten that you're only wearing a t-shirt and underwear. If I were you I wouldn't want to go home in that condition, right?"

I answered her. "Then I'll just wear my uniform again"

The lich looked at me as she out her tongue and told me. "Sorry, but our Dryers Broken< Tee heee!"

"What?" My jaw opened. I told her. "B:tch, you have multi-million pesos antiques in this household, don't tell me your Dryers broken"

The lich continued. "Even if it wasn't, The condition of the Kapre's curse is still linking in your clothes, In about exactly 6 hours, it will vanish. Or what, you want fight those Kapre again?"

"It's not Instant?" I asked her. She also continued. "Also since my Saliva properties is resting on your ligaments, I can't afford you to go home right now, without the me, the main body, the saliva's command will gets confused and it will poison you instead"

"Isn't that good? having me dead?" I asked her.

She then told me. "Even if you're rude to me Crimson, I'm not a heartless person to let someone like you die, especially when you have my Heart-span in your possession!"

"This sword huh?" I looked at the red wakizashi in my right hands. Then I ask her.

"What am I gonna do now?"

The lich then told me. "You can stay here inside the Mansion!.

Part 2.

I was welcomed inside their mansion after the lich demanded me to stay inside for a night. The Dark elf who was just finishing her bath then told me. "See ya tomorrow Crimson" And then proceed to go inside her room.

I asked the Lich. "Where's the room I'm resting tonight?"

The lich then looked above the stair and told me. "Follow me." After following her, she then opened a room up the stairs.

I looked up at the room and it was beautiful and clean. I asked her. "For a guesting room this is such a beautiful room" then I went inside.

The lich went inside too and told me. "This isn't the guest room after all"

I looked at her and asked. "Pardon?"

She then continued. "The guesting rooms are way too dirty and unclean, I can't let you sleep there, so I choose this room"

I asked. "By this room, you mean?" I looked at the surroundings, Including the Wardrobe, the desk and a lot of things inside the room.

I noticed something trivial when I looked it up. There's a female uniform belonging to the school I'm attending and undergarments laying around the desk, it was colour blue.

This seems suspicious, is this room?

The lich answered. "Yeah, it's my room"

I shouted with a dash, running as fast as I could. "TACTICAL RETREAT!" before managing to get outside the door, she then chanted.

"Crystalline barrier" As I heard her chant, I was surprised. Then appears a block of crystal aligned my head.

"Wh- Ah!" I hit my head in the crystal and fell down, losing my balance. "Shit, it hurts!" as I regained a little bit of consciousness, I saw that the lich was standing, looking at me laying on the ground.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Virginity no Jitsu! Fire virgin ball!" As I gasped for air, I did the hand sign of fire and human, then blowing away a flamed gas in front of her face.

After doing the atrocity, I Immediately stood up, and went away from the room, but before getting out, I heard a chant.

"Bind!" A glowing rope of magic then rolled up my feet, making me fall down again, hitting the chin of my face.

"F@cking b@tch, stop it, what kind of magic was that!"

"Bold of you to say after blowing my face with fire!"

The lich then slowly walked to me in small steps, trying to approach me whilst I'm binded on my feet, I then shouted.


The lich then asked me. "Why are you trying to escape anyways?"


The reason I'm escaping is because I saw that the bed is designed to occupy 2 people. If this is her room, surely she will sleep next to me. And just imagining sleeping with a lich will do to you makes me want to run away.

The lich asks. "Is there any problem?"

"Problem my azz, who wants to sleep with you!"

She answered. "The reason I'm making you sleep right beside me is so the healing on your feet will hasten. If you're just 7 meters away from me, The healing will take another 5 hours, will you accept that?"

"8 minus 4 plus 5 is 9 hours, Since it's 12 midnight, I assume that I will be fully healed by 9 am tomorrow, so what's the problem with that?"

"School starts at 6:30 you know!"

"If I can walk, then I will!"

"You do know that if we get to school, I'm far away from you since we're not classmates, if that's the case, you'll be intoxicated by my saliva for 3 and a half hours, that surely will kill you"


"You're not in your right mind aren't you?"

The spell that's binding my feet slowly shattered to pieces, I wonder why that happened but I was happy as I saw that.


I stood up as soon as I could and looked at the lich and showed her my middle finger. But as I looked at the lich, I couldn't see her eyes.

Her face was gloomed in shadow, and she's in a punching position.

"Yo, wait a minute, I'm actually sorry about my behavi-"

She then punched my chin and knocked me at the ground. After that moment I lost consciousness.

The Lich looked at the unconscious body of the man underneath her feet. She then thought to herself.

"That was harder than I thought" Good thing this man is unconscious, I'm really sorry little young boy.

She then shook her fist as it hurt when punching him and dragged the body and carried it to the bed and covered him with a blanket.

She then looked at his face and the swollen part where she punched him. "Ugh, such a waste of handsome face"

She went and got a handkerchief and put saliva on it. After that, she compressed it to the swollen part and slowly but surely, the swollen part of the face was gone.

She tried and smelled the handkerchief and said. " I don't have bad breath don't I?"

She walked into the corner and found the man's backpack and picked the Red wakizashi she gave to him earlier.

She walked to the sleeping guy and opened the scabbard as she looked at the Kanji letter on the blade encrypted to it, she told to herself.

"So He's the 19th wielder after all"

You're the person I've always seen in my dreams, blurry as you may be, but your red eyes are distinctive.

I'm sad that I'm not able to wield the weapon anymore, but I'm happy to see you here again. Another wielder of Heart-span.

She walked down the stairs and went to the aisle where the Dark elf went earlier. Walking down silently, she stopped at a door.

She knocks 3 times. "Sly-chan, Are you still awake?"

Opening the door herself, she found the dark elf sitting in the room, grooming her hair. She wore a white T-shirt and extremely short shorts. She looked at the Lich and asked her.

"Kuro-chan, how's Crimson?"

She answered. "He's sleeping right now, I'll sit in your bed."

The Dark elf asks. "So what is it , Kuro-chan?"

The Lich then told her. "There's something I want us to talk about!"