Miss Ellaine AshBeauty

After filling our bellies and talked about the manananggal case, we then went together to our classroom.

There, we both saw a female student already around. She sits in front of my row, wearing eyeglasses and is reading a book.

I recognized this girl since we've been classmates since grade 7 and I greeted her. "Yo! what's up! My grill, Samantha!"

"Ohh, Ru! you're early" She greeted me back as she lowered her glasses. Lockwood then whispered to me- "You know her?"

I told her in a similar fashion. "Yes, She's Samantha Alter" Lockwood then bowed down, similar to how Japanese people greet others and greet her. "Morning Alter nice to meet you!"

She whispered again "Pretty unique surname isn't it?" I told her. "Yours is just Lock with wood, everyone has unique surnames"

I asked Samantha ``Yo!, aren't you too early?" As we walked around trying to reach our chair.

She continued reading her pocket book and told me. "yeah, pretty early, made some mistakes and got here"

Really?-"That's a coincidence...." I told her. I asked her again as I noticed the book she's reading has a cool cover. "What are you reading? also aren't pocket novels way too outdated?"

She answered. "GH (Prodigies), wanna read it? also- having a physical book feels much better than using E-books. It will ease your eyes from radiation after all"

I nodded. "That's true though" I looked at Lockwood and told her. "Let's exchange seat for now"

"Why?" she asked as she's preparing to went inside. I told her "I want to charge my phone"

"Oh.. Sure" she agreed.

Samantha then looked at Lockwood with a deep long stare, trying to observe her personality. After confirming what she believed Lockwood is, she then looked at me and winked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked her.

"Nothing, sweet Rū" She then continued to read and ignore us.

After sitting on the arm chair, I charged my phone and opened it. I guess phones nowadays need 1 hour to charge and last 2 days after use.

Though, how did this phone battery drain when I charged it yesterday?

I opened my phone whilst charging. I know using it whilst charging is bad, but since I only need to write Lockwood's and the Lich's number, it won't do that much damage.

As I looked through the Lock screen, I found out that I have missed calls... and not just a single missed call-

"I have 80 missed calls?" Lockwood looked at me as I announced that.

I wonder who's calling me? there shouldn't be someone so obsessed to me except- I looked at through my phone book and saw-

"Big Tiddy Onee-san? Who is this again?"

I looked at the profile and saw the face of my Big Sister- My eyes opened wide-surprised, my sweats started flowing nervously- looking at the time intervals of the missed calls, it seems like she's calling me every 10 minutes since 11pm yesterday.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I shouted like a madman, echoing it throughout the classroom.

It startled both Samantha and Lockwood, making them look at me and asks-

"What's wrong?"

I looked at them as tears on my eyes flow out my socket and told them "I'm dead!"

I've experienced having a missed call from my sister before and she smacked me in the head for that. Looking at this 80 missed calls... all I know is that I'm doomed to death.

I started placing both of my hands on my neck and chock myself. "Hrrk, Hrrkkk! hrrrkk!"

Both of them got startled as I stopped the blood flow to my brain. "OI! WHY ARE YOU CHOCKING YOURSELF???"


Both of them panicked and quickly went to save me, but it was futile- The moment they stood up- My sight gets hazy and I lost consciousness.

My hands dropped down my neck and my head bumped at the concrete wall. It was a loud hit- This is the first time I attempted suicide.

They were both flabbergasted, looking at me with eyes not knowing what's going on anymore. They can't even speak a word for 15 seconds.

Samantha then asked. "What the F@ck?" and looked at Lockwood. She asked again. "What's wrong with your boyfriend?"

Lockwood then denies "Eh? I dunno, also we're not couples!"

"Sussss..... why are you together then?"

Lockwood then averted her eyes trying not to lie and told her. "T-that's a secret! Anyways, we need to save Crimson!"


I see everything dark and misty similar to a void where light can't pass through. Where am I? I asked myself. I keep hearing voices but it's hazy, I can't hear it properly.

"Are- it wi- - Work-?" I heard a female talking to someone. The other one replied. "Let- try"

I slightly opened my eyes as I noticed the void was just my dream. There- I noticed a hazy figure right in front of me. From the looks of it- it was a female as I saw a long black hair.

As my hearing slowly turned to normal, I heard someone chanting-

"Slapping breathing! First form! TIME TO WAKE UP!"

A felt a huge buzzing in my ears, ringing at my whole body like a set of electric waves. It was so strong I couldn't even feel the pain.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The slap activated my adrenaline, making me wake up with such energy that my eyes felt like it jumped out its socket.

"WHAT THE F@CKKKKKKKKK!" I shouted at the person who slapped me in my ears.

She then looked at Lockwood and told her. "See? it worked" Lockwood nodded in agreement and said. "I see! I see!"

The one who slapped me is Samantha from earlier. I looked behind her and noticed a lot of students already around. She told me-

"OHH! You waked up finally, we were getting worried since you're not waking up at all, We thought you really died"

"Me?" I asked. "I died? How long did I passed out?"

She told me. "About an hour now? I guess... somewhere near that"

What the f@ck? I just woke up and they told me I almost died? When did that happened? "How did I died?"

She answered. "You don't remember? you choke yourself you know!"

"Why would I choke myself?" Lockwood looked at Samantha and told her. "It seems like he forgot what happened" Samantha then agreed. "Seems likely"

"I heard that!" I told them.

Samantha then told me. "Anyways... get prepared, the class is about to start."

"Oh, okay." What am I supposed to do again? I felt like I forgot about something?

If I forgot about it, then it's not that important I guess...

I stood up as I realized that I was in Lockwood's seat and quickly went to my original one. I combed my hair using my hands to refresh myself.

Lockwood then sat at her chair and looked at me. "Are you fine Crimson?"

"I guess I am" I told her. Lockwood then handed me a hand mirror and looked at myself there. "What's that?" I asked.

"Look at your neck," She told me. As I looked at it- There are traces of hands choking my neck.

"WHAT THE-" Did I really choke myself? Why would I do that?

I noticed my phone was fully charged and took it. I asked. "Did I charge this?" and tried opening it.

But before I did-


A loud slam echoed throughout the room, startling everyone inside including me.

Then after that, a loud voice announced herself shouting-. "GOOD MORNING YOU STUPID LITTLE NUGGETSSSSSS!"

We all inside the room quickly looked at the person who shouted at the door complete stunned and quiet. It was a female teacher.

"Ehem" she cleared her throat. She continued. "I'm sorry, what I mean is, Good morning my sweet students" And said those words in a clearly mild manner.

We looked at her in silence as we were all stunned at what she said. Using this silence, the teacher immediately walked inside the room and went to reach the teacher's table.

She introduced herself. "Nice to meet you Nuggets! I'm Ellaine AshBeauty, Your one and only beautiful Adviser and your Science teacher! once again, Nice to meet you little twerps"

How many times is she calling us names? We were all still silent at her introduction and no one dared to speak anything to her.

The Teacher wore a black tuxedo and had a pearl gem right in front of her chest. She has short Dark-brown hair and amber coloured eyes.

She has that youthful gleam of a young adult that if you look at her face, she looked 24 years old.

She's also packing a massive bouncing chest, I wonder what cup she is? Rather than a teacher, she looked more like a secret agent trying to bring down a massive antagonist. All she need is a Glock in her hands.

Filled with silence, she sighed "Haaa!" and announced. "I'm terribly sorry that I was not present yesterday, though I asked a friend to substitute you all so I hope we can clear about that, I'm sorry"

We're still are stunned about what she did earlier and kept silent. I asked in my mind- If she's gonna apologize, at least apologize about calling us stupid nuggets and twerp!

The Teacher then looked at me and told me-

"I WILL NOT!" as she points her hands at me.

I was surprised at what she just did as if she just started answering the question I asked in my mind. Did I said it out loud?- I looked at Lockwood and asked her-

"What was that?" She then told me. "I dunno"

That thing the teacher did to me bugged my mind I can't think straight anymore. What was that she did earlier?

The teacher then continued herself as she slammed the table and shouted at us in an angry manner.

"Anyways, you ALL STUPID TWERPS!"

She shouted so loud it blasted us like a raging wind. She grabbed a letter and pointed at it,


I quickly averted my eyes away from the sight of the teacher. I want to apologize.

As I looked at my right side, I noticed Lockwood looking at me eye to eye, I shook my head and disagreed.

"It wasn't me I swear!"

"Why are you lying?"

The Teacher then continued. "I received the e-mail from an Alumni in this school, Her name is Jessiellainne Vermillion Crimson, and she sent this message regarding to her missing brother!"

As I heard the mentioned name, I noticed that it was my Big sister's. 'My Big sister?' Trying to remember something deep in my mind, I finally recovered the memory I lost as I choked myself earlier.


The Teacher continued. "Any one who knows who Rū Vermillion Crimson is!????"