Mind Reading

It was a peaceful morning, or so it was. "So, Who's Rū Vermillion Crimson?" Miss AshBeauty asks us as she's trying to know who the culprit is.

Due to her intensive shouting, no one bothered to say anything and remained silent. Fear was engulfed in our soul, fearing that answering her will bring us hell.

I remembered my sister and her 80 missed calls. If you add this bullshlt I'm certainly doomed to death.

I saw my hand and thought of choking myself again. I should probably end this by killing myself.

Miss AshBeauty then looked at us and calmed herself, knowing that being angry won't make us answer her questions.

So she became more angrier. "CONFESSSSSSS!"

Her wrath echoed through the classroom and it made us avert at her gaze. Her eyes are way too sinister to look at, you will wish you never came to school in the first place.

Since our adviser was absent yesterday, she doesn't know what I look like, the only thing she knows is my name.

I thought of choking myself but Lockwood took my arm and told me. "Don't!"

I told her. "I'm going to die anyways, so let me kill myself!" Once my classmates pointed their fingers at me. I'm getting whooshed in the azz and die.

I pulled my hand but she insisted. I told her. "Stopppp!"

"Don't kill yourself again!"


"QUIET!" The teacher shouted at us.

I looked around and noticed everything was silent. The teacher was still angry and continued to ask. "Guyss, Who is Rū Vermillion Crimson! tell me!!!"

I looked around and noticed my classmate is not telling her I'm the culprit. What's going on? I asked myself.

Why are they keeping silent? Don't they know me? but I just introduced myself yesterday!

Everything remains silent, clearly averting their eyes away from the teacher. What are they?

I stood up and went facing the teacher, this surprised Lockwood along with my classmate. Lockwood then asked. "What are you doing?"

The teacher looked at me and asked me. "Are you Mr. Crimson?"

I shook my head and silently disagreed with the teacher. "No"

My Classmate then mutters silently as they saw me disagree.

"Hey, isn't that him?"


The Teacher looked at them and then looked at me suspiciously. I didn't react to them talking and went directly to the exit.

The teacher noticed me getting away and asked me. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the restroom ma'am"

Since the teacher isn't 100% sure that I'm the culprit, I'm gonna run away and start a new life.

Since I can't go home anymore, I'll probably become homeless. At least I won't die.

The teacher calmly looked at me and permitted me. "oh- Okay" So far the teacher believes me.

If no one will ever point out that I'm Rū Vermillion Crimson, My plan would succe-

"Ma'am That's Crimson!" One of my classmates shouted and pointed her finger towards me. I looked at her and shouted. "OIII MY PLAN!"

As she shouted, the teacher looked at me-

I stare at the teacher.



We both looked at each other. And-


"So you're Cri-"

I sprinted away at the classroom whilst Shouting. "HASTA LA VISTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"


Everyone was shocked at what I did, it flabbergasted them. The teacher remained silent as her comprehensive thought didn't function as I ran away.

I boosted myself up and sprinted at the grass fields as a shortcut to immediately run across the school. Since there's a guard at the gate, I should just tackle it and it will break.

As I'm running, I heard some steps. I looked behind my back and noticed the teacher was chasing me. She shouted.





I continued to shout as she's chasing me, I kept looking at her as her breast kept jiggling as she sprinted. "Ohhhhhhhh..."

Since the teacher is an ordinary citizen, no matter how fast she ran she won't be able to overtake-

I looked at her again as I noticed- "Oh shit" She's right behind me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I shouted to my hearts content the moment I saw her right behind me.

The moment she was near me, she tackled me and pushed me to the ground. "GOTCHA TWERP!"

We rolled around the grass as she captured me by locking both my arms and body using her hands.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I continued to shout and it agitated the teacher. She immediately covered my mouth and "HMMMMMMMMMM"


I swirled around like a worm trying to escape her grasp, but her body pushed mine and pinned it on the ground. I can't escape shlttttt!!!!

I continued to swirl and it really made the teacher mad. She immediately chanted. "STRYCHNINE POISON!"

"HMMMMMMM!" Wait, she chanted?

A smoke appeared in the hand that was covering my mouth. after inhaling the substance, I felt hazy and dizzy at the same time, I'm feeling weak.

This is definitely a poi-..... I lost consciousness.

Lockwood and Samantha looked at us from far away, still stunned at what I did, they opened their mouths.

Samantha then asks Lockwood. "I've never seen Crimson like that before"

Lockwood then told her as she's still keeping her eye at the scene. "I think he's always like that"


I looked at the surroundings and everything was dark. Where am I? I can't smell and I can't feel the temperature of this room.

Am I in a room in the first place? I find myself in an endless void of darkness, where light nor imagination can't fill in the gap. It's a dream where you're aware but you can't control.

What's going on? Suddenly, I heard a voice inside the dream. It was a female voice.


"WUUUUUAAAAAHHHHHH!" I woke myself up from the dream. Completely surprised that even my heartbeat ran faster than average.

"HAAA! HAAAA! HAAA" I'm catching my breath even though I'm not exhausted. I found out that water is running down my face as it drips through the ground.

I looked in front of me and saw Miss Ellaine AshBeauty holding a cup facing towards my face. It seems like I know how she woke me up.

By using water to cover up my breathing, my brain will instantly wake my body up to defend itself.

Miss AshBeauty looked at me and told me. "You're finally awake. Crimson"

I tried wiping my face but I found my hand cuffed behind my back and feet binded on the chair I'm currently sitting on.

I looked at her and asked. "WHAT THE FCK IS THIS? TORTURE??"

She answered. "I do not mean to cuff you down but I thought you would run away if I didn't do so"

Yeah right, I will surely do that! I told myself in the brain.

Miss Ellaine AshBeauty then looked at me and told me. "I'm correct!"

I looked around the room and saw multiple bookshelves, cabinets and a working desk all around. Where am I?

The Teacher then answered. "You're in the Principal's Office"

This is the Principal's Office?

"Yeah," She answered. She continued. "Rather than a Principal, this is the Admin Office"

Is that so? I told my brain.

"Yes," She answered.

Huh? I was confused. It seems like she's answering all the questions inside my head. Is it just me or did I say it out loud?

She answered. "It's just you seriously!" I looked at her and squinted my eyes. This is suspicious.

I asked her. "Why am I here?"

She sat in the chair in front of me and placed the cup at the table beside her. She then took a relax mode and grabbed the letter that was in her bag.

She pointed to the letter and told me. "I got a report that you're missing yesterday, why is that?"

I averted my gaze to avoid answering her questions. I should probably lie through this but I'm not really the type of guy who knows how without being awkward.

Anyways, I tried answering her. Since My sister told me that I'm distinguishable in the eyes when I'm lying, I tried closing my eyes and told her.

"Um... Visiting a cinema"

The teacher shouted. "LIEEEEES"

"Eiiiiiii" I shrieked as she shouted. How did she know I'm lying? I already closed my eyes! Impossible!

She continued. "Listen here Crimson, Tell me the truth!"

I avoided looking at her eye to eye, even if I tell her the truth, she won't even believe me. Worst case scenario, she might have mistook me visiting Lockwood's place and did intimate things together.

The teacher suddenly nodded and told me. "I see, so you're in Lockwood's place huh..."

"HUHHHH????" HOW DID SHE KNOW? I freaked out, HUH? WHAT? WHAT???????? NANIIII?

She took out a huge book and looked at it. As she found what she's looking for, she told me.

"Slyvyna Lockwood, a beautiful girl isn't she! What are you doing in their house?"

I averted my eyes immediately and said, "ummm... visiting?" I need to try to at least cover what we're actually doing at their place.

The teacher nodded and told me. "Explicit acts I see, too young aren't you to have sex?"

I shouted directly at her. "WAHHHHH, WE'RE NOOTTTTTTT"

The teacher then tilted her head and said, "Is that so?"

I told her. "We're too young to be thinking of doing that!"

"Then what are you doing?" She continued to ask.

I can't really think of an excuse to do what I'm really doing at their place. I'll probably keep my mouth shut and have the teacher wear out the wait for my answers.

The teacher looked at me and said. "Ahhh, you're really having sex, I'll tell your sister about it"

I looked at her and shouted. "WHAT?" Did she just say 'My Sister?' "NO!.... NO!... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, DON'T DO THAT!! I'LL! I'LL DIEEEE AHHHHHHHHHH"

I freaked out like a crazy person and continued,


The teacher then told me. "I have the authority and I can make things up if you don't want to cooperate"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I continued to shout, she then slapped me and shouted. "Shut UP!"

I silent my mouth then look at her as my cheeks redden in pain. She continued.

"Tell me what really happened and I'll promptly excuse you with a lesser punishment."

I ask her in a childish voice "Promise you won't tell my sister about it?"

"I'll promise" after promising, my mind calmed down from the thoughts of what my sister will do if she really heard I'm having sex with someone even if it isn't true.

Though, what can I really say to my teacher? I can't tell her that we're fighting Kapre's out in the wild and I just can't go back home due to my injuries in the battle.

But I can't really fake an injury too since I've gone into Lockwood's place and my injury is already healed.

The teacher put her hands on her chin and nodded. "I see."

I asked her. "You see what?"

She continued. "That's why the name Jessiellainne Vermillion Crimson is so familiar. You-, you're a Ghoul Hunter right?"
