I love violence, you love violence, and we all love violence!!!


Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys

OMG, I can't believe it took me an entire week to post a chapter, my laptop just died on me, and now I am forced to use my tablet until it gets back from the repair shop sometime next week.

.Trivia of the day #6: Nero's official birthday is October 31st



The sound of a massive explosion could be heard clearly in the background, as Colony fired a series of grenades at Caliber as she pulled out a few from under her dress, and guided them with her wind magic.

Which made them fly at a very fast speed toward Caliber.

However, Caliber is quicker on the intake, because before the explosion even reaches him, he summons fort a dome made of nothing but swords, and it surrounds his entire body making a protective shield of sorts.