The Witch Of Eldritch


Weekly goal

20 power stones= 2 chapter release

40 power stones= 4 chapters release

100 power stones= 8 chapter release

200 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting now for more chapters guys

.Trivia of the day #9: Necroma is far more durable than Asmodeus


**Fwheeeee~~ Fshhhh~~ Splash**

The sound of a strong breeze flows effortlessly, along the gaps between two giant cliffs, whistling everlastingly, the atmosphere was freezing as well, if seemingly not inhabitable by any means necessary.

However, despite the cold weather, and its severe harshness of it, the entity sleeping in the frost and snow was clearly unbothered, if anything it felt far more comfortable sleeping in the cold than anywhere else if the entity had to make an opinion, of course, this humanoid entity was non-other than Asmodeus himself who was laying face first in a thick pile of snow, completely unconscious.