According to the contract [Part I]


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40 power stones= 2 chapter release

80 power stones= 4 chapters release

150 power stones= 8 chapter release

350 power stones = 14 chapters release

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.Trivia of the day #32: All of Asmodeus's kin Lesser or greater share his eye color as pink is the color that represents him


--Necroma Pov--


The sound of water could be heard splashing as a short Dark skin, pink hair demonic girl submerged herself in water.

This was, of course, Necroma who was indulging in a bath, as she soaks her exhausted body in the large pool outside in the backyard of Rize villa.

She watches the beautiful night sky from the depths of the pool, while she thinks to herself.

'What a day, it's already bad that I have to deal with that freak of nature Asmodeus, now his wife is tormenting me as well because I tried to kill him while he was unconscious, sigh what the hell did I ever do in life to deserve this treatment?
