Nero 2.0


Weekly goal

40 power stones= 2 chapter release

80 power stones= 4 chapters release

150 power stones= 8 chapter release

350 power stones = 14 chapters release

Start voting for more chapters guys.

.Trivia of the day #60: Asmodeus is the 2nd most twisted character in the series, he was created to embody all forms of Lust and desire, normally people view lust as just your typical sex between a man and woman, however, Asmodeus's Lust is vile, inhumanely wrong, disgusting, wretched and cruel, and it is not like he can't tell right from wrong, he is aware of all his wrongdoings, but that exactly what makes him sick in the head, as he simply doesn't care.


"Ryu Darling; my husband eternal, come on, let us make more children, let us make this bed dance with passion for all to hear our love, strip, stRIP, STRIPPPP!!!...