The Incubus Hates ‘Sweet’ Girls (1)

In a dark basement of an building…

…owned by those who made a living by hiding from the law, was a woman tied down to a chair.

In front of her weee many strong men.

Her eyes were teary. She struggled in vain. Unable to break out of the ropes that held her captive.

A heart bound by fear…

"So that asshole couldn't pay up, and gave up his daughter instead? I have to say... I wonder why he didn't give his wife as well~ Someone who gave birth to this beauty deserves some praise~!" One of the lustful men scanned her up and down.

Pretending to be a gentleman, but knowing that his crimes had no excuse in the eyes of humanity.

A fool might've actually believed that he was a decent person from his looks alone, but that was it.

Everyone seemed under that misconception.

That those who do evil deeds were different altogether. How could they possible be human?

Ignoring that even if humans can be born with hood hearts, they can also certainly be stained.

What was once pure can become corrupted.

Sins such as the lust in the man's eyes an example.

He looked over her like she was a particular fine delicacy. Eyes showing no hint of heart or empathy.

Everything about this girl could be considered to be 'perfect'. From her slender hips, to her bouncy breasts, to those impeccable lips that were just asking to be kissed. It was as if her hourglass figures was born to tempt in the opposite sex.

The man was like an animal in human skin.

Unable to contain his own primitive instincts.

The 'Bossman' who was in charge was more into blondes, yet even he couldn't help help but appreciate her looks despite the many other girls he had seen in this business. It was to the point he felt a tinge of curiosity. He gazed at the woman.

"Give me the details." Then asked around to find his answer among the words of his subordinates.

Mary Lockhart, a girl born into the family of a disharmonious couple. Broke up as soon as she was conceived. Her father was a religious fanatic who spent most his earnings on very suspicious items and merchandise instead of her education.

From what he could tell, she had a tough childhood filled with abuse and hardships. As the man was her father, she had worked hard to grow up into a fine young woman that could take care of him.

Such an innocent soul…

Did she never think of abandoning such a fool?

But despite the dumbfounding nature of her clean heart, reality wouldn't bend to her fickle whims.

Wasn't that how she was sold off?

The more he heard, the more he was intrigued.

Though it seemed crude to verbally speak all these details, they had no choice on the matter at all.

Creating any paper evidence of their illegal activities was banned by their organisation, it was always through this kind of oral communication that they passed on information in their heads.

Date of birth, qualifications, and other kind of things needed to be investigated and passed on to the man in charge, then they could move onto the next step. After all, it was common sense to make sure their victims had no backings of high stature.

There was a time when one of the Bossman's colleagues was 'executed'. The fool accidentally laid his hands on a frail woman of a more scarier figure in their organisation. The result was being tortured for a month before embracing death...

Anyway, details of the girls extended family tree and personality were even among the things he had listed out in front of him. Since different people investigated differently, they ignored double facts.

The Bossman was surprised that, despite many unnecessary hardships getting in her way, she was accepted into a 'Black Company' that worked their employees like machines for a barebones payment.

Ruining the efforts she put into her career.

The more he heard, the more he felt that this girl had some star of misfortune about her. Most of what he heard couldn't exactly be chalked up as being 'her fault' for being dragged here today.

Different from what he had initially thought…

She didn't get to choose her family, she had great results all the way to college despite her home abuse, and the only reason she couldn't get a scholarship or enter university was due to the people around her… rather than her own faults.

A rare type of misfortune.

It was pretty disturbing, but nothing that burdened the Bossman's conscience. After all, he wouldn't have kept his position if he felt bad for all of the girls he sold off as a sex trafficker of women.

Those who'd fallen into dept by their 'business loans'. In fact, that part was just a front for them.

The trafficking business was their main ring.

It was how they justified bringing the woman here.

Her father borrowed money, and now she was here to pay them back. Those ranked above him had even specifically targeted her family. Broken familial bonds where abuse happens are usually the best. A perfect delicacy for scum like them.

The Bossman was usually handling teenage girls and older wives, but that didn't mean he was incapable of adapting to the circumstances. They just had to do exactly as they had always done.

"Okay, time to inspect the 'goods'." He gestured to his men. They closed in on the trembling woman.

The Bossman walked up towards her until he was in front of her face, and his eyes were lifeless.

The man's thoughts were less on her looks and more on the condition of her body.

If her father knew of any illnesses or anything.

They weren't moved by the terrified and angry expression on her face. One of them whispered:

"If you resist us, I'll get these guys around me to gang rape you." His words struck her heart hard.

She was unable to even think anymore thanks to her raging emotions. The man took off the gag on her mouth. Her heart was filled with despair. The man untied her before making her stand up.

Right now she was in her work uniform: White shirt and black formal skirt with stocking. The only part of what she wore that clashed with her image was her old style, short heel footwear made for comfort rather than having great outward appeal.

As his subordinates took off her restraints, his hand grabbed onto her jaw as he spoke to her:

"I'll say it again. If you show any resistance, you can't blame us for getting 'rough' with you, bitch."

Mary's eyes turned even more empty. The man reached out towards her. She instinctively wanted to resist, but was unable to move after the man's coercion had took affect. The girl didn't make even a whimper, but tears still ran down her eyelids.

He unbuttoned her shirt one step at a time.

Taking off the first layer of clothing, revealing her ample chest in all its glory underneath some plain white underwear. There was a sense of immorality in the atmosphere as she covered her chest.

There were some men behind her that gasped, but not from her beauty. Rather, they were shocked to see something they didn't expect on her back. The Bossman lifted an eyebrow before circling her...

Once the 'thing' of her back came into view, even a normally emotionless monster like the Bossman was shocked for a brief moment... What he saw wasn't the pale white skin of coddled girl.

Instead, what he saw were markings of a satanic ritual sacrifice that were etched into her back.

It seemed his goons failed to get all the right information... Her father was fucking crazy!

"Erm... Is this going to affect her price?"

"This sure as hell will! Are you fucking retarded?!"

"Sorry, Boss... What should we do?"

"What CAN we do? Take out the camera and continue the second step. We need to send a decent 'scan' of her entire body, missing nothing in the process. The ones on the other side can deal with the rest." He ordered his lackeys once more.

The woman in the middle of these strangers couldn't help but feel like her life wasn't inside her own control anymore. Like always, she was being objectified by the men around her. The only big difference this time was she couldn't resist...!

The door out of here was locked, and she was like a rabbit surrounded by a pack of wolves.

Helpless to do anything as they continued to strip her one article of clothing at a time.

The sensual atmosphere of this 'strip-show' made a lot of them hard upon the sight, but they were 'tamed' by their organisation to the point that such horny emotions didn't cloud their judgement.

There was a procedure that had to be followed and a ticking clock that left no room for error. They might have isolated her from the world and were certain no one would look for her, but their 'buyers' liked 'clean girls' who had yet to be tainted.

The more the sexual tension built up, the more a supernatural element was arose in this room filled with immorality. No one in the room could sense that a demonic power was focusing on her back the more they leered at her with bad intentions.

Negative and evil energies were abundant in this room where many young girls were raped and abused, their despair and anguish had built up into this room to the point that not even the filthiest Demons could stop themselves from salivating...!

A whirlpool of energy silently formed on her back as the men in her surroundings continued to take her clothes off. The only person even slightly aware of what was happening was the woman herself.

As if by hallucination, she started hearing a voice:

"Oh worshipper of Lust, I accept your tribute. Do you dare to form a contract, therefore bringing me into the Mortal Realm?" A deep voice of a sinister entity entered her ear as Mary was being stripped.

After taking off her skirt, the man continued to take off her stocking in ruthless way. Ripping it off like it was no big deal piece by piece. Mary stood frozen in place by the fear. She didn't even care if she was going crazy anymore while nodding her head...!

The action being ignored by the wicked scum…

"You're good, this is how submissive you should act from now on. There will be a lot of customers wanting you from now on." The Bossman spoke after ripping off her stocking like an animal. Then he continued by going for her pure white bra next.

Suddenly, a change occurred at lightning speed.

A strange 'portal' opened up on the young woman's back.

Then one particularly murderous aura, unlike anything they ever felt before, froze them

A demonic figure ejected from her back, his eyes stared down on his 'offerings'.

The winged silhouette flapped his bat-like wings.

The criminals wanted to react and fight no matter what existence had appeared before them, yet their entire bodies were frozen as soon as this devilish entity landed before them gracefully.

"I accept these corrupted souls as an offering." A sinister voice entered their ears. The demon spoke to Mary Lockhart. Her shoulders trembled. She turned around to see a figure clad in black leather.

No, was that even leather? The clothing on his body seemed natural despite how revealing it was of his chest area and other parts, but what made her most stupefied was what happened next.

The 'Demon' that was summoned out of her back extended his arm before those large and burly men around her started to 'shrink' in size. Or to be more accurate, they 'withered up' as if their vitality was being drained. Then the demon licked his lips...

Not a drop of blood fell to the ground as a suction force from his mouth devoured them one by one as if he was eating snacks. This scene was so vile and revolting that anyone else would've run away.

Mary couldn't figure out what was fact or fiction anymore. She watched those men, those who forced her into this situation, be eaten by an even more devilish entity than they could ever imagine.

A feeling of gratitude arose in her heart. The terror stuck to Mary's nerves was put to the side for later.

Her eyes were clouded. The evil entity finished eating his 'offering' and turned to his summoner.

The eyes of the winged figure was apathetic. He approached her and looked into her eyes. Seeing that she still had enough clarity of mind to continue the ritual, he made a fake smile as he spoke:

"I am the Demon Marshal of the Lust Devil's Greater Army, Zephyr Montblack. You, human who has offered sufficient initial tribute, offering, and spiritual quality, may state what you desire in return for your soul." The Demon asked monotonously.

To him, this was business as usual. Though perhaps this kind of scene was a first for him.

Those who summoned demons were normally corrupted humans who have sunk down into the depths of depravity. They were the type to do anything for the sake of satisfying their 'Demons'.

As long as they could: Their wish of power, influence, or success will be granted immediately.

For an Incubus like him to be summoned, the lack of modesty for the summoner in question was always a matter of course.

After all, Lust Demons were mostly summoned by old men more often than not.

Those who had taken advantage of countless girls in their lives, like the 'customers' Mary was about to be sold to (gender doesn't matter to who exactly 'had sex with a large number of people without their explicit consent' before summoning), and specialised in making even the greatest 'fantasy' of their summoner come true, as long as they were willing to sell their soul for it!

"I want..." Zephyr listened to her closely.

She was speaking her innermost desire to him.

As a helpless woman that was almost taped, surely she would ask for her life to become better… or maybe even ask for something on the level of wanting all men to bow before her.

As someone of high stature among demons, he was ready to entertain his one-and-only summoner with anything that she could come up with.

"...a friend." Mary collapsed to her knees after she spoke and looked at him with great longing.

He had miscalculated greatly...! However, the contract was already made. He was a Demon of great pride that held great importance to individual sincerity no matter how rotten the desire. It would hurt his ego if he couldn't grant this simple wish.

He was EXTREMELY confused. That's why he decided to look into her memories first to figure out what this human defined as a 'friend'. Mary slowly lost consciousness as he spoke the last time:

"I accept your desire."

She was going to get corrupted by him anyway, so why not do that? It wasn't like he had a choice in it.

Zephyr accepted the terms of the contract.