Chapter I: The Mafia Boss Has Become A Traitor

The blazing midday sun shone in the Ammyrs empire, where all the people hurriedly ran in fear, hysterically escaping the place with their rattling feet. Turning the quaint town into chaos. A cursed demon had appeared. Every step it takes makes all the brick buildings crumble, the trees rot, and every person it passes by turns into ashes while their bodies rot and melt, leaving a gross scent of formalin.

While people are busy running for their lives, a frail, small-looking kid will see from a great distance, not so far from the scene. 

He wasn't scared; he did not even tremble, unlike the others. 

The frail little boy was not even a hero or a powerful being; in fact, he just arose from death.

A boy who was nothing special, but with the way he blocked the demonic beast, he was sure about one thing...

'If I only knew that I would die today...' 

A sigh came out of his mouth when an indignant roar from the demon echoed, but still, that was not enough for the boy to quiver.

He slowly approached it without much thought, facing the demon up close as he stared at it blankly. That's when he noticed its bloody red gem eyes and its gigantic size, which almost ate the whole little town. It was even wrapped in layers upon layers of bandages, and the dead scent of it will make you vomit as the dust from its body pollutes the air.


Called by the knight in the alley near the scene.

It made him smirk awkwardly, avoiding the man who was wearing an armored suit with an unwell feature.


"I should have fed them before leaving." 

He murmured as he stretched out his arms to the demonic mummy.

"Milord! Please feel no fear. I, the strongest knight, will come to save you!!!"

The boy looks at him with such displeasure.



He rolled his eyes and turned his gaze back to the demon.

While grinning at it, the look on his face was rather eerie.

"This is it; I can finally rest in peace!" 

He exclaimed in triumph.


As he closes his eyes, the demonic mummy turns into a billow of smoke and slowly enters his body.

The day before the chaos...

In the prodigous metropolitan city of Seoul, there was a man who ruled the mafia. 

A hunt among leaders to leaders, fangs to claws, they set traps to kill each other until one of the groups died to prove their success and power.

It was a quiet, spine-chilling night after the bloodlust happened in the remote back street; everyone was covered in blood, and the dead bodies of the enemy, who wore a polo shirt and a suit, were everywhere.

Once again, the clan of the strongest mafia succeeds.

Lee Hyun, who was destined to rule the clan from birth and was an infamous cold-blooded man with no hesitation to kill anyone, was currently standing in the dark alley, surrounded by the corpses of the people he had just killed, maintaining a nonchalant expression painted on his face while watching how the heads of his enemies separated from their bodies. 

He then gets a white handkerchief in his pocket and wipes off his hands, which were covered in blood.

Aside from being a sociopath maniac, Lee Hyun was also greatly known for having a prominent feature and a handsome face, but his emotionless appearance stands out more because everyone fears it.

"Boss, shall I bury the bodies?"


He glared at the man coldly.

"Burn it." 

A grin formed on his lips. before he strolled out of the scene.

As Hyun lit a cigarette and blew a sweet smoke into the air, he couldn't help but gaze at the sky with an empty look in his eyes.

"So tired..." 

He whispered as he gazed upon his reflection on the bus station that was built out of glass.

Seeing his reflection, he can't help but frown while covering his right eye with his hand as soon as he notices the big scar that was carved on his left eye. It was so big that it became the main reason for him to lose his vision.


It brought him back to his senses as soon as he heard his phone ring.

He sighed as he picked up the call.


"Boss! This is urgent! The vixrous clans have invaded our territory.!" 

The other guy on the phone blurted before he could even speak.

"Son of a Bxtch!"

It made Lee Hyun hurriedly run like a predator on the hunt. 

He passed through the snug part of the dark alleys and flickering lights before arriving at the shabby-looking building unarmed, and without a single thought, he kicked the door with great force, not expecting what was waiting for him.

"Happy birthday, boss!" 

He blocks his face with his hand as confetti, and the blinding light from the ceiling strikes his eyes. 


The grim tone of its voice consumed the place with silence.

As Hyun struts down towards the scene, he inhales one last time as he stubs the butt of the cigarette under his foot, which makes the other sweat like a candle, avoiding his eyes and being careful with their actions.


Where are those bastards?! "

He asked in a bitter tone that made everyone quiver.


Just then, a delinquent-looking guy covered in some weird tattoos snickered while a playful smile was painted on his face.

"Come on! It's your 28th birthday!"

"Isn't it a great time we get wasted?! ." 

He added, but as soon as Hyun turned his gaze at him, the guy's mouth immediately zippered, especially when he noticed Hyun walk straight towards him with a tense look in his eyes, which he avoided quickly, fearing that death was just in front of him.

Lee Hyun then lifted his head and blew the smoke right into his face, leaving a smirk before he tapped his shoulder.

'Let's hold back for now.' 

He demanded of himself.

"Pfft- hahaha-"

Seeing the guy with an idiotic expression made Lee Hyun laugh at him like a clown; even his evil laughter left the others no choice but to imitate his act, or else they would be leaving the place with their heads no longer attached to them, and on the bad side, something worse than that might happen.

Just like that, he left the scene, making the man look like a complete fool, which made him feel offended that he could feel his heart burning from hatred, especially seeing how Lee Hyun sat on the nearby sofa with a hint of disappointment drawn on his face while drinking with some harlot that was covered in thick makeup and keeps clinging to him like there was some kind of leech while watching how people dance and flirt with one another.

"Bastard! Don't think too highly of yourself, not because people look up to you.!" 

The guy with a fat figure murmured in anger as he walked in, dissatisfied.

Everyone he passes by completely avoids him as if he were some kind of dirt, and some can't help but murmur acidic things about him, which makes him furious.

When a young man serving a drink slowly passed through and accidentally bumped into him and poured the drink on his new branded tuxedo, his patience snapped, and he erupted like a steaming volcano.

"You little shithead! Do you think my clothes are cheap?!" 

He burst into anger that caught everyone's attention. The young man, who looked like he was in his 20s, immediately bowed and sincerely apologized to him, but then he used it as a reason to let out all his anger on him. 

He kicked and punched the teen aggressively, which made him fall and tremble on the ground.

'Kekeke, Lee Hyun, that bastard. How dare you look down on me?! '

He laughed in satisfaction as soon as he heard him beg that made his pride rise once again.

'Ha! When will this end? ' 

Lee Hyun holds his glass while watching how he fought like a boar.

'For God's sake, let me rest.'

He thought as he looked at the ceiling.

When the man was about to throw another punch, the server immediately tried to get up to avoid the attack, but then he lost his balance and stumbled into the man on the corner who was about to light a cigarette. To their surprise, the lighter that the man was holding immediately fell into the liquid with a strong sulfur-like smell and created a huge fire that made everyone rattle while others ran in fear.


All the people inside hurriedly ran out as the fire started to grow and rapidly consumed all the furniture inside the building.

The celebration turned into a big mess, but still, he didn't care; he was aware of what was happening, but he didn't give a shit or anything; he was just sitting calmly as he watched them leave. 

Some even shouted and tried to get him out of the scene, but they were so scared that they were going to die if they touched him.

With all the chaos, Lee Hyun just stayed calm while he got himself a glass of vodka and took a sip.

"The hell with this mess. I just wanted to rest."

He then leaned his back on the sofa as the hot, fiery thing devoured the whole thing out of him.

The fire was supposed to feel like hell like it was tearing his flesh from his body, but then a strange feeling covered him up. Instead, he felt a warm embrace that he had never felt before, as if he were being embraced by someone...

It was a hot, hellish night, like a plank of wood in the pit of fire, and the warm embrace he thought would stay slowly vanished like thin air as the comfort and warmth he felt turned into unbearable pain, as if his body were being torn apart, which made him groan in pain while cold sweat continuously came out of his body—or maybe it was just his thought. When the pain worsened, it made him want to open his eyes badly, not knowing that he would wake up from the nightmare he had never imagined.

'So, this is how it feels to be resting in hell.'

Lee Hyun absurdly thought, But as soon as he opened his eyes, the pain he was just feeling earlier magically disappeared.

"Ha—a dream?' 

He thought.

Sweat ran down his body immensely as soon as he woke up while holding his chest as he pants aggressively. When Lee Hyun decided to get up, he already noticed that the surroundings were different enough for it to be his room. His arms were even covered in bandages while he was lying on the sheep's soft wool, which was perfectly arranged inside the old, cramped tent.

While he was busy organizing his thoughts, he heard a loud stomp from outside that made him feel alarmed.

"Milord, you are finally awakened!"

The rough voice of a man in armor rushed at him.


When he entered the tent, Hyun stood up swiftly like a wind to throw a punch, but lost his balance and stumbled towards the wooden bed instead. Luckily, the man wearing a full armor quickly caught him and cradled his wrist, but after seeing a different reflection on the guy's rusty armor, left Lee Hyun in a bombshell. 

Well, not just that the surroundings have changed, but even his looks have become extremely different. 

Lee Hyun, who had a great build and muscular figure, has become a frail, small-looking kid with long, ash-silver hair and captivating smooth porcelain skin that is perfectly fit for a girl.

'This! This must be a dream... It can't be real.' 

His thoughts were puzzled.

"I can't be alive; I just died!"

Lee Hyun's eyes widen as his eyeballs tremble, looking at his reflection while his sweat runs down his body unceasingly.

He could not even describe what he was feeling, whether it was fear, anger, or disappointment. 

"Milord, is there something wrong?! Are you feeling alright?!"

The man was shocked to see his gloomy expression.

Who would ever be happy seeing weird clothes, unfamiliar scenery, and hearing an unknown language he could unbelievably understand—that even the faces he didn't know and hadn't seen before cared for him—just like in the books, he was possessing the unidentified body of a child.

When Lee Hyun came to his senses, he hardly slapped the hand of the guy who had been cradling him until now.

It even echoed inside the tent before the guy in a tunic entered with a smile. It was so bright that it faded quickly as soon as he saw the boy with a murderous expression looking at the man in full-bodied armor.


Without emotion or care, he looks at the two with a soulless expression on his face.


The two turned pale as his voice sounded so serious.

"Who in the world am I?" 

The voice of a boy who was supposed to be sweet, like his appearance, now sounded like a hopeless ghost that had been lost in time.

It made the two look at each other and sigh.

"Milord, you are Khalid De'l Urchtdorf, the second prince, and the traitor of the Ammyrs empire."