Clash of Cleverness (II)

Crowd of reporters clustered the police vehicle Murphy entered, trying to get the biggest news in town, but policemen kept pushing them away. The car gradually set in motion. On a handcuff, Murphy seated in between sheriff and another officer at the back seat. More police vehicles followed them from behind. Getting to the station, Murphy sighted through the car glass to see another crowd of reporters already waiting for them. He smiled for the second time because even at a bad record he still wanted to be heard from as a teacher. Therefore immediately he stepped out on cuffs with men holding him like a criminal, one of the reporters stretched his mic.

"Teacher, what do you have to say about your arrest?" he asked him.

"Move back!!" Policemen pushed the poor reporter away, struggling to pass through with the suspected murderer. Yet, they remained stubborn.

Another stretched her mic too. "Teacher, you were caught smiling on a camera. What's behind your smile?"

"Teacher, is it true you're responsible for the death of ten men?!" Another asked him.

Lastly, a young beautiful lady, stretched her own mic more than others. "Teacher, you remained indoors for seven days. Why?"

"I said move back!!" a policeman pushed the poor lady on the ground then released two bullets in the air which did not only scare some away but also reduced the noise.

Murphy stopped. With his two hands on cuff, he bent down to help the lady up. Of course flash light from different cameras captured it as the lady grabbed his hand then stood on her feet. She couldn't believe the act thereby rendering her speechless. She found the opportunity she had been struggling for to ask him a question, but suddenly became dumb.

Murphy stared into her eyes. "I remained indoors for seven days because i was using time to know time." he replied the lady with a smile. Peacefully, he passed her and others who never stopped asking questions until he found himself in an interrogating-room.

In the empty room, Murphy sat before a metal table. He could feel what his late teacher felt when he set him up. Remembering that, he sadly bent down his head. Sooner did sheriff entered with an envelope, flapped it on the metal table and sat opposite the president. Murphy raised his head up. Their eyes caught like the intersection of two ray of light passing through a pathway.

Sheriff opened the envelope as he began with each picture he brought out. "This is Christopher, robbed and murdered by burning. Your finger print was found on a gas cylinder at the crime scene." she brought out another picture. "This is Ayomide and many more, died through the same process and your print discovered at all scenes. With all due respect, teacher Murphy, why did you do this?"

Murphy kept staring at her.

"Teacher Murphy?" she called again.

The young boy cleared his throat. "I'll only speak in two conditions." he said.

"I'm not even granting you one."

"Then I'm not saying anything."

"Okay," she stood up. "Call your lawyer because we shall see in court." she began to go away.

"What if I tell you that these men are not dead?" Murphy's voice interrupted her. She surprisingly turned in a slow movement.

"What are you talking about?" she asked.

"Do you want to know? Then my two conditions remains."

Sheriff exhaled, "Fine, shoot." she sat back down.

"The mass needs to be tutored." Murphy began like his late teacher. "They need to have the knowledge on how to tackle issues. They need to be exposed to the ways of the brain for it's the master key of life and death."

Sheriff rolled her eyes. "You're beating around the bush, Mr. president. Are you saying i should get the mass for you?"

"I'm saying you should get the press here to broadcast what I'm gonna say live to every home. Secondly, I need my brothers and sisters present here too."

Hearing that, sheriff remembered teacher Nwachukwu who made same request when he was captured. So she wondered what binds all of them together. Notwithstanding, she made a call. Within a twinkle of an eye, Murphy's request was granted.

Daniella first entered into the room, followed by Dave before Vivian whose eyes caught with Murphy's. Her heart began to beat like a drum. Already, camera has been mounted as if a movie was to be shot.

"Okay, Mr president, may we proceed?" Sheriff broke the silence.

Murphy stood up still on cuff. He glanced through the people he called siblings to see them staring at him as if he was a magician. He turned to the camera boldly, his eyes fierce like a predictor and his voice confiscated like that of a military commander.

"I am teacher Murphy, I may not know my descendants but I know only one man who made me who I am today. I may not have his blood but his knowledge flourishes in me. I am not only innocent for the act I am allegedly arrested for, I'm also the saviour of the innocent because those who you think that died throughout the days are not dead but alive, saved by me..."




It was a time ghosts operate, a weary and scary night when two armed robbers berged into the house of a family man, Christopher. After robbing, the old man was taken out on a ride, tossed into a nearby bush.

"Please, don't kill me!" he pleaded.

One of the men aimed his gun at him while another brought down a gas cylinder and a litre of fuel. Suddenly, another four men appeared from behind, aiming their guns at them.

"Do not look back, slowly put your guns down." One of the four men instructed.

The two men did as they said. They were tied and taken into a different car. However, Christopher had been rescured and also taken away. They gathered part of his clothes, poured fuel on it then made a lighter lit....




"Boom!" Murphy flipped his fingers as he kept narrating. "Empty clothes were set ablaze. That's why, you, sheriff, was so stupid to discover my finger print on the cylinder but never discovered the bones of the claimed burnt man. You think!!." he flipped his fingers again as he continued..




The four men got to a point, released the two men at gun point again saying, "You'll go back to your boss, tell her that your operation was successful. If you dare go contrary to this, you and your families are gone!"

The two men frighteningly concured, running for their dear lives.

In the same manner, the four men turned to Christopher saying, "Though you'll be alive but you'll be announced dead and burnt for the mean time"

"Who are you people?" the old man asked them.

"We're the hidden camera." They replied.




"This same process applied in all the ten persons who you think are dead. They are not dead, but alive." Murphy paused as all listened at every home in the city and the country entirely.


His statement shut everyone up except Bolaji who shouted with hands on his head. "Heeeeyy! I told you this boy is a wizard!!" he pointed at Erika as they were still at the round table watching Murphy on the television. Amandi looked at her too. "Are you aware of this, young girl?!" he asked her fearfully.

Erika never uttered a word, watching and listening to Murphy.


Back to the station, Obi had started smiling at Murphy's cleverness while sheriff stood up from her seat saying, "Then how come your finger prints were discovered there?"

"Because I was set up." Murphy replied.

"How? By who?"

"By the same person who sent the two men to carry out the operations. But never to worry, she has been apprehended like a rabbit caught in its hole. Boom!" he flipped his fingers again.


Before Erika and her men comprehended Murphy's last statement, the door of their hideout broke open by gunmen.

"Put your hands up in the air!!" one of them shouted.

"Eeeewwwwuuu!! I said it!" Bolaji shrieked with hands up thereby giving his agbada the resemblance of a flying bird.

Erika never hesitated to raise her hands too , still listening to Murphy.


"This very person will not only be charged for assault by challenging me, the president, she will also be charged for attempting murder and thuggery! She thinks she had won but I was always ahead of her plans, decoding her next move and destination." The young teacher paused again unabashedly. Just then, all the ten men who were believed to be dead came into the room too in a straight line accompanied by a policeman.

Sheriff shamefully observed them then turned to Murphy. "How did you sit at a place seven days to know the plans of your enemy?" she asked amazingly.

"Time is relatively proportional to event. Therefore, for you to know time of event of your enemy, you get to spend time too to reset your camera. For the enemy comes to kill and destroy but I came for you may have life and knowledge to the fullness." He turned to his fellow teenagers. "Why did I come?" she asked them.

All began to smile because that question did not only remind them of teacher Nwachukwu, it also reminded them of his first desirable lesson. One of his statement came like a sound wave in their minds after he would flip his fingers: "... wake up before you drown in your own initiatives..!"

Already, Judith had started shedding tears followed by Cynthia before Daniella and Ada began to battle with theirs.

"Why did I come?" Murphy repeated in tears too.

"Because you love us" they replied in unison.

"Love!" Murphy turned to sheriff with a finger prostrating forward like a teacher. "Love is the key to peace because you don't kill who you love, you don't hurt the person, you don't set their buildings ablaze, you don't plan evil against them. Love is what we need in our relationships, our families and our country at large." he concluded.

Just then, Erika and the carbinate members were pushed inside the police station on handcuffs. Her eyes caught with Murphy who smiled mockingly at her. He silently walked to her, deep his hand inside his pocket, brought out the pendant and handed it to her before going back to his initial position. When Erika saw her mother's image on it, she began to shed tears. She also understood that Murphy knows who she is.

"These are the enemies, sheriff" Murphy continued. "And the small one is the one who set me up. Now uncuff me to go show my people practical love" he concluded stretching his hands forward.

Everywhere remained calmed. They could hear people from nearby homes shouting, "Release him! Release him!!" the voices extended to other far away homes and outside the station.

Sheriff shamefully uncuffed him. "I'm very sorry, Mr. president, my teacher." she apologized.

As usual, Obi became the first to hug him tightly. "I love you, man" he said.

Murphy smiled, patting his back like a titled man. Others followed suite.

Stepping out from the police station, crowd of people as populated as the sand on the ground was discovered, shouting and hailing teacher Murphy. Some fainted trying to touch him while many shed tears at the sight of him.

"Teacher Murphy!!"

"I love you, teacher Murphy!!"

"Teacher, come let's spend time to know time, please!!"

They were all shouting as Murphy and his siblings were being guided towards Nwachukwu's limousine until they entered and zoomed off to the white house.

The orphans assembled round a table in the white house as Murphy directed. It has been a surprising day for them all, waiting for who would break the silence. Suddenly, they saw their teacher shedding tears and began to look at one another, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Murphy, what?" Cynthia asked him.

"Teacher never stayed alive to see his child. What a pity?" he replied bitterly.

"You mean teacher Nwachukwu?" Daniella asked. "And what child?"

"Erika, the one I handed the pendant to. She's his daughter." he sniffed, drying his tears.

"No wonder! She had his resemblance!" Judith observed.

"But the question is, is she aware? If truly she's a seed from teacher, she doesn't deserve to be in jail" Dave substantiated.

Murphy stood up while they stared at him to take a decision. He walked behind his table, directed his eyes to Vivian who bent down her head. "Why did you run out from my room seven days ago, Vivian?" He asked her.

She raised up her head. "I resigned. You didn't here it?"

"I was in a deep thought that I couldn't hear you. Why?"

All remained quiet, waiting for Vivian to reply, but the table was as cold as ice.

"Is okay." Murphy flipped his fingers then a guard brought a bunch of money to him. He walked to Vivian and stretched it to her saying, "You really helped me to figure out many things. This is my small appreciation"

She glanced at the money. "You're welcome, but I'm not taking that. Thank you." she rejected it

"Let me keep it for her. She's money-phobic now" Obi grabbed the money from his hand while others smiled.

Murphy walked back behind his seat where he could see every person's face. "Truly, no other persons can run this country with me than you all. Join me to make this world a better place." He announced.

"Like your carbinate members?" Obi asked.

"Sure" he smiled.

"That will be cool!" Dave concured.

"I'll make the news public soon then we commence. As for now, go home and rest except Obi"

Obi turned. "No rest for me?" he asked.

Murphy smiled.

All left except Obi who the president sat closely with like a father about to advice his son. The close range even got Obi surprised, wondering about its outcome.

"Murphy, is everything okay?" he suspiciously asked him.

"Yeah, just wanna tell you something." He learned forward with a lower voice. "Teacher made me promise to find all our parents except yours."

"Why?" Obi frowned his face.

Murphy took a deep breath saying, "Because your parents were murdered by arm robbers a few months after you were born. But you found favour in his eyes."

Hearing that, tears circulated in the eyes of the young boy, so Murphy felt his pain. "I'm sorry, man." he consoled and embraced him where the tears began to drop on his shoulder as Obi cried silently like a man.

"Is okay, man. We will always love you." Murphy concluded.



Days later, like a kungfu pounder, the door of Vivian's room was pushed open by Dave. The young girl jumped on her feet, wearing a knicker and a crop-top.

"Dave, what has come over you? When did you lose your manners?!" She shrieked.

Dave widened his eyes like a traditional chief priest, detecting the presence of an evil spirit. "Haven't you heard?" he said.

"Heard what?"

"That Murphy is in the hospital at the point of death! He had a drastic accident!"

Vivian gasped with hands covering her mouth. Dave ran out instantly followed by Vivian without minding her dressing.

"Dave, wait for me!" She shouted, running like a woman, flapping her breats and quirming her buttocks in a short jean.

Dave handled the steering wheel until they entered into the hospital. One could see them running up a staircase where they met a female receptionist.

"Where is the ward our president is admitted?!" Dave asked the lady who swiftly stood up.

"This way." she pointed at a direction.

Stepping into the ward, they slowed down to see it dark and lonely like a creepy residential evil. Vivian located Dave's presence.

"What's going on Dave?" she whispered.

Instantly, a dim colourful light shone all over the room and artificial flowers raining down from the roof like snow. Yet, they saw nobody. Vivian held Dave tightly because it was becoming more creepy. Suddenly, Murphy came out in a black suit, knelt at a distant and brought out a sparkling diamond ring.

"Oh, my God!" Vivian exclaimed, unconsciously throwing her phone on the floor and holding Dave tightly.

"I'll be stupid to see the future plans of my enemies without seeing your heart." Murphy began. "I come to you as a common man not as a president, asking you to marry me, Uche Vivian. Please, be the mother of my children let us grow old together."

Already, Vivian had started shedding tears without letting go Dave's arm.

"Go on, dear." he whispered into her ears.

Gradually, she released his arms, walking towards teacher Murphy until she stood before him with that tears. "Yes, I'll marry you." she stretched forth her fingers where Murphy placed the ring. A bright light which subdued the colourful one shone inside the room and people from nowhere began to clap. Vivian looked around to see Daniella and others there, even doctors and nurses who witness the romantic event. She turned to Murphy and hugged him tightly which he reciprocated.

"Wait, where did you get the surname, 'Uche?" Vivian asked him.

Like a stopping rain, the clapping hands gradually died down. Murphy stepped away for Vivian who saw a man and a woman.

"His name is Uche and he's your father. The woman beside him is your mother. For behold you were dumped but found favour in the eyes of teacher Nwachukwu." he explained.

The joy in Vivian's heart couldn't be measured at the moment so her legs became weak to carry her body. She saw herself falling down but caught by Murphy who pulled her up again. When the parents approached closer, she embraced them, crying seriously on their shoulders. The emotionally feeling circulated the room like am air born contagious disease thereby making everyone to shed tears.

Cynthia hurried out of the place. When Daniella saw her, she ran after her. "Cynthia!" she met her at the staircase. "Where are you going? What's the problem?" she asked, standing few steps away from her.

"I'm going home, Ella, and... and... I'm done. You know what I mean." Cynthia wanted to rush down but Daniella grabbed her hand restrictedly.

"But why, Cynthia." she asked.

"I need a man, Ella!"

"But we can still get married and adopt a child."

"Are you insane, Ella! Let me go!!" she forcefully withdrew her hand from hers, running out of the hospital while Daniella became sad, shedding tears on the staircase.



The Sun had gone down, the wind swept from the east, and the weather became cold. However, Murphy had released Erika who became part of the big family. Both could be seen climbing an uncompleted several storey building in a hurry that evening. Getting to the top, they saw Daniella about to commit suicide by jumping down from the building with tears in her eyes.

"Ella, don't do it! You have several reasons to be alive." Murphy spoke up.

"Look around you and see what the world has in stock for you. Does it worth leaving behind?" Erika added as both were gradually moving forward, but Daniella never looked back. Though the two teachers never hesitated to inspire her respectively.

"Ella, be the driver of your own life!"

"You are the pilot of your own plane!"

"All you need do is to set the car in the right direction. Do not expect anybody to drive you because only you know your way!"

"The sky is a large place to fly a plane. It becomes all yours when you fly and you determine who flies with you or not. All you need do is to push up the 'handy-thing' for the plane to take off!"

"Be the master of your own mind, Ella!"

"Do not allow anybody to control it for you. Reshape it!!" Erika flipped her fingers.

"Your destiny is in your own hands, and this is not it. Come, my dear." Murphy slowly touched her shoulder. With heavy tears, she turned immediately and hugged him tightly crying like a baby on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Murphy, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She cried.

"You're save with me now." Murphy began to pat her back gently to see Erika smiling happily. So he smiled back at her....