you guys are so if i believe
in ghosts or spirits and i thought it
would be really unfair to answer it in a
yes or no let's start this story from my GIRLFRIEND POINT OF VIEW
so i asked you guys if you would want to
you know listen story about
ghosts or spirits or my beliefs and my
and so here we are
i am literally sitting down here today
and i'm going to be discussing
all of my supernatural experiences
and i hope you guys are ready for it so
without wasting anymore time
let's get started i'm just gonna get you
guys a little closer this
feels a lot personal in a way like i'm
sitting close to you
and telling you all of these stories so
anyway where do i begin there's not
going to be any flow to my video today
always i never have any flu to my videos
but i'm just going to be
uh randomly talking about my experiences
some experiences that
have literally made me question my
belief in
supernatural stuff so before we get
started let me quickly clear a few facts
about me
i am a very dipper person okay like i
get scared easy
um also like i'm not scared to sleep
alone in the dark room
like with my lights off and everything i
generally prefer to like
switch off my lights but if i'm like
alone or like by myself in the entire
house then i would want to have like one
light on
somewhere probably in the fall but not
in my room so just a little
like you know to make it like a little
less creepy that face
i'm going to take you guys back to the
days when i was a teenager and this was
literally my first ever experience
which was so real like i still remember
it so clearly
because it was like too real okay so
this one time i was alone in the house
like i said like i just come from
somewhere so i went
to my room and i shut the door okay and
i'm completely alone like there's nobody
else in the house it's just me but still
i went to my
room and i shut the door uh because i
wanted to change okay
and uh within that moment like within
30 seconds of me shutting locking the
i heard somebody run
from my uh you know my mom's room
and literally run and bang the door
and then you know just whatever that
thing just ran away and i could i could
sense it like i could sense there was
something in the room
in the house not in the room but and i
could do it the door was
locked and this is real this is 100 real
and i was completely in my senses
and i'm not lying about anything okay i
felt it so strong like i
felt the footsteps i felt you know like
as if somebody's running in the house
how are you
how you know you know there's somebody
running in the house and everything i
actually knew there's somebody like
somebody just ran across the hall
and just banged at my door and then ran
i don't know the point i have no idea
bro i know it's very difficult to
believe what i'm telling you right now
and i don't even expect like a major
chunk of you guys to believe what i'm
saying but it's what
happened to me okay and then i froze i
literally froze right there i couldn't
move for like a good
30 seconds somehow i gathered some
strength when another razakullah i saw
left right
and i was just waiting for my mom to
come home i stood there
for like i was just standing at my main
i'm just gonna run you know i was ready
to take off any second of that happened
but uh yeah it didn't happen again
and that was a very real experience i
know my house isn't haunted because
literally nothing of that sword has
again with me or with my family um
in the house so yeah it was just one of
the experiences i feel like it was a
glitch in the system you know what i
i think i have another instance from my
old house it's
literally the same house where i will be
making my new studio set up
and i realized i'm scared now so this
one time i legit experienced
sleep paralysis uh you guys can google
what sleep paralysis
is but it's too real it's it's real as
in like you're awake you are
semi-conscious like you're somewhere in
the middle like you're awake
and you're not awake and in that in that
you are not able to move your body like
you want to move your body you want to
run you're so scared
uh or you want to just uh you know wake
up but you're not able to do it because
your body is just in that state where it
can't move no matter how hard you try
you're just not able to move right
so this one time it happened where i
felt like there was
an old man uh who's crying next to me on
my bed
like you know uh like i'm sleeping like
this and he's just uh
sitting uh where my feet are and he's
crying and then there is this kid who's
playing something
now this could also be because i used to
watch a lot of horror movies i used to
love this show called supernatural and
all of that so i used to watch a lot of
okay so i think it could be because of
that my brain was just like you know
like replaying stuff from the movies and
from the shows or whatever so i think i
i genuinely just want to blame it on
that and just be chill about it
but anyway the paralysis part of it was
very real because
i could not move me and my brother we
used to share the same room
and his bed was literally like you know
it was there
and there was this space in the middle
where i literally
felt like this kid is playing with his
ball okay
and i wasn't able to move and there's
this old man who's crying
and i'm i'm sleeping like this like you
know i'm sleeping literally like this
where i can sense something is happening
and i'm not able to move myself
i think after a while so i shut my eyes
and after a while um i think i woke up
and i went to my mom's room it took
a lot oh no oh no so i asked my brother
to drop me to my mom's room which was
just literally the next
room so i asked him to like you know
walk me to my mom's room and then i woke
up my mom and then i hugged her and i
slept so this is what i do gently when
i'm scared
i go and sleep with my mom even today if
i get like a very bad
or dream or something i'll just go to my
mom and
not hug her or anything i'll just sleep
next to her it just feels safe somehow
it's just comforting okay like
whatever now out of both these instances
the sleep paralysis while i still a
little questionable because i was
sleeping so what if i
you know all of this was just a dream
and i couldn't really tell because it
i mean it felt so real that i thought
probably this wasn't a dream so
i don't know i mean although the
paralysis part of it felt too real
and i had to wake my brother up to like
you know uh whatever
leave me to my mom's room whenever uh
you know anything of this what has ever
happened i have told my parents about it
like both these instances
i have spoken to my parents about and
they've literally just dismissed me
saying that it's nothing you're just
overthinking which i would really love
to agree and just
settle on like okay fine probably i was
overthinking probably i was watching a
lot of
um you know horror movies and stuff and
it happened okay i do not want any
i am not seeking any answers i'm not
uh you know reasons as to why it
happened like i'm good bro like how good
it happened it happened like let's just
forget about it okay i'm not
here to like question things oh yeah
take it now there are a few other
which are i mean they just
they're not like you know i've had like
some spiritual experiences i would say i
wouldn't call them as like you know
haunting haunted experiences or anything
like they've not scared me
uh but just some very weird and very
okay i'm gonna tell you guys what it is
and then you guys can just take a call
whatever you want to call it okay
so uh so the first time it happened was
when i was a teenager
and i had a cousin brother who used to
love me and my brother too much so
whenever he would get
uh some free time he would just come
over and he would take us around and you
know just take us
out for ice cream or like just uh you
know take us to the beach or something
like that
he was that fun brother okay and we used
to play with him a lot and he used to
enjoy spending his time with us and all
he was a very good person uh but
unfortunately he died in a road accident
because i was too young to attend his
uh me and my brother obviously we didn't
go my mom went and my dad wasn't home
um i did not know that you know his
ashes were actually taken in
our car in my car i did not know that
absolutely my mom did not tell me nobody
told me okay
but i got this dream immediately the
same night
that he's crying in the car and uh it
was a very
very like you know he i mean he was so
full of life and this good good good
kind human
always helping others and you know
everything and
it was very unfortunate whatever
happened to him and he was just crying
in the car
and he was sitting at this one right
side corner
and he was crying and i clearly remember
in the dream i'm telling him
and i remember it very clearly okay and
the dream then just shifted like it just
changed to something else okay
but i remember this clearly and then i
told my mom the next day that you know
this is what happened and whatever
and she's like uh probably you're
overthinking and because you know it's
all too real it's all like you know
happening everything is happening around
you so probably that's the reason it
happened and i was like okay fine
whatever so then and again
after a few months i get another dream
where my cousin um
meets me at gurudwara and this time he's
all dressed
and it felt like he had made his piece
with whatever happened
and um you know and i'm sitting in this
one corner where i can see him
properly and then he looks at me he
smiles at me he weighs at me and he
leaves okay
so that that just somehow gave me this
message that he has probably
um accepted whatever has happened and
he's just moved on and it was a very
feel good sort of a dream i woke up and
i could remember every single detail of
the dream
and um yeah i mean it just um
that was it that was it and i told my
mom about it and she was like okay
that's a good thing you know he's moved
and just don't think about it and i
didn't think about it you know like i
mean i
whenever it happens i don't think about
it it just i mean it's just that in the
morning i always remember it
but i don't i don't sit and think about
it okay now another instance that
uh was that my nanaji actually passed
long back but i got a dream um
this is just like i think three four
years back
i got a dream where he's in a gurudwara
that i've never seen before okay but i
can actually tell the entire day out in
the dream
and he's sitting outside and he's
sitting there and he's having lunch
okay and um my mama ji and everybody
they're all doing seva inside and
i'm i'm in and out that place like i can
see what's happening he's sitting
outside my mom and she cannot see him
and everything
and i'm just asking him to like you know
come join us inside why you sitting
and then he's like no i'm fine and
everything and that's
literally it that was the dream and then
visited my mom's place um just
after that dream like uh six seven
months after that dream and i
i and they took me to this one gurudwara
which was very coincidental
like we had no plans of going it was
just on the way
and uh it was very close to where my mom
lives okay like my mom's house
and my nani was with me and then i told
her and then when i went to that
gurudwara i was like bro
this is literally that gurudwara what
are you kidding me right now so these
are just two of the dreams that i'm
telling you but
over the years i've realized that um
i do get dreams of people that i've
when they were alive and um you know
when they pass on
it they just kind of briefly come to my
dream to just
give a message i don't know if that's a
message or you know it's
it's i don't know what it is although
you know i never wake up with a bad
feeling i am never scared
even in the dream itself they never make
me feel uncomfortable or scared
or whatever i'm pretty sure it's
something out of my own thoughts or
something like some very
uh unconsciously i think about these
things and you know it happens
um so i don't really dwell on these
things the way i look at these things is
energy never truly dies and you know
it's the bond the love that you share
with someone
that can never die it's so strong it's
so like
it's real the energy is so strong that
even when you physically die
the energy really just wants to come
back and tell you that you know it's
it's all fine it's it's okay and
they just somehow try to connect or like
you know try to
pass on that message however that they
can and probably
you know they're you know they somehow
find a way through in my dreams or
something like that i don't know and
just not me i'm pretty sure a lot of
people get it so i think
it's not even that you know i pass on a
message or anything i just
pray for them that you know um i hope
they move on to a better place and they
find peace wherever they are
and that's it like whenever that happens
the next day i don't feel
exhausted i don't wake up feeling
exhausted or like tired or like
i don't feel heavy or lethargic or
anything of that sort
uh because i did try reading about it
and people who are really psychic
they actually feel a lot like they're
drained of their energy when something
like that happens but i'm not bad
and neither do i and neither do i want
to become any of that
um i just want to stay away from all
this to be honest but
joby whatever little experiences happen
they happen and um
i don't shy away from telling it to my
friends and everything because i feel
the more i tell probably it'll not
happen you know so if i'm telling you
guys i'm just hoping that
i don't get these dreams ever please do
not say that you know she's lying
or anything i wouldn't do that it's
literally i mean
i don't really you know i don't want to
lie about these things i think it's very
um it would be blasphemous to actually
lie about such dreams
uh at least for me so i wouldn't do that
but it's up to you to believe or not and
completely understand if you know you do
not want to believe me that's completely
100 okay with me
i'm not here to like make you guys
believe or like um
you know understand what it is or
whatever please do not just
watch this video for what it is and then
just completely forget about it
don't think about it don't go and google
search about things you know
it doesn't make sense just the more
unaware you are
the best because i was very curious at
one point and i used to start looking
you know i used to start googling stuff
and then i realized why i used to start
interpreting all my dreams and all that
and then i realized dude i don't think i
want to get down that road so i just
struck myself so yeah i mean to answer
your question i
do believe in energy i don't believe in
ghosts or spirit i don't believe in like
negative energy positive energy i cannot
really differentiate i cannot really say
because i haven't had that kind of
but what i do believe in is um
energy i believe in energy i don't think
energy ever dies
and probably um you know energy always
wants to stay around you