
"Stop being so naive, Sam," Abby scolded as she pulled me into the spacious corridor, shops aligning both sides. I really wanted to stay home, and enjoy the evening in the comfort of my own home. But no, I had to come. There's a major selloff and we simply can't miss out on the bargains, she said. Now I'm standing in the brightly lit shopping area, not like I had any other choice in the matter. It's bustling with people. Much to loud to my comfort. We made our way forward and up the escalator. On the second floor we quickly reached our destination. I slightly bumped into a stranger as we entered the shop. "I'm sorry," I mumbled a soft apology as I turned my attention towards the person. I lost myself in a pair of chocolate brown eyes. So deep and mesmerizing. His hair is a peculiar shade. A light purplish colour, but it fits him like a glove. Somehow he reminds me of a Japanese anime character, who walked right out of the pages of a manga. Suddenly glad that I've left that annoying piece of device at home. My father would surely disown me if he even saw me talking to someone of his calibre. He's much taller than I am, yet his towering figure makes me feel safe. The stranger rewarded me with a kind smile, and showed off his perfect dimples. I want to swoon at his image. His friends urged him on, as the one who stood the closest to him nodded in my direction. Abby pulled me away. I looked from over my shoulder and stole a final glance before he disappeared out of my line of sight. "What the hell was that?" My friend spattered to my dismay. I exhaled loudly, trying to control my heartbeat. It feels as if I've just run a marathon. I pushed my cold hands against my cheeks. Its burning up. She shook her head in disbelief. "Your father is going to kill you," she just had to remind me. What is wrong with her? Why did she have to point out that little fact?

I were absentmindedly out of character for the rest of the day, and Abby were quick to notice. Involuntarily the stranger's gorgeous brown eyes popped into my mind. His dimpled smile. His towering figure. My stomach topsy-turvy. My breathing in an uneasy mess. Why am I feeling like a schoolgirl? Abby pointed out that my cheeks is flaring up again. I look nervously down at my feet. I inhaled deeply and convinced myself that I can do it. The probability that I will ever see him again, is next to nothing. My heart shattered at the mere thought of never seeing him again.